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Site Update

"Did anyone see the solar eclipse yesterday? There is this perfect little viewing spot up in the Arctic, and I invited Tech along with me to see it since Rudi was busy. We snacked on Gummy Lunaris while we waited, and Tech was almost eaten by a school of Orca Ryba--"
Tech taps on Miksa's shoulder, shaking their head slightly as if to tell her to move on to something more important.
"Oh! Right! The main reason I'm here is to tell everyone what we discovered today!"

"The Lunar Meteor has arrived! I wonder if the solar eclipse had anything to do with its sudden appearance... Anyway, I found quite a few new pets in the area! Please take caution while exploring - you wouldn't want to get sucked into a black hole."

Tech holds up a small pouch, giggling and bouncing up and down on their heels.

"Oh, thank you! I almost forgot. I brought some of the materials I found to Querel, and he was able to create this Pouch of Stardust! Using it on your pet seems to change it into a new hybrid pet! I've logged which ones you can obtain via this item in the Aywapedia. If you'd like to make your own, feel free to give him a visit at his alchemy studio!"
"Claude was experimenting with the stardust himself as an ingredient for his cooking, and it seems he has created a new Cirrus! If you'd like to check it out, Culinary Cache is open 24/7!"
"According to Tech's calculations, the Lunar Meteor will be with us until August 31st at 11:59 PM AST. Get out there and catch'em all!"

I would like to thank everyone who submitted colorations for the Space Coloration Contest! In first place, with the highest number of accepted submissions is Cosmos (#25837) with a whopping total of 30, earning them a Bottled Celestial Stream! Coming in second is Shizuku (#27621) with 10, and Calix (#14735) close behind in third with 9! They have both earned a Bottled Starlight! As an extra little thank you for everyone's hard work, everyone who had a submission accepted will receive a Pouch of Stardust.
Also, congratulations to Cosmos (#25837) for winning both a Pouch of Stardust and Arcade Carpet Cirrus in the contest's raffle!
Now, as Miksa said, get out there and have some fun!
Posted by Lacia
(#25044) on Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:58pm
- Haru
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:03pm
- Starry 🦋 Par
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:11pm
I had a funny feeling when the news notice popped up that this would be the reason. I LOVE this area!! Thank you to everyone who helps to make this happen year after year. <3
- Quit
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:19pm
I need a million of those pouches just to COLLECT. Congrats to Calix, Shi and Cosmos <3
- Kozmotis
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:51pm
Huh. I totally missed the Space Coloration Contest :( I must've missed the News Post for it
- August
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:00pm
eee exciting :D
- Whirlybird
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:02pm
Nice! So glad it's here. <3 There's sooo many pets to collect, but they all look amazing!
- Ladyaseret & Michi
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:31pm
Yay! The meteor is back! Michi would be so Happy people like this area!
- Epiphanyx7
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:50pm
Oh my gosh, all the pets are so beautiful! I'm so excited to start collecting them all :D
- XerxesTexasToast
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:57pm
Perfect time ti use one of my platinum licenses!
Posted on: Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:00pm
Best Adventure area ever. And the variety of space pets this year looks amazing!