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Breeding Coin and New Game


Goto News Post

Kaz and Shoe are auctioning a Breeding Coin (hybrid-maker). They currently have it in Tak's shop for display. They are only taking Satin Sheets and Shoes. Each shoe/stiletto or satin sheet item counts and all are equal to each other (they don't care about rarity). The offer with the most number of items in it will be the one that wins.

Feel free to make your offer here. They will be closing this tomorrow at 5:00 PM aywas time.

Aside from that...
Guess the Number!

Leopians will know how to rock this game. :P You get one guess per day. It will tell you if your guess is higher or lower than the correct number.

If you still have issues with the slot stuff, like items needing refunding, message Luci (16) as she's handling that.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:26pm

Comments: 58



Goto News Post

Slots are back up. You have to have 3x in a row to win a prize now, out of the five-line icon. 4x wins you something really sexy. 5x wins you something REALLY REALLY sexy.

So, ready to start gambling again, you addicts? Click on my fail to get there.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:56am

Comments: 75



Goto News Post

If you on the User Preferences page, you'll see that the Friends List feature has been added. You can stalk add people from there and track when they were online, whether they are online, etc.

Groups in your lair can now be ordered.

Slots are about halfway done in their recode.

Xero found someone he's starting to like so he might have a chance at having happiness in his life! Yaaaay Xero!

And...I have a paper due tomorrow and I'm no where near finished, and it's 1 AM :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted by Jack (#1) on Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:53am

Comments: 41



Goto News Post

Deleted all Random Eggs, Spheres, Rogue access, and will presently be deleting all eggs from the incubator that came after the release of the game. You can keep the Truly Random Eggs. Send BP earned through the slots to me, please.

If you had any random eggs, spheres, or rogue access before the slots were released, post here to let me know and I'll regrant them. Keep in mind that I will be doing random audits of these requests and check them against my rollback records. Lying will result in being banned from the site, so be honest and make this easier for everyone.

In the meantime, levels, exp, pets found in explore, etc all these things shouldn't be affected.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:08pm

Comments: 356

Damn slots


Goto News Post

So, yes, this is bad - slots turned out to be a nightmare. For the integrity of the game, we have to do something. And we have two options. 1) Rollback to before the slots were released. 2) Discard all eggs and spheres earned from the game as well as send the BP to me.

So, you pick.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:28pm

Comments: 190



Goto News Post


Because I know how much you love clicking buttons.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:42am

Comments: 65



Goto News Post


These are going to be special edition and released kind of haphazardly, because I spent teh timez making those lineart edits.

The first release will be now. Make a phrase out of "LION." For example, "Licking Insis On Neptune." My favorite ten will get their pick of a lion (yellow or black).

Good luck and have fun!

EDIT: Here are the results.

Cerbie (#168) Lately I Observed Ninjas.

Tynk (#537) Lunatics Insist On Nudity

Oshi (#508) Lusty Image Onsets Nosebleeds

Silverwish (#521) Like it or not

Eidolon (#576) Life Is Overrated Nonsense

Pesh (#107) Lions invaded our news

Apocalypse (#280) Laughing Is Our Narcotic.

Claws (#148) Living In Our Nightmares

Mausoleum (#380) Let's Irritate Our Newbies

evilRevan (#113) Laughing insanely over nothing

Posted by Jack (#1) on Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:52pm

Comments: 265

Mail back up


Goto News Post

We have done a major revamp to the mail system. It resembles an instant messenger now, such that your messages with one particular user are organized together. The newest message will always be at the top :) And you won't have message spam anymore, it just updates your session.

Hope you like it!

Blue Custom Crystal

Posted by Jack (#1) on Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:13pm

Comments: 16

Art Event


Goto News Post

October 10th is our first art event, and our first artist is a talented person named Panda Jenn.

She produces amazing artwork of humans, anthros, and quads, specializing in a sort of Disney-style.

Aywas has purchased a "FULLY COLORED AND CELL SHADED, ONE CHARACTER" commission from this artist! As the events page says, every user who desires to claim a ticket shall have one. To claim your (invisible) ticket, simply post in this news with your intent to claim a chance to win this free commission from this artist.

In a week, I'll select a winner, then display their completed commission when it is done :) Happy claiming!

Posted by Jack (#1) on Sat Oct 10, 2009 12:52pm

Comments: 149

Xaoc Contest


Goto News Post

A xaoc is a strange breed of pet. They are very rare, and only show up once in a while - and when they do, they're essentially empty slates, looking for someone to bond with. When they do, they get their personality and "wake up."

This xaoc wants to bond! Basically, what you have to do is come up with a character for it. It won't have a gender until you define its gender, so either male or female is acceptable. Write about its personality, history, etc - anything, it's up to you how fart you want to take this.

Try your chances at bonding with this xaoc!

Posted by Jack (#1) on Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:21am

Comments: 11