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Candypocalypse: Task Results


Goto News Post


You'll have to do better than that Aketchyyy, the Lunaris smirks, floating down from her perch. You'll be gathering Candy for me for eons to come if you keep this up.

Aketch scowls, Just watch, imp! My minions will pull through and you'll never have another taste of this delicious candy. It will all be mine!
Aketch turns around and wrings their hands. We'll have to do better, my minions.


- Greta's Imps have won this phase, their overlord has been awarded 2,000 Candies to her stash!
- The next phase of the event will begin tomorrow at 4 PM AST and run for 1.5 days.

While we wait for the next phase, you minions better be donating your candy to me, Aketch says, a frown on their face.

And my implings should keep donating candy to ME! Greta says, doing a flip and flicking her tail happily, with your help this one trick Unus will never get their hands on another piece of candy!

Minions Rally

Defeat only emboldens us.
Increase success rate of stealing candy from opposing team's stash.

Aketch's Minions has earn the Rally spell during the cool down period. The effect of the Rally spell changes from cool down to cool down.

Next task is scheduled at 4:00pm AST tomorrow.

Posted by *Yasu (#3410) on Sat Oct 21, 2017 4:39pm

Comments: 24

HBC Predictions

Site Update

Goto News Post


Here is a small reminder to please post in this thread if you have predictions added to a Holiday Breeding Coin breeding and do not want the site offspring!
I have added a link to the thread in both the Holiday Breeding Coin and Pendant descriptions!

Users are allowed to make 2 Predictions for Common/Uncommon parent pairs (no site artist offspring) or 1 prediction (PM me, Kita #3988, to roll what parent base it needs to be on) for Rare parent pairs.

Please read the below news posts for more about the Halloween Event!

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Sat Oct 21, 2017 3:17pm

Comments: 0

Candypocalypse Botting Warning


Goto News Post

I am going to make this clear to everyone.

If I catch you botting during this event, may it be a macro, Snaplinks, or whatever, I will ban you from this event and strip all points you accumulated for your team. If you cannot bother to participate with the rest of us, you may as well just not.

No more warnings.

Posted by *Yasu (#3410) on Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:44pm

Comments: 59

Candypocalypse: Task Phase


Goto News Post

It was time for the Lunaris and the Unus to make their presence known. With the line drawn, and the wager made, Aketch and Greta set out, using their minions and implings to gather that which mattered most. Candy. The traditions of the holiday already provided a useful platform to appease the greed of both beings. Thus, each Overlord gave their followers the command.

"Go forth, and trick or treat!

A few notes

- You can still submit candy to your overlords during the task phase. The scores will be revealed again at the end of the task phase.
- During the task phase of the event, you cannot leave, switch, or join teams until the end off the phase.
- Team with the lowest number of participates will earn a multiplier that's only applied to the event task, not candy scores.

Quick Update

We had a bit of a mix up with the team score multiplier. This has been fixed and scores now show their correct values.

Posted by *Yasu (#3410) on Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:04pm

Comments: 21


Site Update

Goto News Post


"Kekekeke, Aketchy~" The mischievous Lunaris taunts the Apocalypse unus once they finally find her. "Sleep well?" she purrs

Aketch grinds their teeth as they stare at the floating woman, "We had a deal! You owe me every piece of that candy you gave away!" They slam their cane down with an echoing thud.

"Aww... how about we make a deal? This year, if I gather more candy than you... You will gather candy for me every year from now on!" Greta giggles and does a flip in mid air, grinning menacingly.

The Unus pauses in thought before nodding, "Very well, Imp! However, if I gather more candy than you... you are never allowed to eat another piece again!"

Greta giggles and grins "Fine~ But I have the lovely little Aywans who will help me, they love me now, I gave them candy" she nods and glances over, "That is how that works... right?" she questions, ignoring the snort from Aketch.


It is time to join sides!


Will you aid Greta in proving that she is more loved than the Apocalypse Unus of Famine? Or will you join Aketch in getting a permanent revenge on the Lunaris!? The decision is yours... however there is a few noteworthy pieces of information:

- This event focuses around Candy! All the trick or treating you have done will help to earn you a place in our high score board. Turn in candy to aid your Team Overlord! (They chose the title, not me.)
- You give candy to your leader on their Trick or Treat page, so when you go to Knock under "Site Characters" in the world tab.
- Users on opposing team can try to steal from the other Team's Overlord, and if successful it will effect the overall score of both teams.
- Candy will still be a shop currency as well, so spend wisely. There will be less pets and items for sale for candy this year, however there will be 2 big ticket items.
- There will be special "tasks" that take place every other day, during this task period you cannot join a new team. You can only do so during the "inactive" time.
- If you do quit your team, your Candy score gets reset to 0.
- If your team wins the "task" your team will get a special bonus or reward. Don't worry, the one big ticket reward will be available in the shop as well. All members of the team will get the bonus, whether they participated or not. (This may change for one of the tasks but we will announce it beforehand)
- The team with the lowest member count will receive a multiplier based on the size difference of the two teams for the tasks. This will help to balance the tasks in case one team is substantially larger than the other.
- The first task will not start tonight, we want to give a little bit of time for everyone to pick a team.
- If you are not on any team you will not be able to interact with Greta or Aketch, they're too busy for that.


The top 50 users of both teams will get a very special, unique title! The title that you get will be based off of the highest Karma you achieved during the event.


One final tidbit... I am happy to announce, that after many, many, maaaany user requests, we have forum vistas! Once you unlock them you can find it under Account-Settings-Edit Account- Forum Settings.
At this point we only have one available, and it can be found in the USD Shop! If you would like a preview of it come and see One of my posts! It will remain in the USD Shop until October 31st at 11:59pm.

Note: I know a bunch of you are gonna ask for a way to turn off your HA's now to show off the super awesome Vista, it will be coming shortly <3

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:55pm

Comments: 85

Advent Apologies

Site Update

Goto News Post

Advent has been updated with a bit more BP due to my mistake.

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:19am

Comments: 6

The famine comes...

Site Update

Goto News Post

There is a loud growl... like the sound of a stomach...

"That foolish little imp! How dare she give away my candy!"

Oh no! It would seem that the Unus of Famine has awoken due to hearing all of the candy wrappers!

"We had a deal!" they shout into the sky, their voice raspy and dry, "You were to collect their candy last year and give it to me, not hand it all out this year! There will be revenge..." they hiss darkly before turning back into their Unus shape and trotting off in search of the devious imp who betrayed them.

Posted by Marjo (#5741) on Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:23pm

Comments: 28

A New Raffle has Started!


Goto News Post

A new raffle has begun

Scribble Pen

Scribble Pen

Ticket Price: 1
Max Tickets: Unlimited


Click here to join the raffle!

Posted by Chelle & MIA (#7310) on Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:47pm

Comments: 0

Raffle #202 has ended


Goto News Post


Paint Bucket

Paint Bucket

StarRest (#52457) is the winner of the raffle and won the item Paint Bucket!

StarRest (#52457) brought 170 tickets, spending 170 Raffle Crystal!

Posted by Chelle & MIA (#7310) on Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:48pm

Comments: 2

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


It's time to give away eight free customs designed during September under the theme of Halloween!

To play the free custom game, please include the phrase "CUSTOM #__" in your news comment. For example, if you want Custom 1, please comment "CUSTOM #1."

Don't lose out on a chance to win one of these customs by voting incorrectly!

Custom One = bad.
Custom1 = bad.
Custom#1 = bad.
Custom #1 = good!
I love custom #1! = good!

Here we go!

1 ................................................ 2 ................................................ 3

4 ................................................ 5 ................................................ 6

7 ................................................ 8

Please contact Kousei (#25044) for your prize if you designed one of these customs!

You have until October 22nd at 11:59 PM AST to get your vote in!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:57pm

Comments: 386