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Welcome to Aywas, everyone who's just getting here! I'm so happy to have you guys with me :)
1) If you haven't read the tutorial yet, be sure to do so, as it'll give you insights into how to play Aywas!
2) To start making BP, make those forums active! ^_^ You make BP for posting! Also, I put some batches of 200 BP into the FREE ITEMS under Shops, for lucky people.
3) If you made a pet color, go to the Pet Suggestions forum and the Claim thread, and make your claim on there so I can send out your prize.
4) Halloween Event will start today around 10 AM! Just to make sure the site doesn't have any problems with traffic!
5) Feel free to make any suggestions on the Suggestions board, and as always, have fun!!!
PS: Check the advent calendar!
PPS: Use the search to find your friends and leave messages on their profiles!
Posted by Jack
(#1) on Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:22pm
Random Silliness
Posted by Mayday Marie
(#11) on Tue Feb 26, 2002 10:09am