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Exotic Pet Palace Stock


Goto News Post


As some of you may have noticed, my Exotic Pet Palace has received a new stock of pets! They're eager and awaiting new loving owners!


In case you weren't aware, the Pet Shop is on a stock rotation schedule with the stock changing every 3 months. After the 3 months, the pets currently in stock will be permanently retired and a new stock will replace them. So get them while you can!

If you want to have the chance of getting a design of yours into the pet shop, go ahead and submit them to the Pet Coloration Submissions forum. Most of the submitted designs will be put into Adventure, but some random designs will be kept to go into the pet shop!

If your design is now in the pet shop please contact Kousei (#25044) for your free copy. That's right, if your design is accepted and put in the shop you get a free copy. That could save you a good amount of BP!

Don't forget to check down below for an important reminder regarding the Pool Party event, too!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Wed Jul 5, 2017 8:07pm

Comments: 8

PPP Reminder

Site Update

Goto News Post

I just want to remind everyone, since a majority of people read over it in our Original Prediction Pool Party News Post that you must include Prediction Pool Party or PPP in the notes.

This isn't just for clarification, this is because sometimes people forget to check the "Will have Predicts" button, or sometimes the button unchecks itself. By writing this in you guarantee that your breeding will not be processed as normal.
We've already had several get assigned from this not being put in the notes, so please cover your bases and include this if you are going to do predictions!

I also strongly suggest that everyone re-review our Prediction Pool Party News Compilation. We have been including every news post in this thread for easy reading.

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Wed Jul 5, 2017 1:18pm

Comments: 11

Grumpy Amazon

Site Update

Goto News Post

Hey guys, I'm still on vacation so please forgive me for not responding to pms, I'm stuck on mobile, however I have noticed a large influx of messages about Amazon payments not going through. For the time being we have disabled Amazon purchases and ask that you please be patient while we look into this. Thank you!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Mon Jul 3, 2017 10:38pm

Comments: 3

Mudslide Metals!

Site Update

Goto News Post

This is your notice that Mudslide Metals will start when the clock says "Tuesday, July 4th" tonight.

Starting when the clock hits Tuesday, July 4th (so literally as soon as the top bar says "4 July, 2017") you can submit exotics with a Metal Breeding Coin.
This means that you can breed Teo, Faux, Oet, and Snoodles with a Metal Breeding Coin and receive one offspring if the breeding is completed by a site artist.
Remember that the lineart has to either match or be within 5% of each other in order to be compatible with a Metal Breeding Coin.

For any breeding that will be done by a site artist during this Metal event, if you write the words "Artist Palette" in the notes, then your artist will create your offspring as if an Artist Palette was attached (even if you aren't breeding Exotic genera together)!

This event will last from Tuesday, July 4th until Friday, July 7th at 11:59 PM Aywas time!

The Pool Party rules will still apply to predictions for Exotics, which means that users can make 2 offspring total and their offspring can act as though a Painted Vial is attached!

Fertility Potions are allowed on what Genera they normally are + Exotics during this event only. This would give 2 artist done offspring, or 3 predictions.

A married exotic pair will give 2 site offspring or 3 predictions.
A married exotic pair + fertility potion will give 3 site offspring or 4 predictions.

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Mon Jul 3, 2017 8:30pm

Comments: 16

Monthly HA Contest


Goto News Post

The winning HA sets have been placed into their respective shops!

Last month earned the following:
GP Set: 62 GP per artist
BP Set: 18,100,000 BP per artist
Premium Set: 974 PP per artist

Want in on the action? Well, phase one - the basing contest - is open and waiting for entries!
Head here to submit your design. Fingers crossed you can all squeeze this month in!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sat Jul 1, 2017 7:35pm

Comments: 4

Art Gallery


Goto News Post


The art gallery has been judged!
The theme was School's Out! and we received three entries that definitely had the right idea about things!

Here are our featured winners:

They won:

1SP, a Teacher's Pet drink - and they can PM me with their choice of one of the new NPC plushies!


The current theme is Family Beach Trip!
Official Aywas stock is not permitted for this theme.

The sun is hot, the ice-cream is melting - and possibly so are your pets! This month we want to see what happens when a family from Aywas hits the Seaside! From barbecues to volleyball to sandcastles or run ins with grumpy Tashians - we want to see the sun, sea, sand and silliness you can bring!

Showcase this theme with any medium your heart desires, just keep it Aywas-related. <3

Good luck!

Upcoming themes:

August 2017: Stargazing and Meteor Showers*
September 2017: How IS Manju feeding everyone?
October 2017: How is Greta celebrating Halloween?

If you ever want to submit an Art Gallery theme idea, we're always taking suggestions here.
Thank you!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sat Jul 1, 2017 6:36pm

Comments: 6

Welcome to July!

Site Update

Goto News Post


Moo-ving on to our BP Shop Selection!


If you colored one of these pets, please contact Kousei (#25044) for your payment!
Make sure to include your PayPal address if you are opting for the USD option.
We will also be collecting pet PSDs directly from the thread, so please make sure you keep the links active for two weeks (at least until mid-July) so we have time to snag 'em!


A contrast to last month's, we have our dark Essence of July 2017!


The Bateleur Eagle Lunaris has swooped in to wish a great day to those who have birthdays in July!


This months Premium Item is the Themed Addon Box, similar to the Random Addon Box you will get 1 Themed addon from it!

Don't forget to check out the birthday link to claim your gift from Aywas on your big day! Need to change your birthday? Click here!

The new monthly contests have been announced!

August Monthly Shop Pets: Enter
August Monthly Customs - Theme: Aymas in July: Enter

Good luck with your entries!

This month's Jeweled Bases are created by Anchantal (#14964)!

finx_Hoodie.pngnew_oakl_Sacred_Beast.png Raffi_200_Unicorn2.png


Benithet_400_Leviathan.png Catalpa_200_Corgi.png


If you want to be a Jeweled Custom Artist come visit the Hiring Thread


It looks like this poor fellow isn't enjoying the heat so much - it's melting away!


I also want to just remind everyone about the Prediction Pool Party (like you forgot!) It is still going on for a few more months and we have a lot of GP and USD artists who have opened up shop over in the Sub-Forum! We also have been keeping copies of all of the news posts in the main Pool Party Thread, so you can read that to stay on top of all the updates. We also added a cute little banner to the left side of the screen for easy access!
We hope that you guys are all enjoying this so far!

Coding Corner
Just a quick note to address that we know the BP Shop is playing up and that one item is currently showing as costing 0 BP, but you are unable to buy it. This happened earlier this week but it seems that Greta has been unpicking the coding that fixed it, just in case we might have a boring weekend. It should not spread to other items, but it may affect others when more updates to the shop are made later for the Monthly HA Contest.

Please be assured that we are working on this as fast as we can and hope to have it fixed soon.

This should not affect your purchase of unaffected items.

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sat Jul 1, 2017 12:44pm

Comments: 32

T4T: In Memoriam


Goto News Post

It's always a sad day and a heavy heart when a furry friend is lost, and our hearts go out to Executive Archer (#662) who is currently mourning the loss of Lorelei.

In-keeping with Lorelei's loving nature, a feline companion for your HA has been made in her image, and will be in Trash for Treasure until July 30th.

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sat Jul 1, 2017 11:54am

Comments: 30

Goodbye Rusted Rodeo...Hello Metals!

Site Update

Goto News Post

The Rusted Rodeo is wrapping up tonight, so get those Rusted Breeding Coins submitted to take advantage of the perks!

After the excitement of the Rusted Rodeo, I'm sure everyone needs some relaxation time....which is why I'd like to announce the Metal Mudslide Barbecue!

Starting when the clock hits Tuesday, July 4th (so literally as soon as the top bar says "4 July, 2017") you can submit exotics with a Metal Breeding Coin.
This means that you can breed Teo, Faux, Oet, and Snoodles with a Metal Breeding Coin and receive one offspring if the breeding is completed by a site artist.

For any breeding that will be done by a site artist during this Metal event, if you write the words "Artist Palette" in the notes, then your artist will create your offspring as if an Artist Palette was attached (even if you aren't breeding Exotic genera together)!

This event will last from Tuesday, July 4th until Friday, July 7th at 11:59 PM Aywas time!
I wanted to make a short announcement just to let everyone know what the plan was so they have time to set up breeding slots and stock up on coins before the event begins!

The Pool Party rules will still apply to predictions for Exotics, which means that users can make 2 offspring total and their offspring can act as though a Painted Vial is attached!

Another News post will come when the event actually begins, but for now go ahead and stock up on that BP and find some Teos, Faux, Oet, and Snoodles to breed!

Fertility Potions are allowed on what Genera they normally are + Exotics during this event only.

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:08pm

Comments: 40

Rusted Rodeo - Last Day is Tomorrow!

Site Update

Goto News Post

Reminder that if you submit a Rusted Breeding Coin tomorrow
Friday, June 30: Users have a 10% chance their offspring will be a baby Hybrid of the artist's choice! If you use a Hybrid Genetics Kit you may choose the baby hybrid if your breeding rolls the 10% chance of a Baby Hybrid (if you do not roll a Baby Hybrid your Hybrid Genetics Kit will be refunded).

Please remember that you will need to breed two pets that result in a Trash Hybrid or attach a Hybrid Genetics Kit in order to participate in this.

These perks are not compatible with predictions, these are for site artist created offspring!

Please check the News Post below for important information on Keychain sales!

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:42pm

Comments: 5