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Derp Jacuzzi

Site Update

Goto News Post


Welcome to the Derp Jacuzzi!

This event will run from when the clock hits Wednesday, July 12 until 11:59 PM Saturday, July 15!.

What kinds of things can you expect when going to chill in the Derp Jacuzzi?
When submitting a Derp Breeding Coin during the event:
1. You can breed any two pets as long as they are breedable. They do not have to be the same genus.
2. A small chance (will be announced after the event) of receiving a Scribble baby instead of a Derp baby! Every other offspring will be a normal Derp baby :)

These bonuses are only if you let the site artist create your babies. No predictions if you want a chance at a scribble baby/the ability to breed any two pets with a Derp Coin.

The chance of receiving a scribble baby will be announced after the event ends because I want to make sure that I don't set it too high or too low before seeing how many coins are submitted (ex. if I set it at 1% and only 100 derps are submitted, that's only 1 scribble baby :c).

Again, to reiterate, this event begins when the clock hits Wednesday, July 12 and ends at 11:59 Saturday, July 15.

Hijacking Kita's News post: This event doesn't change which species can be bred, just which ones are able to breed to eachother. So derp rules still stand<3

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:47am

Comments: 34

USD Sale and Paint Buckets!

Site Update

Goto News Post


Good afternoon, I'm here with the release of a new item and a small USD Shop sale~! We're around the halfway point for the Prediction Pool Party, we've seen some specific coin related releases and after monitoring everyone's feedback we thought up a fun new item to make LBC and MBC Predictions a little more fun!


The Paint Bucket is a rare add-on specifically for Metal Breeding Coins and Lesser Breeding Coins! It allows you to treat your breeding like a painted coin, meaning you can make up your own markings and colors! This does not allow you to create new edits or change existing ones, or reshade babies, this addon is strictly for colors and markings.
The Paint Bucket is specifically for predictions, and your breeding will not be processed or may be refunded if you do not add predictions to it.
You are allowed to use the parents markings for one baby, and make up new colors and markings for the other baby(s) if you desire.
This item will be stocked in the USD shop from now until July 17th at 11:59pm, after that you will only be able to obtain them through special sales, Mystery Box, and Random Breeding Addon boxes.


Speaking of Random breeding addon, this item is currently disabled as it was still running on our old packaging system so it has none of our newer addons added! I am working on fixing this up and will give you an update once it's done <3


With the release of so many adorable babies, we decided to release the baby bottles again! Please remember, if you have a pacifier you can trade it at the Recycling Center for a Metal baby bottle as well~


Mystery Eggs have made a come back, we know how much you guys love those~


Premium Grab Bags have been updated to include the Sippy Cup and Random Theme Addon box!


Antique Keychains and Melo Figurines are still for sale! Remember if you buy a Melo you have to send me a screenshot of your receipt along with the melo and your address! We still have all keychains available, and if you have any questions please contact me! The updated list of how many is available:

Xero - 3
Chaos - 2
Rogue - 11
Shoe - 7
Spenser - 10
Kaz - 6
Zave - 9
Tak - 8


We've added some of the higher end addons and custom makers to the USD Shop as well incase anyone wants to give them a shot for the Prediction Pool Party! The Magic Custom Trove now works with Blind Dates and Eggnogs!

This Sale ends on July 17th at 11:59pm!

Some of you have already noticed, the USD SCC's have been removed from the shop, as the rotation time is up, however we are not adding new ones yet. We are working on a new system of payment for them, as there has been quite a few times we take a loss. However we don't want our artists to feel unappreciated, so we are trying to devise a solution that works for the site and our artists.


I also was asked to let you guys know we will be having another coin partaking in the specialness of the Prediction Pool Party, so keep your eyes open ;D

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Mon Jul 10, 2017 4:53pm

Comments: 35

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


It's time to give away nine free customs designed during June under the theme of Pool Parties!

To play the free custom game, please include the phrase "CUSTOM #__" in your news comment. For example, if you want Custom 1, please comment "CUSTOM #1."

Don't lose out on a chance to win one of these customs by voting incorrectly!

Custom One = bad.
Custom1 = bad.
Custom#1 = bad.
Custom #1 = good!
I love custom #1! = good!

Here we go!

1 ................................................ 2 ................................................ 3

4 ................................................ 5 ................................................ 6

7 ................................................ 8 ................................................ 9

Please contact Kousei (#25044) for your prize if you designed one of these customs!

You have until July 16th at 11:59 PM AST to get your vote in!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Mon Jul 10, 2017 10:37am

Comments: 327

HA Basing - Vote!


Goto News Post

Please select your vote.


Thread to view all entries in their individual parts!

33% [ 245 ]
64% [ 483 ]
3% [ 24 ]

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sun Jul 9, 2017 2:36pm

Comments: 18

HBC Predictions

Site Update

Goto News Post

Here is a small reminder that in order to get your Holiday Breeding Coin predictions processed, you will need to post in this thread! This is so I can process your breeding when the correct amount of offspring are added (some people are only wanting 1 prediction, some people want 2, etc.) and I don't accidentally process it before you are finished uploading your babies :)

Here is the thread that goes into detail how many offspring you will receive from a breeding depending on what coin and what add-ons you are using!

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Sat Jul 8, 2017 8:21pm

Comments: 2

Metal Mudslide Goodbye

Site Update

Goto News Post

This is your warning that tonight at 11:59 PM you will not longer be able to submit Exotics with a Metal Breeding Coin!

Please get all of your last minute breedings in before July 8, 2017 or your breeding will be refunded!

You have until the end of the Pool Party event (11:59 on August 31, 2017) to create 2 predictions for an Exotic pair with no add-ons/marriage. After that date you will only be able to create 1 prediction for an Exotic pair with no add-ons/marriage.

On breedings submitted on or after July 8, 2017 you can no longer write "Artist Palette" in the notes to receive a free Artist Palette attached to your Metal Breeding Coin breeding.

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Fri Jul 7, 2017 7:45pm

Comments: 8

Hotdogs and Slashbots

Site Update

Goto News Post

On July 19th 2017 we will be putting up a thread in the Event Forum for you to post Hotdog inspired customs! Whether it is a weiner or eating one - get creative!

One pet per user (multi-person lairs can submit one each, must post individually). Common, Uncommon and Token genuses only.

All eligible entries under 75% edited will be placed in your lair by the end of the week.
(All normal rules and modifiers apply, so please keep that in mind!)


Some of you may have seen this posted on our Facebook page a couple of weeks back, and that's something we're experimenting with - eventually we plan to have our own Events page on site so you can see what's coming up, but we thought it was an interesting feature on Facebook and wanted to give it a try!


Good afternoon my precious little Fleshcreatures, have you grown more resilient yet? You still look rather squishy to me. Ah well.

The Slashbot lets out what you presume to be a sigh.

Today The Slashbot has returned with Wisp & Lei (#1343), The Slashbot is beginning to favor this fleshcreature, they are quite efficient. As it was guaranteed several weeks ago, there would be a part two from their Baby Hybrid release. As such today we have brought you this pleasant little squishy leaf bug creature... in truth The Slashbot's systems are not certain what it is, but it is registering under the name of Luiri.

This is another permanent addition to the Baby Hybrids, you can locate it's PSD on the Luiri Page, or in the Baby Hybrid Knowledge Base, however the Luiri page does have the larger PSD.

The Slashbot bids you farewell for now, and thanks Wisp & Lei (#1343) once more for their cooperation and patience.

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Thu Jul 6, 2017 4:13pm

Comments: 37

Exotic Pet Palace Stock


Goto News Post


As some of you may have noticed, my Exotic Pet Palace has received a new stock of pets! They're eager and awaiting new loving owners!


In case you weren't aware, the Pet Shop is on a stock rotation schedule with the stock changing every 3 months. After the 3 months, the pets currently in stock will be permanently retired and a new stock will replace them. So get them while you can!

If you want to have the chance of getting a design of yours into the pet shop, go ahead and submit them to the Pet Coloration Submissions forum. Most of the submitted designs will be put into Adventure, but some random designs will be kept to go into the pet shop!

If your design is now in the pet shop please contact Kousei (#25044) for your free copy. That's right, if your design is accepted and put in the shop you get a free copy. That could save you a good amount of BP!

Don't forget to check down below for an important reminder regarding the Pool Party event, too!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Wed Jul 5, 2017 8:07pm

Comments: 8

PPP Reminder

Site Update

Goto News Post

I just want to remind everyone, since a majority of people read over it in our Original Prediction Pool Party News Post that you must include Prediction Pool Party or PPP in the notes.

This isn't just for clarification, this is because sometimes people forget to check the "Will have Predicts" button, or sometimes the button unchecks itself. By writing this in you guarantee that your breeding will not be processed as normal.
We've already had several get assigned from this not being put in the notes, so please cover your bases and include this if you are going to do predictions!

I also strongly suggest that everyone re-review our Prediction Pool Party News Compilation. We have been including every news post in this thread for easy reading.

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Wed Jul 5, 2017 1:18pm

Comments: 11

Grumpy Amazon

Site Update

Goto News Post

Hey guys, I'm still on vacation so please forgive me for not responding to pms, I'm stuck on mobile, however I have noticed a large influx of messages about Amazon payments not going through. For the time being we have disabled Amazon purchases and ask that you please be patient while we look into this. Thank you!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Mon Jul 3, 2017 10:38pm

Comments: 3