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Welcome to May

Site Update

Goto News Post


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Starting off, we have our GP Shop and BP Shop pets, which will be obtainable through the Essence of Mune 2023! This potion will be available this month and the next!


If you designed one of these pets and haven't done so already, please contact Lacia (#25044) for your payment!

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Greeting those born in May is the Emerald Lunaris!

Don't forget to check out the birthday link to claim your gift from Aywas on your big day! Need to change your birthday? Click here!

If you missed your Lunaris or have further questions regarding them, please contact Hiiro (#755).


This month's Premium Item is the Travel Pack! If you're going on a trip, you might want to take this bag of essentials with you! It contains the following items: Everlasting Biscuits, Steel Shooter, HA Travel Pack, and Silver Geode.

The new monthly contests have been announced!

July - August Monthly Shop Pets: Enter
June Monthly Customs - Candy: Enter
Good luck with your entries!

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For the month of May, you may use your Jeweled items to create any previous May base! You can view the available bases in the Knowledge Base articles for the Jeweled Crystal, the Jeweled Hybrid Crystal, and the Jeweled Rare Crystal.

If you want to be a Jeweled Custom Artist, please visit the hiring thread!

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The Ganchuan is currently the active Raw genus, which means that you can purchase the Magic Tummy Ganchuan in the BP Shop! It will remain the active genus until July, so be sure to make a note of this in case you wish to make any!


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At this time, you are no longer required to deposit an egg before collecting one from the Egg Field. Happy clearing!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Mon May 1, 2023 6:59pm

Comments: 4

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


It's time to give away one free custom designed during March under the theme of Bears!

To play, you simply click and submit on the poll below! This will enter you into a raffle for the design. If you created the pet below, please contact Lacia (#25044) with which prizes you are claiming.

You have until 11:59 PM AST on May 7th to get your votes in! Good luck!

100% [ 231 ]

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sun Apr 30, 2023 1:21pm

Comments: 14

Collab Crazy Wrap Up


Goto News Post

Congratulations, Collaborators!

The 2023 Collab Crazy event has come to a close, and all participants should have received their Collab Crayons.

You can now find all of the Collab Crayon PSDs in our new and improved Collab Crayon KB article!

Our winners have already received their prizes, but we'd like to give them a special shout-out and congratulate them on their fantastic submissions!

Vixen (#66196) and Brad (TJ) (#2575)

Rae (#51049) and ✨¯_(ツ)_/¯✨ (#16156)

Rae (#51049) and Xenophia (#52254)

itzel (#50548) and Juke (#7625)

Rae (#51049) and Anora (#79257)

The Cavalry (#42995) and Juke (#7625)

Brad (TJ) (#2575) and Juke (#7625)

Frid (#28513) and KiRAWRa (#11849)

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:36pm

Comments: 16

The Spring Festival


Goto News Post


The Spring Festival has arrived!

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For those those of you who may be new to our spring festivities, the Egg Field is where you may put an item or pet into an egg to deposit into the field so that you may try your luck choosing another egg to open! Everything you deposit and receive will be logged, but only for the duration of the event, so please be sure to note down and download anything you want to continue to have access to after the event ends!

Remember, as with all events where we allow you to input your own message, you must follow the Terms of Service - this includes not using any language or images that would require an M (Mature) tag. Please note that religion also falls under this tag. If you collect an egg that you feel breaks the rules, please report it to a member of staff.


If spring is causing your creative juices to flow, we also have a few contests open - with the first place prize being a PSD use of the lovely Spring Festival Teo! The contests include a story contest, coloring a paper egg, and coloring a digital egg. Please make sure to read the rules carefully when submitting!

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The Seasonal Shop is now open as well! There are a mix of old and new items and pets, and you will have until the Spring Festival ends at 11:59 PM AST on April 30th to make any and all purchases.

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Mon Apr 10, 2023 2:56pm

Comments: 0

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


'· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´ [[ The w i n n e r s' edition! ]] '· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´

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Island Ghost (#80826) ................................. Eternity (#41808) ................................. ★Zee★ (#2765)


ABlankMask (#70513)

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Thu Apr 6, 2023 3:11pm

Comments: 6

The Sink ends


Goto News Post

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With a flurry of BP, users have unlocked all the tiers and bases!

The following events and perks have also been unlocked:

The first unlock is a merging of all the BP sinks.

The new item, Heart of Crystal, can now make ALL of the BP Sink bases, past and present. The KB has been updated with all the bases included.

You can also trade the past makers (Sparkling Crystal and Mineral Crystal) in to The Recycling Center for the new maker!

For a limited time, Heart of Crystal will also be stocking in the BP Shop for the sale price of 3,500,000! This sale will run until the end of the month -- April 30th @ 11:59 PM -- and then the item will be sold for its normal price.

The standard, non-sale price for Heart of Crystal will be 4,500,000 BP going forward!

All BP sink events will use the same maker going forward, as well!

Raffles are ongoing! Check them out here!

Our second unlock is that the item raffles are now joined by a few pre-mades on the new sink bases!

(Staff is aware you can also see the monthly pets, but you must vote in the news post to enter them. The raffle page will not let you enter the raffle successfully!)


Luck be with you! These new raffles will end at the same time as the item raffles, so they will also be drawn sometime after April 6th @11:59 PM AST.

With that, a big thank you for participation in the event. You tore through those tiers far faster than anticipated! We hope you had fun :D

Posted by Kandria (#293) on Mon Apr 3, 2023 1:36pm

Comments: 6

Raffles and sinks oh my!


Goto News Post

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The BP sink is moving at a fast rate!
As part of that several 1 BP raffles have been unlocked!


Check them out here

They will be drawn sometime after 4/6 @1159 PM , so pick up your tickets before then!

Luck be with you!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sun Apr 2, 2023 5:44pm

Comments: 11

Welcome to April

Site Update

Goto News Post


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Starting off, we have our GP Shop and BP Shop pets, which will be obtainable through the Essence of Maril 2023! This is the final month that this potion will be available!


If you designed one of these pets and haven't done so already, please contact Lacia (#25044) for your payment!

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Greeting those born in April is the Aries Lunaris!

Don't forget to check out the birthday link to claim your gift from Aywas on your big day! Need to change your birthday? Click here!

If you missed your Lunaris or have further questions regarding them, please contact Hiiro (#755).


This month's Premium Item is the Mysterious Pastel Basket! Hm, I wonder what could possibly be inside...

The new monthly contests have been announced!

May - June Monthly Shop Pets: Enter
May Monthly Customs - Cheese: Enter
Good luck with your entries!

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For the month of April, you may use your Jeweled items to create any previous April base! You can view the available bases in the Knowledge Base articles for the Jeweled Crystal, the Jeweled Hybrid Crystal, and the Jeweled Rare Crystal.

If you want to be a Jeweled Custom Artist, please visit the hiring thread!

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The Flubelle is currently the active Raw genus, which means that you can purchase the Pride Flubelle in the BP Shop! It will remain the active genus until May, so be sure to make a note of this in case you wish to make any!


Congratulations to Xenophia (#52254) for winning a Bronze Custom Orb through the March Pet Coloration forum raffle!

If you would like to enter the monthly raffles, you can submit your designs here! Each accepted design is counted as one entry. Remember, you can earn SP and a Restyle Brush!

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As a reminder, the submission threads for the Spring Festival will remain open until 11:59 PM AST on April 9th.

Additionally, the deadline to submit and complete any sets for the Mayday Exotic Sale is 11:59 PM AST on May 11th!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sat Apr 1, 2023 7:44am

Comments: 9

BP Sinkplooza


Goto News Post

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Have a bit of extra jingle in your pocket? Love to adventure but want something more to do with your BP? Waiting for updates got you down?

Well, today we come to you with a site event!

The BP Sink is back!

For every 3,000,000 BP you donate to the BP Sink, you will gain a shiny new item: Heart of Crystal! This custom maker will allow you to make a colored (not edited) SCC from the BP Sink challenge. You'll find a variety of bases submitted by a bunch of artists, all with silhouetted images to hint at what you'll unlock next!

When the event ends, Heart of Crystal will be moved to the BP Shop at a higher price, so stock up on it while you can during the event!


Collab Crazy!

As this winds down, please make sure to get all your entries posted and updated by tonight (3/31, @11:59 PM )

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:24pm

Comments: 5

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


It's time to give away four free customs designed during February under the theme of Seabunnies!

To play, you simply choose your favorite from the poll below! This will enter you into a raffle for that particular design. You only get one vote, so choose wisely! If you created one of the pets below, please contact Lacia (#25044) with which prizes you are claiming.

You have until 11:59 PM AST on April 5th to get your votes in! Good luck!

27% [ 85 ]
10% [ 33 ]
25% [ 79 ]
38% [ 121 ]

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:10pm

Comments: 0