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Artist Tickets and more

Site Update

Goto News Post

A Greater Painted Pen is now available for $10.00. It allows you to select one PLBC or PMBC artist for your breeding and rewards the artist with a $5.00 bonus.

Based on user suggestion, the Artist Ticket has been added to the USD Shop at $25.00. It has also been updated to yield a Painted Pen-esque bonus of $10.00 to the selected artist.

Another artist ticket item has sprung up too, the new Crystal Egg Ticket. In case your favorite artist isn't swayed by an extra $10, this item not only yields a $40 bonus to your selected artist, but also allows you to skip the queue and be assigned to their next list (so it's essentially an Artist Ticket and a Speedy Breeding Ticket combined).

Both of these items are compatible with predicts, so you can solicit a non-site breeding artist with these extra premiums. Read the linked Knowledge Base article for more information about these items, their payments, and predicts when using them.

A forum board has opened up to provide people a place to solicit predicts for USD bonus items, or for artists to set up shop and indicate that they are available for these items. Click here.

Programming Update
Here's what our April coder has finished since our last update:

- SQL Error Breeding Eggs should never happen again
- Admins can fix existing SQL Error Breeding Eggs easily
- Breeding panel improvements requested by admins
- Admins can add/fix adventure skills for pets
- Breeding Coin origin logs now
- Admins can edit the origin field to correct them
- Admins can fix incorrect entries in Edit Repository now
- Admins can edit the Knowledge Base easier now
- Users can disable ratings on oekaki pieces
- Bug when sending items with charges fixed
- Trading Post previous owner bug fixed
- HA entries cached so they don't change during the contest
- Ghost items/users removed from Shop Search
- Crystal Archive bug fixed
- Auto-Resize of large forum images to prevent edit link disappearing
- Shop item removal bug potentially fixed (implemented tweaks)
- Account bound items in Easter Egg field bug fixed

As you can see a big chunk of this update was improving things from the back end for the admin team - but that means we can help all of you easier too.

Keep making suggestions, bumping suggestions, bumping bug threads that need fixing - we'll keep working on them!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:01am

Comments: 30

Vote for the official Horuset!


Goto News Post

Thank you for all of the amazing Horuset submissions as well!
I wanted to steal all of them, but for some reason I decided to behave. :C

Remember, the coloration with the most votes will become an official site pet and reside in the BP Shop for approximately two months.
The rest will be given away as customs through various methods!

You have until Sunday, April 12th at 11:59 p.m. to cast your vote!
(Be sure to vote for the official Mephis below as well. c:)

- Eri

8% [ 118 ]
26% [ 397 ]
19% [ 295 ]
13% [ 199 ]
18% [ 269 ]
16% [ 239 ]

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Thu Apr 9, 2015 7:57pm

Comments: 23

Vote for the official Mephis!


Goto News Post

Thank you for all of the lovely Mephis submissions!
You guys always inspire me to want to color, if only I had the time. XD Alas!

Remember, the coloration with the most votes will become an official site pet and reside in the BP Shop for approximately two months.
The rest will be given away as customs through various methods. n_n

You have until Sunday, April 12th at 11:59 p.m. to cast your vote!

- Eri

20% [ 264 ]
14% [ 180 ]
12% [ 160 ]
13% [ 163 ]
27% [ 355 ]
13% [ 169 ]

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Thu Apr 9, 2015 7:48pm

Comments: 18

Art Gallery


Goto News Post

Art Gallery


The art gallery has been judged!
(Apologies for the delay, this feature decided to be temperamental this week.)
The theme was Easter* and we received a basketful of egg-cellent entries!

Here are our featured winners:


They won:



The current theme is Lunaris*!
Any medium is acceptable, just be sure it features the Lunaris in some way!
As a starred (*) theme, you can enter this even if you've won recently or plan on entering upcoming contests.
Official Aywas stock is not permitted for this theme.
(If you already entered, no worries, your entry is safe and sound in the gallery.)

Good luck!

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Thu Apr 9, 2015 7:27pm

Comments: 4

Scavenger Hunt Prize Shop

Site Update

Goto News Post

The Scavenger Hunt Prize Shop is now open. You can collect your Scav Paws, SP, and other assorted prizes at the link in the Shop's menu.

The Scav Teo Egg allows you to grab a Teo from the Scav Prize Teos. The claims are currently one per account so that everyone has a fair chance at them.

Thursday 5:00 -- Scav Teo Egg starts off at 100 Scav Paws.
Friday 5:00 PM -- Scav Teo Egg will drop to 50 Scav Paws.
Saturday 5:00 PM -- Scav Teo Egg will drop to 25 Scav Paws.
Sunday 5:00 PM -- Limitation of "one per account" will be disabled.

Scav Paint and Scav Markers both work for this year's bases and last year's bases. Scav Clay is a new addition that works for this year's hybrid bases.

Instructions for Moved Players and Lair Partners

- If you moved accounts and had the account banned, contact me and I will disperse your Scav Paws/other prizes to you.
- If you moved and another user lives in your account, ask the user to claim the prize and send you what they can, then PM me and I will move Scav Paws to your account.
- If you have lair partners, claim your first batch of prizes, then PM me and I'll send your second/third/etc batch.

In all instances, be sure to tell me which team you were on.

For high placing teams that have more manual prizes, contact me and we can discuss those prizes and how to disperse them. Winner's Stash and Effort Prizes are still coming soon.

Posted by JAK (#15) on Thu Apr 9, 2015 5:16pm

Comments: 60

Trivia & Weekly Raffle!

Site Update

Goto News Post

Weekly Raffle


This week's raffle winner is:
Nye (#21595)
Who had 32 crystals out of 25,421 total and won a Breeding Coin!


We also pulled a surprise second winner for this one--Conium (#39365), who had 5 crystals.

Congratulations to both winners! :3

Next week's winner will receive...


A Transitional Fossil Egg!

Set a reminder to snag those crystals!



The trivia has been updated!
Last week's questions and answers revealed!

If you purchase one copy of each March 2015 GP shop pet, how much would you spend?

This warm Rogr is a perfect foot warmer in the winter.
Hot Metal

Who is the new special hybrid breeding artist?
Cocobeef & Quetz (#8298)

This breeding add-on for Holiday Breeding Coins and Breeding Coins will give your offspring some dragon-like features!
Dragon Scale

How many charges does the 50lb Bag of Aynip have?

"Long ago, Melos and Oakls were at war with one another..." describes which book?
Birth of The Velox

What type of custom crystal is Smokey Quartz used to create?

Which of the following is NOT a CD color?

If you want to create a Koaf custom with 20% edits, you will need a..
Bronze Koaf Pan

What is the Art Gallery theme ending on March 28th at 11:59 p.m.?
Hybrid Hybrids

How many questions will you get correct this week?
Good luck!

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Wed Apr 8, 2015 9:53pm

Comments: 14

HA Basing - Vote!


Goto News Post

Please select your vote.

11% [ 131 ]
5% [ 61 ]
4% [ 40 ]
9% [ 106 ]
27% [ 311 ]
20% [ 232 ]
9% [ 108 ]
13% [ 153 ]

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Wed Apr 8, 2015 9:21pm

Comments: 33

New Pet Shop Stock & Adventure Pets


Goto News Post

Hello everyone! I wanted to let you know that I changed the stock in my pet shop! The old pets were retired and they're in loving forever homes now! I found some wonderful, beautiful, new pets to share with you and they're happily on sale and ready to meet their new owners!


Please remember that my shop is on a stock rotation schedule! As usual the stock will change every 3 months. After the 3 months, the pets currently in stock will be permanently retired and a new stock will replace them. So buy them while you can!


I've also found a few new pets out in the wilderness of the Aywas world. I couldn't make them tame enough to sell in the pet shop so I'll just show you them so you can catch them yourself.


If you want to design some Adventure pets, go and post them in their respective threads here! There's also a chance that the designs accepted from that forum will go into the Pet Shop! Remember, you can earn SP!

Along with the new Adventure pets, I've been given the fun task of pulling the tickets for the pet coloration submissions forum raffle! Oh, I just love these sorts of games!

Congratulations to khiton (#34905) for winning a Gold Custom Crystal in our monthly pet submissions forum raffle! *Claps*

If your design is now in the pet shop or in the new adventure release please contact Kyu (#1010) for your free copy.

Posted by Kyu & Mauri (#1010) on Tue Apr 7, 2015 8:59pm

Comments: 19

Baby Pets!


Goto News Post

Your baby bottles got even better with the introduction of some new Baby Pets!

Knowledge Base

Posted by JAK (#15) on Tue Apr 7, 2015 3:53pm

Comments: 60

Free Monthly Custom Game!


Goto News Post


It's time to give away nine free customs designed during March under the theme of Bubbles!

To play the free custom game, please include the phrase "CUSTOM #__" in your news comment. For example, if you want Custom 1, please comment "CUSTOM #1."

Don't lose out on a chance to win one of these customs by voting incorrectly!

Custom One = bad.
Custom1 = bad.
Custom#1 = bad.
Custom #1 = good!
I love custom #1! = good!

Here we go!




Please contact Kyu (#1010) for your prize if you designed one of these customs!
If one of your creations didn't make it in, we highly suggest entering it as a site pet submission here if you don't want to sell/keep it. :)

You have until April 10th at 11:59 p.m. to get your vote in!
One vote per account.

Good luck!

Want to see one of YOUR creations featured in the monthly free custom game?
Enter your submission for May here! The theme is Lei Day.
(Please also remember to ensure your submissions follow standard custom/pet rules.)

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Mon Apr 6, 2015 7:21pm

Comments: 1022