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Scavenger Hunt - Corrections Period

Site Update

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All the judges have reported their tasks have been graded for Scavenger Hunt. Now begins a forty-eight hour period where teams may contest a grade they were given or make a case for correcting any proof mistakes.

Please be aware that a proof or task correction will not be accepted if it doesn't display a timestamp on it or on the website it was uploaded indicating it was done during scavenger hunt week.

If a team lost points on an entry and would like to contest it, they may make a case to the judge in the judge's thread. However, the judge's response ruling is final and no further discussion will be had after that ruling or the end of the forty-eight hour period.

Pretty soon we can crunch numbers and reveal the winners! Stay tuned!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:41am

Comments: 20


Site Update

Goto News Post


15 new pets have been added to the Lunar Meteor area!


You can see all fifteen by going to the Aywapedia and sorting by Newest--and filtering for Lunar Meteor helps too.

(Also as another little fix, and to help you in your User Shop pet searches, we've added the missing Vespa and Flux genuses to the dropdown as options.)

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:07pm

Comments: 30

Trivia & Weekly Raffle!

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Weekly Raffle


This week's raffle winner is:
JigglyCookie (#9203)
Who had 14 crystals out of 18016 total and won a Greater Fertility Potion!



Next week's winner will receive...


A Metallic Starlight Bottle in honor of the Lunar Meteor!



The trivia has been updated!
Last week's questions and answers revealed!

Achievement #26 can be unlocked by...
owning over 200 customs

In which NPC shop does the premium user's 10% discount not apply?
SP shop

How much BP do you win if you correctly guess the word in the game Hangman?
100 BP

The Nova Custom Crystal/Orb cycles between the GP shop and the...
Premium outlet

How many points do you get when you clear one grave in Grave Robber?
500 points

How many tickets did Morranr (#43935) purchase to win the Magic Chemistry Set?

What was the price of Hound Fetus Jars in Famine's Feast?

Which of the following is not a recipe for cooking?
Bubbly Cupcake

How many adventure pets are added each time usually?

What is the GP increase when using an Awesome Coupon?

How many questions will you get correct this week?
Good luck!

(Also, as a tiny fix update, we removed the Team Ay/Ara titles per a user suggestion and have converted them to achievement titles. So if you're wondering where your team tag from last year went, that's where you can find 'em!)

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:38pm

Comments: 10

Star Gazing

Site Update

Goto News Post


With the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower just ending, it seems our own starry wonderland has reappeared!


The Lunar Meteor is accessible from now until August 20th at 11:59 p.m. with optimal viewing times being this weekend (that means we probably have some surprise goodies in store for you).

If you are a newer user that has joined within the last year, you'll be happy to know that all of the original pets and items have been preserved in this area, so you can catch up on your collecting. :3 But don't worry--we'll be adding new celestial pets for everyone to wrestle with their nets! (We expect they'll be falling tomorrow...)


We have also restored the Lunar Meteor Museum Collection for this week only! Your reward is the Star Ticket, which will be used in several raffles for out of this world items! (If you already completed the collection last year, you won't be able to complete it again.)


In the spirit of blazing meteors lighting up the sky, we invite you to come Wish Upon a Star for a chance at winning one of your favorite site pets!

Keep an eye on the skies for more magical opportunities!

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:25pm

Comments: 48

GCC Deal

Site Update

Goto News Post

Hello, folks! The GCC Deal has been going on for approximately a year now, and it was a long, fun run! The end date for the GCC Deal has been set for September 1, 2013.

The GCC Deal has built up a considerable backlog and the art team's focus is going to be on completing those requests without continued buildup. After all of the requests have been finished, the GCC team will be moving on to servicing the Design Ticket.

It's much like the GCC Deal, but with guaranteed artists. It will make its debut as soon as the backlogged requests have been filled.

Until then, enjoy buying any additional GCCs you'd like to purchase, and happy designing!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:10am

Comments: 20

New Moderators!

Site Update

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This much green can only mean one thing on Aywas--we've added some new moderators to our team!
Please join me in congratulating and welcoming our five newest staff members:

Tularemia (#183)
Büllet (#478)
~Helmy~ (#1401)
Chelle (#7310)
ThornInside! (#9484)

As they're just getting their feet wet, you'll probably start seeing them more around the forums to assist with all your locking/moving thread needs, answering questions, etc. Please feel free to contact them with any problems or user issues you encounter as well, but try not to scare them away just yet! We'd like to try and keep them for at least a little while. *wink*

Wish them luck!

(If you are interested in becoming a moderator, you can fill out the application here at any time, but please note we generally hire in waves, so the next batch wouldn't be for some time, and I'll put out an announcement when we're "officially" looking to hire.)

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:57pm

Comments: 48

5 new NPCs!

Site Update

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I am very excited to announce that five new NPCs and their profiles have been added to the Site Characters section!


Hopefully you guys enjoy reading some more of our worldbuilding tidbits and lore. :3
(It took me hours just to name this set, so I had a lot of fun with these!)

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:16pm

Comments: 67

Trees! Books! Trees made into books! Er, wait...


Goto News Post

Wotcher! The weekend's nearly over; I hope you folks have had a good one! For any of you facing impending Monday morning work-time blues, Tala (#67) is here to offer you a little bit of escapism. Wouldn't it be wonderful if, instead of being up at the crack of dawn for your regular city commute, you were off for a misty morning forest walk? :3

Throw open the door of the Advent Calendar (edit: woops, forgot to link this all handy-like) up 'til August 12th, 11:59pm and you'll discover Tala's Misty Forest Background waiting for you on the other side! There's probably considerably less chance of you being hunted by a White Witch, too, which can only be a plus.

Thank you, Tala!

Segsworth (#32258) is the winner of my 'Share Your Favourite Book' random draw! Congratulations! Segsworth recommended The Lies of Locke Lamora, which I picked up today-- along with a couple others! I read as many of your comments as I could and went out armed with a huge list of books that piqued my interest. In hindsight I absolutely must apologise for asking you guys to only pick one... that was pretty mean of me. ;)

I wanted to give you all a heads-up that I will be on vacation and potentially without internet access from August 14th to September 2nd (now you know why I pick-pocketed your brains for books!). The lovely Sennara will be looking after the custom item queue and fielding your questions in the event I cannot do so myself, so please be kind to her. :3 You may of course continue to PM me during this time, but be aware you may not receive a reply!

whip crack went his...

... and the beast was done.

Custom item people still waiting on CIP refunds so that you may put your items through the snazzy new queue - now's your turn to bump your PMs! Go go gooooo! *awkward unattractive flailing*

What you didn't know about me is that I am a cat, with most excellent taste in sunglasses, and a penchant for fantasy.
Merci beaucoup, et au revoir!

Posted by Captain Visark (#185) on Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:46pm

Comments: 49

Art Gallery & Lunaris

Site Update

Goto News Post


The sleepy Poppy Lunaris has arrived as a gift to those with August birthdays!
If your birthday has already passed this month, please contact Visark (#185) to get your Lunaris pet or to have the one you collected switched out for the new Poppy coloration.

(Moving forward, our monthly spotlight lunarii should arrive on time so none of us have to deal with this switcheroo!)

Art Gallery


The art gallery has been judged!
The theme was Design an Aywas Print Pattern and we received some creative pattern renderings!

Here are our featured winners:


They won:

I am particularly excited for this next theme, which is Fake Aywas Videogame Screenshots!
If Aywas were a videogame, what would a screenshot from it look like? Show us!
(And don't forget to put your name and ID on it.)

Good luck!

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:33am

Comments: 15

Crystal Checks & Custom Queue

Site Update

Goto News Post

Oh dear... I seem to have stepped on this one.

Greetings from Gray,

With any new job comes the inevitable learning curve - while mine has not been impossibly steep, I did have to make a course correction in regards to some of the crystal checks that had gone out on my first/second day. The judgements I had been making on certain pets with bases that varied greatly from the species were coming in too high for where they should have been. Most of these have been rechecked already, I still have three pages to go (out of 15), for tickets submitted June 1st through June 3rd. If you have a crystal check from me recently that wasn't between those dates and it doesn't have a second reply, then the re-check result was the same as the original.

If you happened to have gotten a Crystal Check back from me recently that was ruled a lower crystal in my re-check, and the custom has already gone through the queue, please shoot me a PM and I'll get it sorted out. (I don't think there are more than maybe one or two of these at most, possibly none, but they should be fixed all the same.)

Should you get back a crystal check that seems off from what you were expecting in the future, don't be shy about replying and asking questions!

In better news, the Custom queue is in good shape - everything is going through on a regular basis with the exception of a few areas. Orange, Candy Cane and Background-ish designs may be delayed as I am still finalizing the rules for them. c: There'll be another news post when the final draft is ready to go to work.

EDIT: All crystal checks have been re-checked as of 11PM AST.

Posted by Graymare (#14978) on Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:02pm

Comments: 22