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November 2009


Goto News Post

The winner of the contest is the Bonfire Melo (I renamed it). This will be the November 2009 pet.

What about the other November colors, you ask?

I am damn sexy

This magical Bottled Autumn will turn your pet into one of the autumn-related colors--among the other autumn-related pets below, it can also turn your pet into Halloween colors (like Vampire, Zombie, and Ebony).

First fifteen people to post on this news will get a Bottled Autumn. I'll probably award them away a little later though.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Thu Oct 29, 2009 5:25pm

Comments: 85



Goto News Post

Choose your favorite!!

Fireworks by Jos (#469)

Autumn by Magnus Vale (#256)

Autumn by Erienne & Dew (#17)

Pumpkin by Wolven (#651)

Cornucopia by Ankokou (#481)

Dead Leaves by Retta (#63)

Dreamcatcher by ~BlackVulpix~ (#209)

Catrina Figure by Vettieboo (#105)

Sugar Skull by Macabre (#307)

Jack-O-Lantern by Jojo (#382)

Native by torhawk (#421)

Gunpowder by Springdragon (#650)

Choose your favorite!
Fireworks by Jos (#469)
Autumn by Magnus Vale (#256)
Autumn by Erienne Dew (#17)
Pumpkin by Wolven (#651)
Cornucopia by Ankokou (#481)
Dead Leaves by Retta (#63)
Dreamcatcher by BlackVulpix (#209)
Catrina Figure by Vettieboo (#105)
Sugar Skull by Macabre (#307)
Jack-O-Lantern by Jojo (#382)
Native by torhawk (#421)
Gunpowder by Springdragon (#650) free polls

Posted by Jack (#1) on Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:05pm

Comments: 47

New Shop


Goto News Post

There seems to be a new shop that just opened that stocks... everything but the kitchen sink...but it does stock the stove!

New cooking items there too.

You might like this I may say.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:24am

Comments: 22

NaNo Dash


Goto News Post


Essentially, it's the month of November, in which you get your butt in gear and write a 50,000 word novel IN THAT TIME PERIOD. 30 days. No more. Understand? Discipline, it's all about discipline. Write those ~1300 words a day.

Your NaNoWriMo dashboard is now available under your user preferences.

You can set it either on or off. Your work title and word count will chill at the bottom of your posts, before your signature (if you're premium).

As an incentive to get your butt in gear, here are some prizes:

If you finish your NaNo novel on or before November 30th 2009...

You will win a Glittering Rock.

And if your NaNo novel happens to feature one or more of the aywas NPCs as main characters you'll totally also win a Lesser Breeding Coin *shifty eyes* not to mention I'll be reading it throughout the month lol


And use the NaNo forum I put up just now so you can earn BP along the way.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:40pm

Comments: 50

New Game


Goto News Post

It starts with an S

It ends with a T

It comes out of you

And it comes out of me

I know what you're thinking

It could be called that

But let's be scientific

And just call it scat

Go play the new game

This one has high scores based on number of wins AND YOU KNOW WHAT A HIGH SCORE TABLE MEANS so you better get your arse in there and win some games so you can get a shiny trophy.

Anyway, as always, let me know if you have any problems with it, or if the problems are serious and involve an exploit, e-mail by going to "Contact Aywas" on the footer. :P

Posted by Jack (#1) on Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:02pm

Comments: 23

Caek and Cornz


Goto News Post

Happy Early Halloween, I'm tired of giving these out :P

Posted by Jack (#1) on Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:52pm

Comments: 47



Goto News Post


Just letting you guys know that the following ranked games/activities will have trophies awarded on the last day of every month:

- Highest Leveled Pets (battle)

- Cooking Level

- Slots

- Double or Nothing

Ranks 1 - 3 will be rewarded a gold trophy and 5 GP, Ranks 4 - 6 will be rewarded a silver trophy and 3 GP, and ranks 7 - 10 will be rewarded a bronze trophy and 1 GP.


Posted by Jack (#1) on Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:27am

Comments: 9

Cooking Feature


Goto News Post

Chaos has finally stopped being lazy and opened his apartment as a cooking school =D

go visit him and learn to cook!

1 SP

Posted by Jack (#1) on Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:18pm

Comments: 30

Get your entries in.


Goto News Post

Kaz says:

You better get your entries in because the art contest ends in four days. And there are certainly some people who are getting a fireball up the ass like cyclonex. >:|

However in the interest of being productive I have forced Zave to stock these...

...not so interesting items.

and these...far more interesting items.

Posted by Kaz and Shoe (#21) on Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:52am

Comments: 21

Zave's feature = fixed


Goto News Post

As you might guess from the title, Zave's feature has been fixed to better accommodate the needs of our site.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:44pm

Comments: 23