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Manju's Musings

New Game

Goto News Post

Hey guys! We're aware that Manju hasn't exactly been very talkative since the introduction of their new game. We've made some adjustments, and they should now be over their temporary bout of shyness. Because of the glitch, some users may find their game settings didn't reset at exactly midnight this morning. To counteract this, everyone's streak has been rolled back, so don't worry, it hasn't been lost! You must be sure to visit Manju before tonight's roll over, however, to ensure the streak continues. Once midnight AST comes tonight, the game should be back to working as intended.

Okay, quick update! [3:33pm]

Yasu figured what went wonky. You can play today if you haven't yet, and you can click again if you have. Even if you miss today you should be okay as tomorrow the scores will remain intact. Please be advised that from 00:00:01 Tuesday 20th June, the coding that will reset a missed day will come back into effect so you MUST click on Tuesday to keep your streak.

Fingers crossed this is the last hiccup - we'll have to tell Manju to not eat the cakes so fast to stop it happening again ;)

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:22pm

Comments: 65


Site Update

Goto News Post

Hey guys, just a quick update, many of you received a special gift however due to a mistake of my own the process timed out and a large chunk of the site did not. Please refrain from posting about it until we are able to fix this!

Yasu fixed my oopsie, everyone should have theirs now!

Posted by šŸ¼KaiyošŸ¼ (#489) on Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:53pm

Comments: 32

Adventure Pets


Goto News Post

"Hey-a, everyone! Have you noticed any of the beautiful pets that seem to have shown up in the regions recently? Be sure to snag them while you're out hunting for BP! ... It amazes me that I haven't been able to find Fluffy yet..."


In addition, the May pet coloration submissions forum raffle has been drawn!

Congratulations to Namine + Marluxia (#702) for winning a Bronze Custom Orb!

If you want to design some Adventure pets, go and post them in their respective threads here! There's also a chance that the designs accepted from that forum will go into the Pet Shop! Remember, you can earn SP!

If your design is now released as a site pet please contact me, Kousei (#25044), for your free copy.

Don't forget to check out the super amazing updates below, if you haven't already!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:34pm

Comments: 11

Character Musings on the Updates

Site Update

Goto News Post

Oh dear, it seems things went awry with the free food game for a moment - I tried to give you the food but it didn't leave with you!

The game was reset and works smoothly now, so if you've played already today just pop back quickly and see if you were affected. If you were, just talk to me again and everything will be right as rain!

It seems I'm on the fritz today - you're not supposed to get a plushie of me until day 31. It seems the new timer on that wasn't set, but never mind, dears! I hope you enjoy the early and unexpected release.

If you come and see me, there's a chance you might get a plushie of yours truly! Give it a zap!

Did someone say plushies?! I have the most adorable plushies of myself and Minerva! If you're lucky maybe I'll give you one or the other too - just don't tell Minerva, she thinks it's silly.

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:22am

Comments: 29

Goodbye To Old Friends

Site Update

Goto News Post

Hello dears, I'm sorry to appear out of season but I've been sent to you with an important message from the Lunaris Council, the governing body of this corner of the universe.

It's very possible you haven't heard about them since they have been mostly absent during the seven years that humans have colonised here on Ay and Ara. You see there were a few problems they've had to attend to in order to keep you all safe here, and because of that we - the Lunarii and the Shapeshifters - have mostly been absent. We've sent down contacts on a monthly basis for a long time now, and a few Shifters - like myself and Tech - have recently come to make our homes here.

What enabled us to do this was the presence of some people you have come to know well - Kaz, Shoe, Chaos and the others. They came here from their own world to look after all that lived here, and guide you beings that are so like their form in becoming settled, and in accepting people such as myself who are both humanoid and creature.

Now that the worlds are safe again, and that you have accepted us as we are, it is time for them to return home. They catch their transport home tonight at midnight to return to friends and family who miss them dearly, and the lives they have so graciously put on hold for so long to be here with you all.

We thank them for their services, their advice, and their love, and wish them well going forward.

So what does this mean for you?

Well, now that myself and those like me are once again able to be here, we're hoping to keep things running for you as you know them. There may be a few small tweaks, a little personalisation by each of us, but we will try to not rock the boat too much while you become more accustomed to us.

We're all very pleased to be here, and look forward to speaking and spending more time with you. We sincerely hope you feel the same.

As for the Lunaris Council... they are rather hands off and don't like to interfere in interplanetary affairs, but they are watching over us from the skies, keeping us safe as always.

Take care, my loves, and I will see you in February if not before.

Staff just have a few quick notes to add on to what Eryn has said.

We want to give you a list of what the games have been known as and what they are becoming as of tomorrow (June 15th), along with any extra notes we think you might want or need to know about the updated games!

- "Xero's Pet Research" will become "Dylanā€™s Pet Project". The game remains the same.

- "Axl's Pet Research" will become "Naokiā€™s Pet Research". It has been updated to show if you have the pets or not, same as the Aywapedia, and the pet name even links you to the Aywapedia so you can go in search of one to buy! Be careful though - the button to give up shows in the same place as turning in a successful trio, so watch what you're doing!

- "Scavenger Hunt" will become "Miksaā€™s Pet Bingo". The game is the same, but will bring back the old game mechanism where you cannot use "Search" or the Aywapedia purchase options to find a Pet ID.

- "Talk to Xero" will become "Manjuā€™s Musings". Your old data will be transferred to the new game - but beware, the mechanic that resets your BP amount if you miss a day has been fixed! The day is counted as 00:00:01 to 23:59:59, so you can check in with them any time of the day, just so long as you don't skip it!

- Free Food will now randomise between 1 and 10 items for you, but still feeds all your pets.

- "Tam's Item Quest" will become "Pabloā€™s Item Quest". This too remains the same, but again has a click through to the Item Directory page for the item they want to make it easier to complete!

- "Kaz and Shoe" will now feature Rowan and Minerva! Our cutest Aywas couple will throw plant pots and blow kisses, and you might even get an item out of it!

- "Tak's CDs" will become "Tech's CDs". Once again the item name will click through to the Item Directory so you can see what they gave you!

- "Rogue's Zapping" will become "Ambriel's Alterations". Other than a new caretaker of the random result, the game will remain the same.

There's also new NPC Plushies for you to collect... Some of them come from the updated games, if you're lucky...

We will have more on those at a later date!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:32pm

Comments: 160

Reluctant Breeders


Goto News Post

We've just discovered that the "breedable" option was left off of the current USD SCC makers. This is a mistake on our part, that we have now fixed, but does mean that any customs made with the following items needs their breedability updated:

Demorona Horn
Feathered Brass Key
Gnawed Bones
Incubated Rooster Egg
Sun Crow Crown

If you have made a pet with one of these items please PM me with the ID of your pet and I will rectify that immediately.

We apologise for the inconvenience, and will work hard to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:57pm

Comments: 7

Bot: The Bakery

Site Update

Goto News Post

*Booop Bzzzzzrt*

Good Afternoon my lovely Fleshcreatures, are you having a pleasant Monday? The Slashbot has been informed that many of you dislike Mondays, how could you dislike a day of the week?

The Slashbot tsks quietly

Today the Slashbot is pleased to present you with one of our oldest requests, this one was pre-approved several years ago and is quite unique as something like this will never be approved again as it does not comply with The Slashbots guidelines.

Gibbs šŸ’– (#250) and Chu (#718) have worked hard to realize their dream of opening a Bakery, and today it is their Grand Opening! The Bakery has been pre-stocked with numerous sweet treats for your consumption. This is a permanent addition to the shops, so you do not have to worry about the pastries spoiling anytime soon.


The Slashbot would like to thank Gibbs and Chu for their patience, and hopes that the Fleshcreatures of this site enjoy this update.

However, there is also more that The Slashbot has to announce!
Point number one, we now allow for Fleshcreatures to use a single Slashbot Stuffing to create a news post for a user-run event or thread. This must be pre-approved by staff, and either you can provide your own news post or The Slashbot will dictate what is said. To add onto this, for two Slashbot Stuffing you can have a side banner for a user-run event or thread; this must also be pre-approved and no animations are allowed.

The second point The Slashbot must make is perhaps the most... important. For you see, The Slashbot has recently upgraded himself and now has arms, legs, and a rather impeccable fashion sense.


You can find The Slashbot, and Chu and Gibbs in the Site Character tab if you wish to read more.

Posted by Slashbot (#3) on Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:44pm

Comments: 33

HA Contest Continues!


Goto News Post

After a slightly longer contest than billed, we do have a winner!

To enter the next part of the contest and colour in the Fairytale base, head over here to learn more!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:34pm

Comments: 1

Downtime Contest Results!


Goto News Post

To while away the time we had a few games on our tumblr and Facebook pages - as promised, here are the results!

In our tumblr "words-in-a-word" game, Ellory (#804) found 69 correct words in "Quolgarian".

Not to be outdone, over on Facebook Tin & Bloo (#9) found a whopping 484 words in "Manticore"!

Both users receive 1SP.

Our Facebook "Design a Downtime" contest had a clear winner in Toby (#24557) with their "ghostly lion with multiple wispy tails. It had a Cheshire grin with little leaves/flowers dancing around it."

They win 2 Downtime Potions and 1SP!

Over on tumblr however we had a three way tie - so we're putting the final decision for our fifth Downtime pet in your hands!

The vote will close Monday 12th June at 00:01 - good luck!

1. Chubby sleepy witch
19% [ 127 ]

2. A derpy chubby prance-y unicorn with a nub horn
26% [ 175 ]

3. Tall, lean jaguar, with large broad ears, antlers draped in moss, ivy climbing up the legs, and floral accessories
56% [ 380 ]

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:05pm

Comments: 30

Welcome back!

Site Update

Goto News Post

Hey guys!

Thank you for being so patient with us. I know it's been a long day without the site - on a weekend no less - but here's an update!

Phase one is completed - the site has been copied to the new servers for testing, to ensure that everything is running smoothly in our new home. We'll be getting our magnifying glasses out and checking for cracks and reporting back to the company for the final complete move (Phase 2) on the 25th.

The good news is that Phase 2 should only take an hour - but as we all know, things can and will go as they please so that is a very conservative and hopeful downtime plan. In any case it should be much shorter than today's outage.

Better news: as you can see, the site is live again! We are still on our old server for the next couple of weeks, so it's business as usual. Don't fret, everything you do will be transferred over!

The Facebook and Tumblr contests are now CLOSED - we will be posting the winners in a news post shortly! The results are now in!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:49pm

Comments: 8