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Rock Custom Crystal


Goto News Post

Wow, we have a lot of news for you today, don't we?

The Rock Custom Crystal is now stocking in the BP Shop for 8,000,000 BP. It allows you to upload an unedited silver pet designated for the Rock Custom Crystal at the time, which is the below:

Click for PSD

You may hoard Rock Custom Crystals for future bases. The above base will retire on November 1, before which a second base will be polled. The previous sketches will be included along with a brand new third sketch so you will always have the possibility of having one of those old favorites.

Posted by JAK (#15) on Mon Sep 2, 2013 8:27pm

Comments: 42

Free Monthly Custom Game!


Goto News Post


It's time to give away nine free customs designed during August under the theme of Magic!

To play the free custom game, please include the phrase "CUSTOM #__" in your news comment. For example, if you want Custom 1, please comment "CUSTOM #1."

Don't lose out on a chance to win one of these customs by voting incorrectly!

Custom One = bad.
Custom1 = bad.
Custom#1 = bad.
Custom #1 = good!
I love custom #1! = good!

Here we go!




Please contact Visark (#185) for your prize if you designed one of these customs!

You have until September 4th at 11:59 p.m. to get your vote in!
One vote per account.

Good luck!

Want to see one of YOUR creations featured in the monthly free custom game?
Enter your submission for October here! The theme is Imagination.

(Please make sure you check out the important announcement below and the HA poll if you haven't already. :3)

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Mon Sep 2, 2013 6:14pm

Comments: 1396

Metal Design Ticket


Goto News Post

The Metal Design Ticket, a BP Shop item, is debuting faster than its more powerful counterpart.

The catch is that this is a short sale restocking item. It will restock in the BP Shop for 3,000,000 BP on the following date:

2:00 PM - 2:05 PM
September 3rd

For those five minutes, it will be unlimited. After the five minute mark is reached, the item will be removed so that the queue can be handled. When the queue for it is cleared, another announcement for its restock will be posted.

The artist list for this item is on this thread, and you may apply for the team if interested on this thread.

Posted by JAK (#15) on Mon Sep 2, 2013 5:00pm

Comments: 40

HA Base - Voting


Goto News Post

Please select a monthly base for September.

44% [ 644 ]
41% [ 599 ]
15% [ 216 ]

Posted by JAK (#15) on Mon Sep 2, 2013 4:22pm

Comments: 24

What's that I smell? It's new Adventure pets!


Goto News Post

Phew! *holds nose*
This new set of adventure pets certainly smells quite strong. (Sorry about that!)

Congratulations to Baunilha (#44769) for winning a Blue Custom Crystal in our monthly Pet Coloration Submissions Forum raffle!

If you want to design some Adventure pets, go and post them in their respective threads here! Remember, you can earn SP!

- Mauri

Posted by Kyu & Mauri (#1010) on Mon Sep 2, 2013 1:48pm

Comments: 10

Welcome to September!

Site Update

Goto News Post


Let's kick off the new month with some seasonal GP Shop pets!




And why not treat yourself to one of our lovely BP Shop pets?




If you colored one of these lovely pets, please contact Visark (#185) for your payment!
Make sure to send the PSDs for these pets in to [email protected] right away! Or I will make smores with your crayons. Mmmm.


Whether you're a pet, potion or gambling lover, you can now pick up the Essence of September 2013 stocking in the GP Shop. This magic potion will turn your active pet into one of the September 2013 monthlies above!


The premium monthly item is the Bow Hair Hairbrush! Using this item will yield 2 random gorgeous wearable hairstyles for your HA. There are 8 possible colors contained within the brush. You can see all the options by going to the preview and choosing Newest Items.


The Morning Glory Lunaris has appeared in the September skies for those with birthdays this month! Don't forget to check in with Aywas on your special day and collect your birthday gift!


The new monthly contests have been announced!

October Monthly Pets - GP Shop: Enter

October Monthly Pets - BP Shop: Enter

October Monthly Customs: Enter
Theme: Imagination


For those of you who are newer to the Aywas community, I will let you in on a not-so-kept secret: October is one of Aywas' biggest months! This October will mark Aywas' 4th birthday, and we know how to throw a pretty good bash. Stay tuned for Halloween/October holiday submission threads. *wink*

Reminder: The Nova custom items have cycled back into the Premium Outlet where they will remain for the month of September, then return to the BP/GP Shops for October and November.


Don't forget that the Raffi is our resident raw pet until mid-month! If you haven't turned your Raffi designs into customs yet, you have about two weeks to do so.

Coding Corner

As you already know, lairs are undergoing some work to enable them to better handle the amount of pets us crazy hoarders have accumulated! Additionally, we're working on making our existing features more intuitive and are also addressing one of the biggest issues for new and old users alike--accessing accurate information. Staff has been working on creating a Knowledge Base that we're hoping to release soon; it's essentially an on-site searchable encyclopedia that answers our most common questions, offers guidance and general game information. Best of all, it's in one centralized location!

There's going to be a lot going on over the next few months, so get ready for a fun ride!

Here's to September!

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sun Sep 1, 2013 11:59pm

Comments: 24

Art Gallery


Goto News Post

Art Gallery


The art gallery has been judged!
The theme was Back to School and we received some clever entries!
Even though most people can't wait to graduate, I miss school and am jealous of everyone going back this fall, so I loved seeing your work. :3

Here are our featured winners:

They won:

The current theme features the Apple Festival!
September always reminds me of apple farms, apple pies, bobbing for apples, and of course our Flaming Apple Festival. Any medium is acceptable as long as it is apple and Aywas related! Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have. :3

Some new themes have also been added!

September 8 - September 14: Aywas Extreme Stick Figures
September 15 - September 21: Postcard*
September 22 - September 28: Tin Foil Sculptures
September 29 - October 5: Paper Dolls

Also, don't forget, if you have ideas for an Art Gallery theme, share your ideas with us. <3

The big monthly news post is coming up next!

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sun Sep 1, 2013 9:04pm

Comments: 6

Ay Uncommon Updates!

Site Update

Goto News Post


Whoops, looks like we accidentally baked our latest custom crystal addition a little too long!
*blames Graymare*
Gray: Hey, that's what you get for putting an equine in charge of the kitchen! No opposable thumbs, y'know.

The Ashen Custom Crystal will allow you to create a metal Uncommon Ay custom.
We've been needing a metal-level item to suit this group of genera for a while, so thank you for the user suggestion. :3 Instead of using MCCs for editless Oakls and BrCCs for editless Chiros, you should now use the Ashen Custom Crystal (ACC) for all your metal Oakl, Chiro, Meep, Arak and Shen needs!

So, where can you find the ACC?
It's currently stocking in the Metalsmithing Shop for 50 pieces of Smokey Quartz.


You will find Smokey Quartz dropping at r80 in the West River and stocking in the BP Shop for 100k each so that they don't exceed that price.

Note: Since this is a change to how metal Oakls and Chiros are created, you can use MCCs and BrCCs for both, respectively, through September 30th--a full month.


We have also moved the Flame Custom Crystal out of the SP Shop and into the Premium Outlet to be more in line with its value per another user suggestion. We will be adding some items to the SP Shop at different levels to replace the removal of the FCC. If you have any ideas regarding what you'd like to see specifically in the SP Shop, please let us know!

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sun Sep 1, 2013 12:43am

Comments: 29

Apple Festival

Site Update

Goto News Post

The Apple Festival is in season!

The Phoenix Tree is dropping Flaming Apples for the month of September.

Flaming Apples are quite useful in their own right as they yield BP and a chance at a custom making item. However, if you're feeling competitive, you can turn in your Flaming Apples at the Apple Festival.

At the end of September, the top ten winners of the Apple Festival will get a Bottled Starlight and a PSD use of an apple-themed Lunaris made by Soul. The top player who has donated the most apples to the festival will also receive an apple-themed Xaoc designed by Soul.

Please note that the Apple Festival is officially replacing the double BP event as it produces a lot of BP.

Posted by JAK (#15) on Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:59pm

Comments: 97

SCC Base

Site Update

Goto News Post

Please pick a special SCC base sketch design.
This base will be available for BP for two months then retired.

26% [ 395 ]
41% [ 625 ]
33% [ 492 ]

Posted by JAK (#15) on Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:03pm

Comments: 50