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Site Update
Lairs are now back up and running! And this Kaba is certainly happy about it.
You'll now notice that pagination has been added.
In the upper right corner of the lair display, you have the option to view 32 | 64 | 96 | 120 | 240 pets per page.
This option is available in your own lair as well as lairs of other users so that you can view pets according to your personal preference. The default is 32 for easiest load time.
You will no longer experience fatal memory errors, and you should be able to sort any and all pets with ease. :3
We appreciate your patience during the lair downtime necessary to make these changes! My apologies for any inconvenience, though I hope you enjoy the updates.
Please let us know if you encounter any new lair glitches. Thank you!
Update: We're aware of the whole pets-in-my-shop and pets-I-gave-away-long-ago appearing in lair issue and Yasu is working on a fix to remove them. If you can't edit a pet because it's telling you it doesn't exist, it should be because it shouldn't really be in your lair anyway (aka is technically in a shop, stocking, etc.).
I'll let you know when this is taken care of!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:28pm
Lair Maintenance
Site Update
Just a quick note to let everyone know that lairs are indeed intentionally down for maintenance.
Yasu is hoping to give those mischievous lair errors a swift kick to the behind.
I'll post an update when his changes and fixes have been implemented. :3 We'll get lairs back up for you as soon as we can.
Thanks for bearing with us!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:21pm
Deer & Wolf Pet Submissions
Site Update
With the power of a Slashbot, Aros (#4353) will be bringing an event all about deer and wolves to an Aywas near you! The event will kick off on her birthday, September 3rd, but we need your help in bringing everything together. If you are interested in contributing pets to this event, click here!
Also! If you are missing any event artist payment, please contact me and I will take care of it as soon as possible for you. By "event artist payment," I'm talking about those of you who had items, HA clothing, pets, etc. accepted for a past Slashbot event. There shouldn't be too many, but I want to ensure I don't inadvertently miss you. :)
I'm finishing up the Slashbot/event guide this weekend, so you should see that early next week.
Please also note if you're waiting on date confirmation for a Slashbot slot, I'll send you a message as soon as I can! I'm in the process of reserving dates and going down the line in order. :3 Thanks!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:30pm
Falling Lunaris!
As the Lunar Meteor fades out into orbit, our sky-dwelling genus wants to reclaim its dominance!
So, we have been greeted by 15 new species of Lunari!
5 of these new colorations are exclusive to the Bottled Lightstorm.
You can snag a free one from the Advent Calendar for a full 24 hours on Sunday, August 25th.
But if that's not enough for you, we've also tossed them into the BP Shop through the end of the month (meaning August 31st at 11:59 p.m.).
Here are the 5 you can receive from the potion:
Using the Bottled Lightstorm will randomly change your active pet into one of the above colors!
The other 10 are Admin Distributed and can be obtained through the Random Lunaris Potion, Mini Phoenix Tree-blessed TREs, etc. Lunari like to evade capture, so don't be discouraged if it takes you some time to collect them all. :3
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:01am
Star Ticket Raffles!
The Star Ticket raffles have been drawn!
Prize: Random Lunaris Potion
Winner: Zelda (#7215)
Prize: 2 Silver Paws
Winner: Mika Ikeda (#33167)
Prize: Glittering Potion
Winner: Viscera (#7114)
Prize: Any Lunaris from the Aywapedia
Winner: Kia (#42224)
Prize: Jar of Sparkles
Winner: M07H (#37131)
Prize: Tiny Silver Potion
Winner: Ricari (#235)
Grand Prize: Bottled Starlight
Winner: DarkKitsunegirl (#29295)
Congratulations to all of our winners!
If you won one of the prizes above, please turn in your Star Tickets in exchange for the prize by sending them to me (#17).
Didn't luck out this time? Not to worry!
I have a surprise for everyone coming up shortly. *u*
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:19am
Breeding Incentive
Site Update
Oooooh, shiny!
The Breeding Team has a cool new incentive. If you turn in five lists on time, you'll automatically be rewarded with a custom creator for the above SCC species.
If you'd like to apply for the breeding team, below are linked the applications:
Metal Breeding Coin Application
Radioactive Breeding Coin Application
Breeding Coin Application
Lesser Breeding Coin Application
As an aside, we hired a new programmer today. That makes five programmers on our roster. Woohoo! To give you an idea of what our programmers are up to lately, here's a mixture of features they've been working on: a new layout, gardening, site polls, silver species database, pet zoo (museum for site pets), adventure tweaks!
Posted by JAK
(#15) on Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:53pm
Monthly HA Clothes - August
Your winners are stocking in the GP Shop, BP Shop, and Premium Outlet.
Submit a clothing base for September's monthly HA.
Last Month's Totals
Galactic Wonders Hair - 311
Galactic Wonders Sash - 274
Galactic Wonders Panties - 277
Galactic Wonders Teddy - 281
Galactic Wonders Robe - 295
Artist: ♛ Princesses ♕ (#1210)
Colorist: Jamie (#33)
2876 Premium Points each
Creamy Caramel Sash - 311
Creamy Caramel Panties - 309
Creamy Caramel Teddy - 312
Creamy Caramel Robe - 327
Creamy Caramel Hair - 362
Artist: ♛ Princesses ♕ (#1210)
Colorist: Engel (#4812)
3242 Premium Points each
Sunset Elegance Panties - 63
Sunset Elegance Hair - 72
Sunset Elegance Teddy - 57
Sunset Elegance Sash - 62
Sunset Elegance Robe - 61
Artist: ♛ Princesses ♕ (#1210)
Colorist: Iceh (#32619)
315 GP each
Fiery Monarch Robe - 238
Fiery Monarch Sash - 210
Fiery Monarch Teddy - 207
Fiery Monarch Hair - 262
Fiery Monarch Panties - 203
Artist: ♛ Princesses ♕ (#1210)
Colorist: ♛ Princesses ♕ (#1210)
112,000,000 BP each
Posted by JAK
(#15) on Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:33am
Speedy Breeding Ticket
Speedy Breeding Tickets have infiltrated the GP Shop again!
This item allows you to speed up a breeding by having it assigned to one of two dedicated artists for this item. The artists are below:
Miss Mally
To designate which artist you want, submit your breeding then go to the breeding review page and fill out the "Breeding Notes" box with which artist you'd like to be assigned to.
The Breeding Notes feature is currently only applicable for designating artist choice in Platinum Breeding Coin breedings or Speedy Breeding Ticket breedings, but may be used in the future for limited communication with your breeding artists.
Speedy Breeding Tickets will be available in the shop until September 6th (two weeks).
Monthly HA clothes are coming up next, so stay tuned for that.
Posted by JAK
(#15) on Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:16pm
UX Designs
Our new user experience designer is looking for your feedback. Stop by this thread to share your thoughts about the way features are set up.
Posted by JAK
(#15) on Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:20pm
Starry Goodbyes
Site Update
The Lunar Meteor will be going back off into orbit any time now, but will be returning next year!
We hope you've enjoyed seeing stars. :3
Make sure you complete the Lunar Meteor Museum Collection and collect your fancy Star Ticket if you haven't already!
I will be retiring the collection tomorrow (August 22nd) and will then be raffling off some shiny prizes! To be entered in the Star Ticket Raffles, all you need to do is have the Star Ticket item in your inventory. If you're a winner, you will be asked to turn your ticket in to collect your prize.
We'll also be making some pet dreams come true over the next few days, so keep an eye on the skies!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:17pm