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T4T: Rose Tint My World

Site Update

Goto News Post

Trash For Treasure has some new delights for you!

Summer is undoubtedly here for the Northern Hemisphere, and as we all endure (or in some cases might even enjoy!) the Summer Solstice today, it's a good idea to keep your eyes protected from the bright sunlight - and you should look after your HA's eyes too!

These lovely rose tinted glasses will do just the job, and are available until July 21st! Plenty of time to get a pair and rock them over the coming months - or pop them in storage for the Southern Hemisphere's sunny season.

Arachnophobes beware...

(Seriously, I know some of you are really not into spiders, so please be aware that a spider - albeit a really pretty one - is coming up.)




(Sorry, I know this is a long way to scroll...)




This is a friendly spider, but I know for some of you that doesn't matter! But if you're willing to give this little lady a chance I'm sure she'll spin you a summer romance!

This lovely fauna is also in stock until July 21st!

A quick note about The Bakery!

We wanted to give it a little time to get onto it's feet before we started to overflow it with goodies, but we are now accepting custom food items for the Bakery! Please keep in mind that it must abide by the custom food rules, and it must be something you'd find in a bakery! If staff deem it to not be suited to The Bakery the item will be put in either the Culinary Cache or Energy Emporium, depending on it being hunger or energy renewing.

We will also be moving a lot of existing baked goods and tasty desserts that fit the theme, so you always know where to get your next macaron!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:38pm

Comments: 20

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


'· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´ [[ The w i n n e r s' edition! ]] '· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´


Aria ♥ Switch OFF (#1323) ............................................... Moirai (#73801) ............................................... Xethtine (#51645)


Silverstream94 (#24506) ............................................... Sporadic Internet (#5121) ............................................... csgardener (#12852)

Congratulations to all of our winners!
I will be sending out your customs momentarily.

Check the news post below for some exciting KB article news!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:07am

Comments: 11

Knowledge Base

Site Update

Goto News Post

Just a quick note that we're starting some work on the KB today - we're adding new categories, moving things around so things are actually useful and find-able in there.

The actual content of the articles will not be changing at this time. If any articles are changed beyond typos, or image and link corrections, we will make an amendment to this post letting you know which and what the change was.

"Custom Rules - Illustrated" - error banner acknowledging broken images
"Crystal Check" - error banner acknowledging broken images; removed "Legacy CC" links as they are no longer accessible
"HTML Codes and Features on the Site & Forums" - Attempted to fix and update article. Updated several times this evening!
"The Basics of User Predictions" - Set private due to incorrect information. Will put live when updated.
"Rules For Submitting User Predictions" - Removed link to above article until the information is corrected. Will replace when updated.
"Items that Breed Pets" - RBC section: Edited to clarify that RuBC hybrids cannot be an RBC outcome, and that Token genera ARE allowed as normal baby outcomes (sorry for that confusion, it seems that some things were updated and others weren't, but we've consolidated them to all allow).
Custom Item Submissions - Updated re: The Bakery, and updated the hunger/energy food shop names
Custom Rules - Illustrated - Being updated with images. No rules have been changed, but we have added more examples, and moved "Textures" to it's own section, to help make things much easier to navigate

Not a KB Update:
Updated the Genus Guide entries for Crystelid, Stellata, Oculi, to reflect that they can be bred with BCs for edited babies. I'm not sure why this wasn't in there to begin with. I'm not aware of any KB articles where this is/n't noted re: Rusted Hybrids, but if you find one, please let me know!

Oh, and please read the post below, especially if you want one (or more) of the exclusive retired-NPC key-fobs on limited offer!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:16pm

Comments: 22

Elves, Keychains and Maintenance!

Site Update

Goto News Post


All that green can only mean one thing... Aywas must be hiring new moderators!

Nope, gotchya~

We will no longer be hiring moderators! Instead we are hiring "Site Elves"! This is a new rank that will have different responsibilities than moderators. We need a helping hand, and so we are looking for lots of helpers! Site elves will be responsible for greeting new players, answering questions, monitoring KB articles and reporting when something is out of date. Then once we feel they have progressed enough, they will be able to join the moderator team if they wish!
You will not be required to become a moderator, and our current site helpers will be bumped into this position as well!
As such, we have updated the KB article to reflect all of this information and then some! So, if you are interested in becoming a Site Elf, please check it out and send in your application.

Even if you sent in a previous application, send in a new one!


Next up, we have a.. very special sale. You see, a little while ago Slash discovered he had Keychains made of several of his NPCs, and as part of their final Farewell, he offered to let me sell them. These are very limited edition, as we only have 13-16 of each type! Once they are gone, that is it.


You can find the Antique Keychain and Pair of Antique Keychains in the USD shop. Please send your keychains to Kaiyo (#489) along with your address and which NPCs you would like. Please remember, this is First Come, First Serve!

We also will include a free sticker for anyone who purchases 3 or more!


Small print rules: Only 1 Keychain of each character per person, so you cannot request 2 Chaos' be sent to you, etc. We want to share them with everyone!
These are, again, extremely limited, once they are out they are out.
If you buy one but your desired NPC is sold out, we will not be doing refunds, purchases are final.
Artist credit *cannot* be used to get any physical merchandise products.

Current Keychains in Stock at 4:00pm Aywas Time, 21st June
Spencer - 12
Rogue - 12
Chaos - 7
Zave - 10
Kaz - 9
Xero - 8
Tak - 11
Shoe - 10


We chose this time to also sell the Melo Figurines!

Since there are already Melo Figurine Items in users' inventory, these ones are handled differently. In order to claim one of the Melo Figurines, you have to send me your figurine and Mail me immediately, including a screenshot of your Paypal receipt with the date included, and your address. You have one week after purchase to turn in your Melo and send the PM, otherwise we may not honor your figurine!

These sales will go until we are all sold out of Keychains! These offers are valid for users outside of the US as well! We tried to balance the prices so that everyone can be included.


I also would like to remind you all that we will be having more downtime on the 25th! The site will go down at some point on that day, and while we are hoping for a seamless transfer, make sure that you have your PSD's you wanna work on downloaded, just to be safe!

Check below for some special Eve updates! (She told me to pin <3)

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:13pm

Comments: 34

Manju's Musings

New Game

Goto News Post

Hey guys! We're aware that Manju hasn't exactly been very talkative since the introduction of their new game. We've made some adjustments, and they should now be over their temporary bout of shyness. Because of the glitch, some users may find their game settings didn't reset at exactly midnight this morning. To counteract this, everyone's streak has been rolled back, so don't worry, it hasn't been lost! You must be sure to visit Manju before tonight's roll over, however, to ensure the streak continues. Once midnight AST comes tonight, the game should be back to working as intended.

Okay, quick update! [3:33pm]

Yasu figured what went wonky. You can play today if you haven't yet, and you can click again if you have. Even if you miss today you should be okay as tomorrow the scores will remain intact. Please be advised that from 00:00:01 Tuesday 20th June, the coding that will reset a missed day will come back into effect so you MUST click on Tuesday to keep your streak.

Fingers crossed this is the last hiccup - we'll have to tell Manju to not eat the cakes so fast to stop it happening again ;)

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:22pm

Comments: 65


Site Update

Goto News Post

Hey guys, just a quick update, many of you received a special gift however due to a mistake of my own the process timed out and a large chunk of the site did not. Please refrain from posting about it until we are able to fix this!

Yasu fixed my oopsie, everyone should have theirs now!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:53pm

Comments: 32

Adventure Pets


Goto News Post

"Hey-a, everyone! Have you noticed any of the beautiful pets that seem to have shown up in the regions recently? Be sure to snag them while you're out hunting for BP! ... It amazes me that I haven't been able to find Fluffy yet..."


In addition, the May pet coloration submissions forum raffle has been drawn!

Congratulations to Namine + Marluxia (#702) for winning a Bronze Custom Orb!

If you want to design some Adventure pets, go and post them in their respective threads here! There's also a chance that the designs accepted from that forum will go into the Pet Shop! Remember, you can earn SP!

If your design is now released as a site pet please contact me, Kousei (#25044), for your free copy.

Don't forget to check out the super amazing updates below, if you haven't already!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:34pm

Comments: 11

Character Musings on the Updates

Site Update

Goto News Post

Oh dear, it seems things went awry with the free food game for a moment - I tried to give you the food but it didn't leave with you!

The game was reset and works smoothly now, so if you've played already today just pop back quickly and see if you were affected. If you were, just talk to me again and everything will be right as rain!

It seems I'm on the fritz today - you're not supposed to get a plushie of me until day 31. It seems the new timer on that wasn't set, but never mind, dears! I hope you enjoy the early and unexpected release.

If you come and see me, there's a chance you might get a plushie of yours truly! Give it a zap!

Did someone say plushies?! I have the most adorable plushies of myself and Minerva! If you're lucky maybe I'll give you one or the other too - just don't tell Minerva, she thinks it's silly.

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:22am

Comments: 29

Goodbye To Old Friends

Site Update

Goto News Post

Hello dears, I'm sorry to appear out of season but I've been sent to you with an important message from the Lunaris Council, the governing body of this corner of the universe.

It's very possible you haven't heard about them since they have been mostly absent during the seven years that humans have colonised here on Ay and Ara. You see there were a few problems they've had to attend to in order to keep you all safe here, and because of that we - the Lunarii and the Shapeshifters - have mostly been absent. We've sent down contacts on a monthly basis for a long time now, and a few Shifters - like myself and Tech - have recently come to make our homes here.

What enabled us to do this was the presence of some people you have come to know well - Kaz, Shoe, Chaos and the others. They came here from their own world to look after all that lived here, and guide you beings that are so like their form in becoming settled, and in accepting people such as myself who are both humanoid and creature.

Now that the worlds are safe again, and that you have accepted us as we are, it is time for them to return home. They catch their transport home tonight at midnight to return to friends and family who miss them dearly, and the lives they have so graciously put on hold for so long to be here with you all.

We thank them for their services, their advice, and their love, and wish them well going forward.

So what does this mean for you?

Well, now that myself and those like me are once again able to be here, we're hoping to keep things running for you as you know them. There may be a few small tweaks, a little personalisation by each of us, but we will try to not rock the boat too much while you become more accustomed to us.

We're all very pleased to be here, and look forward to speaking and spending more time with you. We sincerely hope you feel the same.

As for the Lunaris Council... they are rather hands off and don't like to interfere in interplanetary affairs, but they are watching over us from the skies, keeping us safe as always.

Take care, my loves, and I will see you in February if not before.

Staff just have a few quick notes to add on to what Eryn has said.

We want to give you a list of what the games have been known as and what they are becoming as of tomorrow (June 15th), along with any extra notes we think you might want or need to know about the updated games!

- "Xero's Pet Research" will become "Dylan’s Pet Project". The game remains the same.

- "Axl's Pet Research" will become "Naoki’s Pet Research". It has been updated to show if you have the pets or not, same as the Aywapedia, and the pet name even links you to the Aywapedia so you can go in search of one to buy! Be careful though - the button to give up shows in the same place as turning in a successful trio, so watch what you're doing!

- "Scavenger Hunt" will become "Miksa’s Pet Bingo". The game is the same, but will bring back the old game mechanism where you cannot use "Search" or the Aywapedia purchase options to find a Pet ID.

- "Talk to Xero" will become "Manju’s Musings". Your old data will be transferred to the new game - but beware, the mechanic that resets your BP amount if you miss a day has been fixed! The day is counted as 00:00:01 to 23:59:59, so you can check in with them any time of the day, just so long as you don't skip it!

- Free Food will now randomise between 1 and 10 items for you, but still feeds all your pets.

- "Tam's Item Quest" will become "Pablo’s Item Quest". This too remains the same, but again has a click through to the Item Directory page for the item they want to make it easier to complete!

- "Kaz and Shoe" will now feature Rowan and Minerva! Our cutest Aywas couple will throw plant pots and blow kisses, and you might even get an item out of it!

- "Tak's CDs" will become "Tech's CDs". Once again the item name will click through to the Item Directory so you can see what they gave you!

- "Rogue's Zapping" will become "Ambriel's Alterations". Other than a new caretaker of the random result, the game will remain the same.

There's also new NPC Plushies for you to collect... Some of them come from the updated games, if you're lucky...

We will have more on those at a later date!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:32pm

Comments: 160

Reluctant Breeders


Goto News Post

We've just discovered that the "breedable" option was left off of the current USD SCC makers. This is a mistake on our part, that we have now fixed, but does mean that any customs made with the following items needs their breedability updated:

Demorona Horn
Feathered Brass Key
Gnawed Bones
Incubated Rooster Egg
Sun Crow Crown

If you have made a pet with one of these items please PM me with the ID of your pet and I will rectify that immediately.

We apologise for the inconvenience, and will work hard to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:57pm

Comments: 7