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More MayDay fun!

Site Update

Goto News Post


Good evening folks! I'm here with some short May Day updates! First up is the shiny new Metal Exotic Egg! This egg can be found in the USD shop for $25 however since it is the grand unveiling we are reducing the price to $20 until April 21st at 11:59 pm!

Now most of you are probably going "Kaiyo what the heck is an Exotic pet??" Well! The genus page is kind of a cluster when you get to the rares so we are going to work on adjusting that a bit, which will involve moving our USD species into the "Exotic" category! At this point those pets are Teos and Oëts! Snoodle and Faux are considered Semi-Exotic so they will be moved into that category as well with a small note about it.

Speaking of Oët I am guessing that you all would like to see it~ Well all I have is it's naked lines!

Oet_Small.png Oet_Small_wings.png

The Oët is super special because it already comes with an Alternate Lineart! The Flightless form is it's default form, but either one can be made with the Metal Exotic Egg or through the May Day sale!

With breeding, the Oët is rather unique! Since the alts are technically the same lines you can breed normal to alt without predictions! Obviously the pet must still follow the coins rules, so a metal coin will not allow you to breed Flightless with Winged.

This species is now available for the May Day artists to edit, so hit me up with your sketches if your interested! Please remember the requests from the Original May Day Thread

The Oët has already been handed off to our awesome shading artist, so we will get the based ones in there shortly, but I wanted our artists to be able to start working on them ASAP since we know you all reshade the base anyways ;D

Update: The 400x400 PSD was added to the pets page, sorry for forgetting it!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:08pm

Comments: 49

Fancy Custom Breedabiltiy and a Teo Announcement


Goto News Post

When the Fancy Rock Custom Crystal and Wand were made they were accidentally set to produce unbreedable customs. Sadly this was only noticed today so a number of customs have already been made with these items.

The items have had their options changed so that this will not happen in future.

If you have a custom made with either item, please PM me with the pet's ID so I can fix them to be breedable, as they were intended to be.

We apologise profusely for this error and any inconveniences it has caused.

There seems to have been some confusing regarding the 75% teo slots that are available to this year's MayDay artists.

Please be advised that you can only sell the slot for USD if you sell it as a commission with the art included.

This is because to do otherwise is the equivalent of selling a custom making item for USD, which is prohibited.

You can however sell the slot (without artwork) for site currency or items.

This is something we should have perhaps been more clear on, and again, I apologise that a clearer explanation was overlooked.

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:09pm

Comments: 3

Adventure Pets


Goto News Post

"I've found a new assortment of pets wandering around in the wild! Please be careful when wrestling the Shantu into your lair - it almost got away with my arm... It underestimated how strong I am, though, so heh!"


In addition, the March pet coloration submissions forum raffle has been drawn!

Congratulations to Kassquatch (#1288) for winning a Blue Custom Crystal!

If you want to design some Adventure pets, go and post them in their respective threads here! There's also a chance that the designs accepted from that forum will go into the Pet Shop! Remember, you can earn SP!

If your design is now released as a site pet please contact me, Kousei (#25044), for your free copy.

Don't forget to check the important news post below, especially if you are looking to make some GP!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:09pm

Comments: 7

Breeding Updates and Call for Artists!

Site Update

Goto News Post


Kita (#3988) has been an absolute life saver. <3 She has taken over Breeding Mistakes and has finished ruling the 5.0 thread, along with uploading most of the fixes for that entire thread already!

She has made a new thread, Breeding Mistakes 6.0. She also has a ping thread!

Kita has also been helping fix old out of date breeding knowledge base articles, and made a sweet new add-on article that provides baby examples for most of the themed add-ons.


Clarification for the edit randomizers:

Staff has realized these add-ons were being handled inconsistently. This has caused confusion within staff, with artists, and with users.
To fix this, here is a clarification that will be followed from here on out (applying to all breedings in queue):

Edit randomizer offspring will be created on the genera's default base lines.
This means if you breed a Melo with a Melo using a BC, your baby will start from the BLANK Melo genus base and edits from the randomizer prompt will be added to that.

In breedings involving one or more SCC parents, where an SCC genera is rolled for the offspring, the offspring will be created on the randomly designated parent's lines and not the SCC's blank genus base. The breeding team are not expected to know what the "blank" base for any given SCC genus is.

As a large portion of the inconsistencies have involved Teos specifically, a new compromise has been put in place for Teo breedings. The default for a breeding with a Teo parent, where the breeding rolls a Teo offspring, will be to start from the BLANK Teo base. However, if you wish for the baby to start from the parent lines instead, you may request that in the breeding notes. If the breeding is Teo x Teo, you may not specify which parental line is used, just that you would like parental lines to be used in general.

We hope that makes sense!


We are HIRING still! GP pay only - but we are willing to be flexible on how many breedings you take at a time. For BC/HBC we would prefer you take at minimum 3 breedings due in 14 days, and for LBC we would prefer you take at minimum 5 breedings due in 14 days. Normal list size for these coins is 10 breedings.

Please apply asap if you're interested!

Posted by Kyu & Mauri (#1010) on Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:18pm

Comments: 33

T4T: Little Hugs Can Make A Big Difference


Goto News Post

Sometimes in life the little things can make a marked impact - both positive and negative - so here's a little something to try and shine a little ray of sunshine into someone's day.

It's stocking in Trash for Treasure for the next two days, and will leave approximately April 14th at 11:59pm, so make sure you get plenty!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:53am

Comments: 5

Genus in a Bottle

Site Update

Goto News Post

Good evening everyone, I am just here with a real quick update!

The Genus in a Bottle item has been moved from the USD Shop to the SP Shop! Sorry for such short notice!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Tue Apr 11, 2017 9:10pm

Comments: 9

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


It's time to give away four free customs designed during January under the theme of Festivals!

To play the free custom game, please include the phrase "CUSTOM #__" in your news comment. For example, if you want Custom 1, please comment "CUSTOM #1."

Don't lose out on a chance to win one of these customs by voting incorrectly!

Custom One = bad.
Custom1 = bad.
Custom#1 = bad.
Custom #1 = good!
I love custom #1! = good!

Here we go!

1 ................................................ 2 ................................................ 3


Please contact Kousei (#25044) for your prize if you designed one of these customs!

You have until April 23rd at 11:59 PM AST to get your vote in!
Don't forget to check out the previous news post for last contest's winners!

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:39pm

Comments: 416

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


'· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´ [[ The w i n n e r s' edition! ]] '· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´

❤ Love ❤ (#72947) ............................................... Joanna (#35971) ............................................... Whirlybird (#57401)

Faemien (#7201) ............................................... Aludra (#518) ............................................... singingbadgerLLovesU (#30385)

Congratulations to all of our winners!
I will be sending out your customs momentarily.

Posted by Lacia (#25044) on Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:38pm

Comments: 12

Even more updates~!

Site Update

Goto News Post


I am happy to announce that now even GP artists are able to receive USD tips through our 3 panels! We have updated the Artists settings to select if they are a GP artist but still include their paypal for when users want to tip them. I apologize greatly for not thinking of this in the past, and appreciate the recent suggestion about it!


This cute little pile of decorations is our newest Edit Pack! These packs are compatible with Painted Lesser Breeding coins, you can find more information in the Knowledge Base Article. This was supposed to be released in the Valentines day shop, but then I forgot it in my inbox and couldn't find a good time to release it. I chose now because you can collect them with your Bonus Credit! These tiers have been empty for a while so I decided to toss up some fun stuff for your shopping pleasure.


This includes the new Moonshine item! This concentrated alcohol gives a whopping 100 Alcohol points! It will be exclusively sold for Bonus Credit, but will not be a constant item.

The Bonus Credit tiers will clear out on April 10th at 11:59pm so get them while you can!


The last point of interest today is that Fantastical won our contest! However this is incredibly vague, so I have created a new poll with different aspects for what this creature should possess! This is a multiple choice poll, so let us know what 3 things you want the absolute most! Also please feel free to give suggestions in the comments!

12% [ 261 ]
11% [ 235 ]
6% [ 142 ]
5% [ 122 ]
17% [ 389 ]
6% [ 143 ]
16% [ 366 ]
8% [ 180 ]
10% [ 228 ]
Multiple Limbs/heads
8% [ 170 ]

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Fri Apr 7, 2017 4:32pm

Comments: 32

You Shall Go To The Ball~


Goto News Post

Have you ever looked at one of your customs and wanted to snip off a bit of wing, or want to make their flowing locks into a classy bob?

With the magical powers of Masking Tape you now can!

Like the Dawn Crystal, you need one Masking Tape item for each edit you want to affect.

It's permanently stocking in Premium Purchases, and the relevant information on what you can and can't use this item for has been added to the knowledgebase. (Please note the KB entry may expand and become more detailed as users interact with staff and this item.)

Happy Thursday~

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Thu Apr 6, 2017 8:22pm

Comments: 29