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Search Options ►Raffle #59 has ended
Hybrid Elixir
Bri & RC (#307) is the winner of the raffle and won the item Hybrid Elixir!
Bri & RC (#307) brought 900 tickets, spending 900,000 BP!
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:24am
It's Friday, Friday
Yoo hoo! *waves hanky* It's me again with another special delivery!
Did you know that today is Book Lover's Day? No? Well, neither did I until Shaylmesse (#13314) brought it to my attention-- and I'm blushing to have to admit my ignorance, because there are few greater pleasures than curling up with a good book! If you're like me and would just love to have your own little personal library, why don't you try Shaylmesse's gift on for size?
The Book Lover's Background is available in the Advent Calendar for the duration of today and tomorrow, up until August 10th, 11:59pm.
Ooh, but wait! There's more!
Tell me your favourite book (and why!) in the comments and you could be in with a chance of winning this set of custom crystals! I'm in need of some good new holiday reads and I'm sure I can't be the only one. :3 Chime in by August 10th, 11:59pm to ensure your spot in the draw (one entry per account, please).
Ooh, but wait! There's even more!!!
Do you remember I mentioned earlier in the week that I was having a tidy of my inbox? The invitation (and encouragement!) to nudge your outstanding Artist Pay is still open, but today I am asking you to bump up PMs pertaining to Lunarii switches. That means if you picked up the wrong Lunaris for the month and you're still waiting on me to swap 'em around for you, point yourself to my inbox sharpish!
Phew! Okay! That's everything - probably! Who knows! Yay! Exclamation marks!
Thank you for the background, Shaylmesse!
Just smell those new pages!
Posted by Captain Visark
(#185) on Fri Aug 9, 2013 1:17pm
Breeding Season Reminders
Site Update
Don't forget that you have just a little over 24 hours to grab these shinies from the GP Shop!
And make sure you snag a few raffle tickets for an elusive Hybrid Elixir!
The GP Shop items will be pulled after 11:59 p.m. on August 9th, at which point we will also draw the raffle winner.
Good luck!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Thu Aug 8, 2013 9:02pm
Free Custom Winners!
Shadow1597 (#50970) | 138 votes..........Wolven Romeo (#40783) | 244 votes..........Saina Belaire (#42026) | 103 votes
Vyxen (#49788) | 43 votes..........crazed1 (#33637) | 84 votes..........Kassander (#29302) | 113 votes
Lorrilai (#47210) | 34 votes..........Fimbulvetr (#5602) | 264 votes..........Hypholoma (#50093) | 123 votes
Congratulations to all of our winners!
I will be sending out your customs momentarily. :3
See you next month for another round!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Thu Aug 8, 2013 8:24pm
Official Alatus
The Ornate Velvet Alatus is now relaxing in the SP Shop for a cool 2 SP.
Congratulations to all of our finalists and our winning artist!
The winning artist, Jesse + Riffi + Max (#46975), receives a Speedy Breeding Ticket.
All other finalists can reclaim their designs to keep, sell, etc. :3
Thanks for voting!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Thu Aug 8, 2013 7:26pm
Trivia & Weekly Raffle!
Site Update
A quick reminder to make sure you vote for the official Alatus and also cast your vote in the free monthly custom game! Winners of both will be announced tomorrow. :3
Now onto our regularly scheduled updates!
Weekly Raffle
This week's raffle winner is:
Wagon+Miston (#42063)
Who had 21 crystals out of 18,648 total and won a custom Raffi!
Next week's winner will receive...
A Greater Fertility Potion!
The trivia has been updated!
Last week's questions and answers revealed!
Which of the following is not a Lunaris coloration?
Tigers Eye
What is the edit percentage for the most recent Gold Scav Paint?
Who was not a winner for the Army Strikes contest?
Rorro (#33668)
In which month was the following trivia question asked? "What is not a breeding Add-On?"
How many items do Crystal Talismans contain?
Which user coloured the Galactic Wonders HA set?
Jamie (#33)
What was the deadline for entering the Color-a-Heggal contest held when the heggal was announced as a raw pet?
September 20th at 11:59 p.m.
How much USD is the blue paintbrush redeemable for?
$10 USD
Which site character has a tendency to speak in riddles?
How much is the fee to use the Account Search?
10,000 BP
Good luck on the new batch of questions!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Wed Aug 7, 2013 8:00pm
Custom Pets - Backgrounds, Orange and Candy Cane
Are you tired of seeing me in your news posts yet? Hopefully not, because I'm here to get your opinions on a few custom areas that are a bit ambiguous - backgrounds, Orange and Candy Cane themes.
Head on over here and have your say!
Yikes, watch where you're throwing stuff, Vis! D8 STAFF ABUSE, Abuse I say!
If you're an artist and Vis owes you stuff, go maul-I mean... hug and snuggle her on my behalf. >:3 See below!
Posted by Graymare
(#14978) on Tue Aug 6, 2013 3:30pm
I was never pro enough to get a rocket in Tetris.
Site Update
*hyperventilates into a bag*
I know! I'm here writing another News post! Salt your doorsteps! Grab your horseshoes! Check for blue-moons!
This is just a wee post-it to say I'm doing a summer clean of my inbox and would very much appreciate your help! Over the course of the week I'll be putting up short'n'sweet News posts asking you kind folks if you would nudge such-and-such a PM so that I may answer as much waylaid mail as my lil' fingers can manage. I do like to work transparently where I can, and I hope you won't mind me asking for a little help to plug the leaks in the Captain's filthy pirate ship and get 'er running all sleek and fast. :3
Today I'm asking you to go hog-wild on Artist Pay. If it's been more than seven days since you sent me something, bump it up! Go go go! As a reminder, my payment duties are BP/GP Shop, Monthly Customs, and Colour-a-Raw contests.
Later on in the week I plan to put out a call for Lunarii and assorted Custom Item Package malarkey.
Look out below!
*drops things on Gray's hardhat... just testing for safety purposes...*
Posted by Captain Visark
(#185) on Tue Aug 6, 2013 5:45am
Hard Hats Required!
Site Update
Your Custom Admin Pony here, with just a quick note. There are bound to be some bumps as we transition over between Skitty and me. If you feel you've had a custom bumped out of the queue by mistake, feel free to toss me a PM and I'll get right on it.
Any pets which were previously ruled / accepted as a certain level of edits will remain so. A big thank you to all the crystal check helpers, we are now down to approximately 65% of the backlog remaining.
Up, up and away!
Posted by Graymare
(#14978) on Tue Aug 6, 2013 3:24am
Vote for the official Alatus!
Site Update
After a grueling shortlist process (seriously, this submission batch was awesome), I have 9 finalists from the Weekend Hybrid Coloring Contest for you to vote on!
Remember, the Alatus that gets the most votes will be the official coloration and will be put into the SP Shop. All other finalist designs will go back to their creators.
Here we go!
To vote, please include the phrase "Alatus #__" in your news post comment.
For example, if you want the first Alatus, please comment "Alatus #1."
Alatus One = bad.
Alatus1 = bad.
Alatus#1 = bad.
Alatus #1 = good!
I love alatus #1! = good!
The artist behind the winning coloration will receive a Speedy Breeding Ticket, which I will send directly to the user once the winning pet has been declared. All other finalists can then do whatever they wish with their Alatus entries.
You have until August 7th at 11:59 p.m. to get your vote in!
One vote per account.
Now tell us which Alatus is your favorite! :3
(Also, please make sure you check out the updates below. We've given you a news post workout today, so you'll want to ensure you're not missing anything--including our new administrator!)
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Mon Aug 5, 2013 10:12pm