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Welcome to September 2.0!

Site Update

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This month's Jeweled Bases are created by Calix (#14735) and Dani(#48591)





If you want to be a Jeweled Custom Artist come visit the Hiring Thread




The Mystery Box tickets are for sale again! From now until September 5th at 11:59pm any purchases of $10 or more (done at one time) will reward you with a Mystery box ticket!
This includes USD Shop and GP!
The Mystery Box contains a chance to get a number of rare custom makers, breeding items, and older site items!
We've returned the Premium Grab Bag, Minitature Phoenix Tree, and Plush Talisman to the USD shop during this time. As well as added the TV Christmas Dinner!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Sat Sep 2, 2017 9:29pm

Comments: 19

Welcome to September!

Site Update

Goto News Post



Food, chalk, and a little math on the side!



If you colored one of these pets, please contact Kousei (#25044) for your payment!
Make sure to include your PayPal address if you are opting for the USD option.
We will also be collecting pet PSDs directly from the thread, so please make sure you keep the links active for two weeks (at least until mid-September) so we have time to snag 'em!


The Redtail Hawk Essence of September will change your active into a random shop pet from September 2017! However, it still needs to be blessed by a little panda fairy, so expect to see this particular item later on today. It has been blessed and is in the shop!


The Redtail Hawk Lunaris has swooped in to celebrate the birthdays of those born in September! If it tries to carry you off, please call the Ay Police immediately.

To wrap up Lunar Meteor this month's Premium Item is a Pouch of Stardust! So if you didn't get all the hybrids you wanted, now might be your chance~.
The Pouch of Stardust will only be able to be made via Alchemy until September 7th, you have until 11:59PM AST to make them!

Don't forget to check out the birthday link to claim your gift from Aywas on your big day! Need to change your birthday? Click here!

The new monthly contests have been announced!

October Monthly Shop Pets: Enter
October Monthly Customs - Theme: Halloween: Enter

Good luck with your entries!

Also, don't forget to check out the raffle below, especially if you need another Pouch of Stardust in your life!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Sat Sep 2, 2017 12:16am

Comments: 18

A New Raffle has Started!


Goto News Post

A new raffle has begun

Pouch of Stardust

Pouch of Stardust

Ticket Price: 1
Max Tickets: Unlimited


Click here to join the raffle!

This raffle will end on September 14th, so join while you can!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Fri Sep 1, 2017 11:41pm

Comments: 4

Raffle #200 has ended


Goto News Post


Scribble Breeding Coin

Scribble Breeding Coin

Haruspexx (#72967) is the winner of the raffle and won the item Scribble Breeding Coin!

Haruspexx (#72967) brought 23 tickets, spending 23 Raffle Crystal!

Posted by Chelle & MIA (#7310) on Fri Sep 1, 2017 11:39pm

Comments: 1

T4T: Were Kitty?


Goto News Post

There kitty! Sitting in Trash for Treasure waiting for you to take it home with you in celebration of another Lunar Meteor successfully viewed.

It will wait for you until September 7th so you better hurry and scoop one up now!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Fri Sep 1, 2017 1:23pm

Comments: 8

The Lunar Meteor Shower isn't Quite Over


Goto News Post

Hello everyone! It looks like the Aywas scientists were a bit off on their dates. The lunar meteor will be staying with us for one more day. As such, this is a 24 hour warning. The lunar meteor will now end at 11:59 PM AST on September 1st, 2017. Make sure you finish exploring and catching any pets you wish to add to your lair before the last meteor falls, and the area disappears for another year.

Posted by Nemesis Valkyrie (#476) on Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:37pm

Comments: 8

PPP Farewell, Custom Checkers, Design Teams!

Site Update

Goto News Post


This is the FINAL Prediction Pool Party news post! This is your 24 hour (give or take) notice that the Prediction Pool Party is coming to an end!

August 31st at 11:59pm: All Personal predictions must be uploaded. All commissions must be accepted and posted in the Pool Party Subforum. We will do NO more rolls for rares after this time. If you have not done your rare rolls before this date, you will not be able to get any so make sure you send in your PMs to the appropriate admin before this time.

September 30th at 11:59pm: All commissions should be done within 30 days of the commissioning time according to the ToS, unless another agreement has been made. However ALL Prediction Pool Party commissions must be done by this time. This includes site currency, usd, and prediction trades.

If your predictions are uploaded but not processed until after August 31st they will still be honored under PPP rules. Should you get a personal prediction rejected you are permitted to fix it and reupload it within 2 weeks of the rejection date.

Also make sure that your breeding has "Will have Predicts" checked and PPP in the notes! It may get assigned if you do not do both!


If you are waiting on a custom to come through to do your prediction (such as if it is one of the parents), screenshot your customs page so that it includes the Aywas clock in the top right + your custom waiting in queue. When you are able to submit the breeding include a link to this screenshot in your notes.

Speaking of customs, are you interested in helping out with Custom Crystal Check? We are looking for a couple helpers! If you are interested head on over to the Calculating Custom Percentages KB Article and give it a look over. We require our helpers to already have previous knowledge regarding how to calculate percentages and will only help to refine your knowledge.
If you are interested in trying our super special test(s) to see if you got what it takes send a PM to me! Kaiyo #489 and I will issue it to you and see if you need to brush up on your calculations or if you are good enough for the next steps~ As a reminder, these tests must be manually checked, you are not authorized to use other pre-created programs that calculate the percentage.


And a small note about Commission Fees. We have several options for paying them, if you don't want to pay the USD portion back. If you are on other teams, breeding teams or panel teams, you can get your fees subtracted from your pay.
If you owe but would rather do a few breedings in place of payment, just contact whichever Admin that runs the coin you want to do and we can work something out. We're actually really flexible with how these payments are handled :3

Calling all GP artists!

Would you like to be part of the design teams? We're looking for some artists who are willing to be part of the SCC, GCC, and MDT teams with GP or Artist credit as payment. If you're interested, please go to the SCC, GCC or MDT pages to apply.

Speaking of GP, we're also going to be making changes to the bonus payout for GCC tickets. Starting immediately, bonus for USD artists will now be 20GP per every five designs completed. The bonus for GP and credit artists will be 50gp per every 5 designs completed. We understand the change is sudden, but we're working on ways to better balance the site and improve our economy.

If you are currently a member of any of the above teams and would like to accept GP or Artist credit as payment, please let Kaiyo (#489) or Nemesis Valkyrie (#476) know.

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:10pm

Comments: 16

One last Pool Party hoorah!

Site Update

Goto News Post


Oh looks like the Pool Party is coming to an end! This is a reminder that you have until August 31st, 2017 to submit your personal predictions and to find an artist if you are having someone else create predictions for you.
Artists have 30 days from when you commission them to finish their Pool Party Predictions, will all predictions absolutely needing to be submitted by September 30, 2017!

As a farewell to our Pool Party, we wanted to have a small Radioactive event, seeing as that queue is a bit sparse now (as of this news post there are less than 20 breedings in queue :P)

So, starting tomorrow there are some bonuses that you can receive when submitting a Radioactive Breeding Coin! These bonuses are for site-bred offspring only, not predictions.

August 28, 2017 - Link a pet you own in the notes and the artist will use that pet + the 2 parents to make your offspring
August 29, 2017 - If your breeding rolls a normal you will have double the chance of a Sariforme/Squishy (50% instead of 25%!)
August 30, 2017 - If your breeding rolls a normal, you will have a 25% chance of a metal exotic chosen by the artist.
August 31, 2017 - If your breeding rolls a normal, you will have 25% chance of a metal rare chosen by the artist (excluding Xaoc, Sariforme, Squishy, and exotics).

We are also selling Scribble Coins in a limited amount in the GP shop again! These coins have quite a quick turnaround, so go ahead and pick up one (or a few) to create your own scribble species!

The Smudged Scribble Coin has also been added to the GP shop in a limited amount for 40 GP!

Posted by Kita🦊 (#3988) on Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:15am

Comments: 31

Everyone is in the Lunar Meteor Spirit!

Site Update

Goto News Post


Good afternoon! I hope that everyone is enjoying the lunar meteor, it's so beautiful! All those different shades of color, I was inspired to work with a few of our talented artists and we have come up with a lovely line of Lunar Meteor stylized clothes!


To help you find them easier Eryn is letting me borrow the Seasonal Shop! Be advised these items are limited, once the meteor goes away they will too!

Querel comes floating in with a creepy giggle This meteor is truly fascinating! So many new types of radioactivity, and they are all just so potent~ he giggles as he flips around in the air I have worked with the Museum Curator to open up another Museum Collection to collect some of the objects you can find while exploring! After the meteor is over, I'll host two raffles for those Star Tickets for two pets that seem to been mutated by the rays of the meteor~


Now just a side note, on behalf of Chelle(#7310) she wanted to remind everyone that the PSD Fetch Thread is up to date!

Also that you no longer e-mail in your psds!! There was a news post about this a while ago, do not e-mail them in! Our site artists do not have access to it anymore, instead post in the Gen 2 Attach Thread! Attaching your PSDs to your pets guarentees your breeding artists will get them quickly and easily. This thread is also all caught up, so please make sure to utilize it!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:15pm

Comments: 21

... Lunar Meteor!

Site Update

Goto News Post

"Did anyone see the solar eclipse yesterday? There is this perfect little viewing spot up in the Arctic, and I invited Tech along with me to see it since Rudi was busy. We snacked on Gummy Lunaris while we waited, and Tech was almost eaten by a school of Orca Ryba--"

Tech taps on Miksa's shoulder, shaking their head slightly as if to tell her to move on to something more important.

"Oh! Right! The main reason I'm here is to tell everyone what we discovered today!"


"The Lunar Meteor has arrived! I wonder if the solar eclipse had anything to do with its sudden appearance... Anyway, I found quite a few new pets in the area! Please take caution while exploring - you wouldn't want to get sucked into a black hole."


Tech holds up a small pouch, giggling and bouncing up and down on their heels.


"Oh, thank you! I almost forgot. I brought some of the materials I found to Querel, and he was able to create this Pouch of Stardust! Using it on your pet seems to change it into a new hybrid pet! I've logged which ones you can obtain via this item in the Aywapedia. If you'd like to make your own, feel free to give him a visit at his alchemy studio!"

"Claude was experimenting with the stardust himself as an ingredient for his cooking, and it seems he has created a new Cirrus! If you'd like to check it out, Culinary Cache is open 24/7!"

"According to Tech's calculations, the Lunar Meteor will be with us until August 31st at 11:59 PM AST. Get out there and catch'em all!"


I would like to thank everyone who submitted colorations for the Space Coloration Contest! In first place, with the highest number of accepted submissions is Cosmos (#25837) with a whopping total of 30, earning them a Bottled Celestial Stream! Coming in second is Shizuku (#27621) with 10, and Calix (#14735) close behind in third with 9! They have both earned a Bottled Starlight! As an extra little thank you for everyone's hard work, everyone who had a submission accepted will receive a Pouch of Stardust.

Also, congratulations to Cosmos (#25837) for winning both a Pouch of Stardust and Arcade Carpet Cirrus in the contest's raffle!

Now, as Miksa said, get out there and have some fun!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:58pm

Comments: 34