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Vote on Breeding Decision

Site Update

Hi guys, the Breeding Department and I have a proposition for you to vote on.

Are you in favor of eliminating old x new lineart support for the LBC/HLBC in exchange for expanding alternate pet linearts?

What does this mean? Let's break it down...



- You would no longer be able to submit an old x new lineart breeding via LBC or HLBC unless you are using your own predicts

- You would not be able to submit an alternate x other lineart breeding of a same pet genus via LBC or HLBC (which we currently do not allow, anyway)


- We would be able to offer you alternate linearts for Aywas pet genuses that you could make customs from without harming the Breeding department's wait time, giving you a wider range of poses

- The breeding department would become healthier and faster as LBC and HLBC requests between two different lineart pets would not require the attention of site hybrid artists

- Price ceiling on old x new predicts would be eliminated so you or your artists could charge whatever desired for your different lineart but same genus predicts. (note that price ceiling on other predicts would still be in effect)


If this action were to pass, breedings already in the queue would not be affected by the new action. The action would apply to breedings that are submitted from its approval and out.

Approval rate needs to meet 70% "Yes" to be approved.

Are you in favor of eliminating old x new lineart support for the LBC/HLBC in exchange for expanding alternate pet linearts?
No free polls

Posted by Jack (#1) on Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:02am

Comments: 78

Hina (#1225)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:53am

So basically what it boils down to is you can only breed old with old or new with new from now on? The alternate line art has nothing to do with the breeding what so ever?

Amagami (#10414)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:54am

Thank you Slash ^^

Kez ☆ (#726)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:57am

From what I understand, Kaiten, Old x New would only be permitted if the user makes their own predicts/babys for the breeding. In other words, staff will have nothing to do with 'making those babies', the responsibility will be yours (or whom ever you hire).

Pretty much if you want staff babies its new x new and old x old onry? Correct me if I'm worng. XD

UK - Moved to 557 (#3549)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:01am

Sounds like a great idea to me. Though I am a fan of the Alt linearts after how awesome they've been - and it'd help people who like a genus but not the pose. May spur more people into trying their hand at predicts too. I voted yes, particularly as it'd ease the breeding queue.

Hina (#1225)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:03am

Yeah that's what I'm thinking, but I still don't understand what clearing the que has to do with making alt line customs

"We would be able to offer you alternate linearts for Aywas pet genuses that you could make customs from without harming the Breeding department's wait time, giving you a wider range of poses"

That sentence isn't making any sense to me because, at least as far as I know, making customs doesn't do anything to ad to the breeding departments wait time, because customs and breeding are two separate departments.

I admit I'm half asleep/ready to go to bed and probably missing something thats staring me right in the face, but I can't vote until I understand what exactly I'm voting for. *lol* I'm not trying to be difficult, I just like to make informed decisions.

Zoonotic (#880)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:11am

At this point of time it really doesn't effect me. I don't breed oldxnew lines because of the wait anyway.

Kez ☆ (#726)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:11am

"That sentence isn't making any sense to me because, at least as far as I kno"w, making customs doesn't do anything to ad to the breeding departments wait time, because customs and breeding are two separate departments." Not true at all. XD You can't breed without customs! Plus the hybrid artists on the breeding staff, as Slash said in an earlier post, have to redraw edits when doing new x old predicts, which slows down the queue quite a bit because they have both regular customs AND Hybrids to handle. Eliminating this would mean the Hybrid staff and focus on Hybrid pets, and the rest of the staff wont have to worry about having to redraw edits on pets.

I figure the having the option to use alt lines is just a perk they are throwing in for us for funsies? >A>;

Kez ☆ (#726)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:13am

Correcting myself because Im a big fat dork: You can breed site pets, but you cant breed customs without customs. 6:12am, time for bed holy crap.

Hina (#1225)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:23am

xD I understand about how the old x new line breedings work as being handled by the hybrid artists. But read the sentence again. "We would be able to offer you alternate linearts for Aywas pet genuses that you could make customs from without harming the Breeding department's wait time, giving you a wider range of poses" The way that almost reads is that currently, because the hybrid artists are currently handling the new x old breedings plus their regular duties, they can't be working on making new alt line arts for the site. Granted I know that there are a few hybrid artists that also do a lot of work with site pets too and are helping with recoloring the old pets onto new lines, but it is not the breeding departments job to make alt line pets. (I don't run the site so I don't know for sure, but that's just my understanding.)

Hina (#1225)

Posted on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:30am

Posted by Mel (#351) Mod in the discussion thread I started="Quick summary:
You will no longer need dawn crystals to make old lines pets.
In return, you will no longer be able to breed old x new lines without predicts." Whoa! I totally don't see anything about dawn crystals in the news post, but if this is actually the case that's pretty damn awesome. I would love to be able to make old line art customs on some species again. Slash can you confirm that?