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1000 Users!


Goto News Post

Looks like we hit 1000 users sometime this morning :)

To celebrate I tossed a Random Egg at everyone who logged in within the last three days (because I'm mean).

Fry it on your newly bought stove or something.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Thu Nov 5, 2009 12:04pm

Comments: 57

TOS Changes


Goto News Post

Go to the TOS, review them, and ensure you are aware of them. I would like to bring attention especially to the newly established TOS Point 2 and 3. Point 11, 12, and 13 have been modified as well.

I am going to take the time to mention that Aywas is and forever will be a private website. You are a guest on this website, and just like if you were a guest in someone's house, you may be asked to leave for any reason. Obviously, we're trying to have fun here, so this shouldn't be a problem -- but keep it in mind.

In addition, this is not a website for children. This site caters to the older crowd who enjoy pet sites. Regardless, it has now been decreed that any explicit material is now outlawed and any user found posting any material of this nature will be immediately and permanently banned.

Anyone who encounters any explicit material or illegal behavior on this website should report it directly to a moderator (those are the users with green names and green posts) such that the perpetrator can be immediately and permanently banned.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Thu Nov 5, 2009 10:42am

Comments: 31

One Liner


Goto News Post

ID 78

I have this pet that's chilling in my lair. The winner of this mini-contest will get pet ID 78 (low number, yeeeah!) along with a pet morph to turn it into any aywapedia pet they want (non-hybrid).

How do you win this pet?

Submit a ONE SENTENCE personality for the pet. Must be 20 words or less so no crazy run ons! I will choose a favorite and they will win the pet and the morph to go with the pet.

Enjoy! One entry per person! This will end at 11:59 PM tonight, aywas time.

EDIT: This has been won by user 105, who now has a Timber Wolf with ID 78! Congrats!

Posted by Jack (#1) on Wed Nov 4, 2009 2:13pm

Comments: 259

Chimera's Commissions


Goto News Post

Chimera says:

Did you know Xero's incompetent? Well you know now. He might be able to complete software for robot pets, but he sure as hell can't make the damn things himself. So of course he has to go whine to ME, the "vampire metalsmith." Bleh.

Well, anyway, I've opened my commissions shop should you happen to have anything I'm even remotely interested in. In return I will make you something with my technical skills, such as one of these:

Or perhaps even one of these if you're not full of fail and manage to have worthy trading material.

I am metal, hell yes.

In the meantime, do any of you have lives? Do you spend all your time on Aywas? Seriously, why don't you go read a book?

Well, whatever, your loss. Personally, I think this site is more interesting. It just opened and I like to stare at the graphics. So go join it.

At least perhaps it will distract you from nagging me in the commissions shop *sets up "CLOSED" sign and hopes it deters people* Right? Better.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Tue Nov 3, 2009 11:34pm

Comments: 25

New items


Goto News Post

These items now have effects in explore.

Not gonna tell you wat they do, hahahaha go figure it out yourself :|

I'm also going to take this space in the news for two reminders.


You should not be using items before they're released. There's a good chance they're still being tested.


You are playing a game that is in alpha testing. If you expect Aywas to run like a game that's open to the public, you're going to be disappointed. You are an alpha tester. There WILL be problems. That's the nature of alpha testing. When we move into beta it should be better. But don't expect efficiency and effectiveness until we officially move out of beta.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Tue Nov 3, 2009 9:38pm

Comments: 29



Goto News Post

Submit your answer, please.

this is important because it's going to be very hard to cater to IE users. Seriously, please go download firefox lol

Web browser?
I use Firefox or Chrome and I rock!
I use crappy IE but I'll go download FF now...
I use a different browser O_o Like Safari or Opera
I can't download either and I'm stuck using IE :( free polls

Posted by Jack (#1) on Tue Nov 3, 2009 5:19pm

Comments: 40

Art Contest Results


Goto News Post

First Place: $20 USD or 15 GP + first pick of prize pot

Second Place: $15 USD or 10 GP + second pick of prize pot

Third Place: $10 USD or 8 GP + third pick of prize pot

Prize Pot: Hybrid Custom, Common Species Custom, Shimmering Rock


By CycloneX


By God


By Daggles

Congrats to all the winners!! The Honorable mentions (Devi and Magnus Vale) will win 10 GP, and everyone else who entered will get a speshul item soon (when I see the coder next).

If you won 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, please rank your prize choice from the prize pot :)

Posted by Jack (#1) on Tue Nov 3, 2009 10:27am

Comments: 21

Policy Change Poll


Goto News Post

Currently, the on-site policy regarding mistakes is that:

If the administration or programmers cannot reproduce a "glitch" that irreversibly changed your pet, you will not get it back, unless it's a custom.

Currently, people who buy GP are arguing that if they paid GP to buy their pet, like a Monthly or a Special Edition, and make a mistake with a potion (for example), they should get the pet back because it was bought with real money.

This would work like this: if you have donated and bought the pet through the GP store, you have the right to have your pet changed back if something happens to it by user mistake (NOT glitch, glitches are always refunded). If you didn't, you don't.

So, the user who gains a Monthly Pet/Super Rare/Limited through Rogue, Hippie Mushroom, Glittering Rock, Eggs, the Wild, etc and accidentally change it are SOL because it wasn't bought through the GP Shop.

My stance against this is, in essence, I don't want to discriminate between the user who earns their rare pet through site means to the user who buys their pet in the GP shop. So they both get the same response: "Sorry, user error, not a glitch."

But I'm willing to change the policy to make special conditions for users whose pets they accidentally messed up, if they bought them through the GP Shop--if that's what the majority thinks is fair and right.

Policy Change?
Yes, if the pet is bought through the GP shop, user mistakes that change that pet should be refunded
No, all treatment should be equal (and for god's sake, put up a confirmation page!)
I am ambivalent to this policy. free polls

So air your thoughts?

Posted by Jack (#1) on Mon Nov 2, 2009 6:19pm

Comments: 83

Pet Store Updated


Goto News Post

Xero says:

THERE!! Sheesh! Here's your stupid update. I caught a bunch of new species and put them in the pet shop. You are not allowed to bug me for another two months! *storms off*

Posted by Jack (#1) on Mon Nov 2, 2009 12:19am

Comments: 19

New items


Goto News Post

Some new magical items are stocking in the stores! All of these items are Super Rare (rarity 4) so they'll be hard to get...but they all have awesome abilities!

Tent stocking in Thantos's Random Shop

Vial of Sleepiness stocking Tak's magic shop.

Hash Brownie and Cornucopia stocking in Zave's Omnom shop.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Sun Nov 1, 2009 8:56pm

Comments: 20