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Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


'· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´ [[ The w i n n e r s' edition! ]] '· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´


Mersang (#20205) ............................................... Saphire <3 Lassombra (#407) ............................................... Lil Boosie (#19565)


Mama (#75305) ............................................... Sweetness (#4796) ............................................... Kouga & Rosie (#768)


odin (#997) ............................................... deity (#25133) ............................................... 🐉~LegacyWolf🐺 (#306)

Congratulations to all of our winners!
I will be sending out your customs momentarily.

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:36pm

Comments: 13

Hiring Artists!

Site Update

Goto News Post

clothing_artistpaintbrush.pngArtists!! Woo!clothing_artistpaintbrush.png

We are looking to hire GP-paid artists for some of our breeding coins!

Please see this forum to find the applications for each team.

Please include whether you have been on a breeding team before, even if it was temporary! (I can look at past offspring from lists.)

You are also welcome to PM your application using examples from already completed predictions, practice pairs not from the threads, or edit examples (in the case of coins that require artists to draw new edits).

If you are interested and would like to apply please PM Kita #3988 about the following coins with the message title being the coin you are applying for and your username (Ex. "LBC Application - Kita")

Below are the payment options for each team:
Breeding Coins, Holiday Breeding Coins, and Evil Breeding coins:
Lists of artist choice number of babies in 14 days.
HBC Application---BC/EBC Application
30 GP per 30% edited baby and 40 GP per 50% edited baby or
45 Credit per 30% edited baby and 60 Credit per 50% edited baby

Edited this below part in!


This option is open to anyone currently on either the Breeding Coin or Holiday Breeding Coin team and also new hires!

I am going to allow artists to split lists between two artists. That means that one artist will complete all of the edits for the offspring and the other artist will complete the coloring.
List options are any size list with a 7 day deadline for each part.

That means the basing artist will have a deadline of 7 days, and the coloring artist will have a deadline of 7 days.
This option will pay 15 GP to each artist per 30% offspring and 20 GP to each artist per 50% offspring.

Currently I am only looking to hire artists who are interested in doing the editing half of the job. If I have interest in the editing portion, I will make another news post shortly looking for colorists to pair up with the artists creating the edits!

If you are interested in this position, please message me with examples of your edits and which coin (BC, HBC, or both ;D) you are interested in applying for.

For the users who have BC and HBC breedings assigned to an artist this also means that you may notice your breeding has gone from 7 days assigned back to 0 days assigned. That just means your breeding has been assigned to a colorist and should be on its way to you shortly!

In order to apply for the next few coins please PM Kaiyo with your application!

Painted Metal Breeding Coin
1-5 babies in 7 days
PMBC Artist Application

9 GP per baby or
14 Credit per baby

Painted Lesser Breeding Coin
1-5 babies in 7 days
PLBC Artist Application

11 GP per baby or
17 Credit per baby

Blind Date/Eggnog
1-5 babies in 7 days
Blind Date/Eggnog Application

30 GP per baby or
45 Credit per baby

Sketch Breeding Coin
1-5 babies in 7 days
Sketch BC Application

14 GP per baby or
21 Credit per baby

Grand Edit Team
5 babies in 7 days
Artists will be assigned Alidae, Emaia, Grand Edit Potions, Neura Embryo, and Dragon Lotus breedings.
Artists are paid depending on how edited the offspring is:
30% = 30 GP
50% = 40 GP
75% = 50 GP

If you are part of the Grand Edit Team Kaiyo will be holding a raffle for an Embryo Pearl every week for those who turn in their lists on time.

An explanation of what “Credit” is and what it can be used for can be found in this Knowledge Base article!

If you have any questions about how a certain coin works, or want tips on improving in order to make it onto a site team, feel free to contact me!

I can't wait to see all the fantastic applications, I hired quite a few artists last time I made this post and I am looking forward to hiring even more to (hopefully!) get these queues moving!

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:53pm

Comments: 5

Adventure Pets


Goto News Post

"U-Um, everyone be careful when adventuring! I've noticed a sudden rise in Shantu swimming around, and they don't all appear to be too friendly! I wonder what's gotten into them all of a sudden... Ah, well, here's what they look like, so please be alert at all times!"


In addition, the June pet coloration submissions forum raffle has been drawn!

Congratulations to Namine + Marluxia (#702) for winning a Bronze Custom Orb!

If you want to design some Adventure pets, go and post them in their respective threads here! There's also a chance that the designs accepted from that forum will go into the Pet Shop! Remember, you can earn SP!

If your design is now released as a site pet please contact me, Kousei (#25044), for your free copy.

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:41pm

Comments: 22

National Hotdog Day Custom Event!

Site Update

Goto News Post

Yes this is releasing a little early but I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I'm really excited to see what delicious delights you have concocted!

From now until 11:59:59PM AST July 19th you get to post your Hotdog pets! Whether it is a weiner or is wearing one, we hope you have fun with this wacky theme and make some interesting pets!

Head over here to read the rules and submit your pet!

If you didn't make an edited pet, or don't have time to today - never fear!

With thanks to the combined workings of Tooki and Kita, there is a lovely Soli in the Edit Repository which is eligible for use with this event - and any time you get a meaty craving in the future.

But that's not all!

We want you to have the final say on which holiday we should have a free custom event for next! Staff narrowed it down to 5 contenders, but we need you to vote in the poll below to make the final choice!

National Watermelon Day
23% [ 184 ]
National Toothfairy Day
18% [ 138 ]
International Bacon Day
13% [ 99 ]
National Teddy Bear Day
41% [ 319 ]
International Eat An Apple Day
6% [ 44 ]

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:38pm

Comments: 21

Support Email

Site Update

Goto News Post

I just want to do a quick news post regarding the support E-mail again. We use a 3rd party system to manage and organize all e-mails, as such we cannot send outgoing mails unless we are just responding!
When you e-mail us asking us to e-mail you at a totally different e-mail, we are not able to. Please contact us from the e-mail that you can actually access, and we will work with you with different security questions to help you verify your account.
As such please also keep your e-mails updated, we recommend not using school or business e-mails.
Also, the support e-mail is strictly for account based inquiries such as not being able to access your account. If you have site based questions or glitch reports please contact a moderator.

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Tue Jul 18, 2017 4:45pm

Comments: 0

A note about...notes

Site Update

Goto News Post



I am here to give a gentle reminder about Breeding Notes when you breed your pets!
First off, artists are not required to follow directions in the notes.

Notes have always been intended to be something to allow users to communicate with artists and gives users a way to provide artists with links to PSDs and color palettes without having the artist start a PM.

Unfortunately, people have also taken advantage of the notes system and treat breedings more like a commission. If an artist receives notes that are treating their breeding like a commission (for example, "the offspring must have X, Y, and Z on it" or "Please use only colors from Parent A and only use the blue from Parent B.") they can message Kaiyo, Vampi, or myself to report it. Users will receive a warning if they are treating a breeding like a commission and giving directions on how an artist should be making their offspring.

Note: Saying something like, "I love Parent A's hair, it's my favorite edit!" or, "Please don't use spiders (or the a specific color, or one thing), I am scared of them!" is not considered giving directions to the artist and you will not receive a warning for things of that nature. When you are listing 2+ things you want on your offspring, or giving suggestions when you use an item that specifically does not need user input (Artist Palette) that is when it begins to be seen as a direction given to an artist.

I also want to note that your prompts for Painted coins should be just that, prompts. You should not have multiple sentences explaining what you would like. A prompt should be a couple of words (10 words maximum) giving the artist a theme for your breeding.

Predictions exist for a reason, if you have a specific outcome in mind for your breeding you should be making predictions and not giving directions to the artist assigned to your breeding.


In other news, Brush Triads are now compatible with Married pairs :)

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:59pm

Comments: 25

Goodbye Derp Jacuzzi!

Site Update

Goto News Post


I am here to remind everyone that the Derp Jacuzzi will be ending tonight, July 15, 2017, at 11:59 PM. This will be your last chance to submit a Derp pair using different genera (Melo x Reve, for example) and your last chance for the possibility of your baby being a breedable Scribble SCC!

When I say scribble SCC I mean something along the lines of these:

As of right now, I have two fabulous Scribble artists waiting to receive lists of pets to scribble-fy, but I am currently looking for one more Scribble artist so we can get these Scribbles done in a timely manner!
If you'd like to become our third scribble artist, please PM Kita (#3988) with examples!

I have found a third scribble artist ;D

Lists are a minimum of 5 scribbles due in 7 days. Payment is 10 GP or 15 Artist Credit per scribble baby.


Since I have a pretty good idea of how many Derps have been submitted (over 700 are currently in the queue right now!) I would like to announce that the chance of receiving a scribble baby from your breeding will be 1 in 10 breedings!

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Sat Jul 15, 2017 5:20pm

Comments: 28

Add-on Update

Site Update

Goto News Post

The Brush Triad is now compatible with Lesser Breeding Coins and Half a Lesser Breeding Coin if you submit predictions.

If you submit a Lesser Breeding Coin with a Brush Triad and do not do predictions your breeding will be refunded when it reaches the time it would otherwise be assigned to an artist.

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:30pm

Comments: 10

Commission Fees, Design Teams, Amazon

Site Update

Goto News Post


I want to remind all of our artists that they are required to Pay their commission fees within one month after the commission is finished. The only exception is if the total is under $5. We have several artists right now who have debts from as far back as January, I have already begun contacting some of you but I would greatly prefer if all our commission panel artists could check their fees and pay off what they owe.
If you are not financially capable of paying them off quickly all you have to do is pm me! I am more than happy to work something out with you, be it a payment plan or breeding lists or just keeping me in the loop with what is going on! But you have to Pm me!


There also has been some questions about the Design Teams hiring, we recently cut the teams down a bit due to USD costs, as such we are not hiring more USD artists. If you are interested in joining and receiving GP or Artist Credit then go ahead and put your application in but then PM me. I can't see your notes when you apply, so I don't know if you have written GP or Credit in them.
The same goes for the SCC team.


I also would like to let you know that Amazon payments should be working, if anyone plans on buying something through Amazon please let me know how it works out!

Edit: Hello, Kita here, hijacking Kaiyo's news post :)

I saw that there might be some confusion as far as the Derp Jacuzzi event goes....Scribble babies are going to be Scribble SCC babies kind of like the pet below:

They will be breedable and will be 100% new art drawn by some lovely scribble artists I have picked out :3
-scurries away-

Make sure you check out the previous news posts about the Derp Jacuzzi, USD Sales, and the Winning HA Base!

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Thu Jul 13, 2017 12:26pm

Comments: 16

HA Contest Continues!


Goto News Post

It was close at the beginning, but one base pulled ahead to make a tremendous lead!

To enter the next part of the contest and colour in the Mushroom Fae base, head over here to learn more!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:46pm

Comments: 0