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Update on Chargeback Situation

Site Update

Due to our inability to find a favorable result with Amazon Payments, we have decided to remove our option to pay with Amazon Payments for the USD Shop and GP Purchases. We will only be taking PayPal until further notice, including with the USD Auction.

Unfortunately, with this situation, all payments being sent there are immediately being taken from us, which leaves us unable to pay artists for the items you purchase. This is unacceptable, and thus we will only be taking PayPal until the situation is fully resolved.

EDIT: We can offer manual processing of transactions through Square to those who cannot or do not want to use PayPal. To read more about this option, please visit the knowledge base.

Please remember that you can help us out with this situation by going to the Special Cash Auctions. Some of the pets will be ending tomorrow!

We will invoice all the winners when all pets' auctions have expired. The auctions will be completely over on Thu May 14, 2015 7:33pm. Be sure to get in any last minute bids!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Mon May 11, 2015 6:41pm

Comments: 85

Fannish (FreeFlier) (#1818)

Posted on: Mon May 11, 2015 11:43pm

@Moonlightfox NOPE! Just the cash to buy it at the store- it's sold at many convenience stores and big box stores like Target and Walmart.
In the US you need a valad state ID, but in Canada I didn't get much hassle.

Fannish (FreeFlier) (#1818)

Posted on: Mon May 11, 2015 11:44pm

Er, moonlightfox (#52085) even

Absinthe Minded (#55980)

Posted on: Mon May 11, 2015 11:44pm

J.A.K. (#15) Ah ok. Now I understand. :)

ღ Ukraine ღ (#1339)

Posted on: Mon May 11, 2015 11:45pm

Wasn't meant to be abrasive, at all, but that's what I have and it works for me every single time. Everyone and every bank is different, I guess. No need to get upset. :)

Kwani & Kamorth (#2868)

Posted on: Mon May 11, 2015 11:56pm

moonlightfox (#52085) Before we got a credit card we were buying the prepaid visa cards (they also come in mastercard flavour if you have a preference) from the local 711, but they also have them at Superstore, most gas stations, and some banks (I know RBC has them for sure, and you don't need an account with them to buy one). There's usually a small fee for them ($3-$5 depending on the amount you get on the card) but that's included in buying them, so it's not going to get pulled off the card balance later. Like, if you get a $25, you'll pay $28 (or to be exact, $27.99, in BC at least) for it and have a $25 balance on the card to spend. They're nice and reliable and since you're pre-paying them, they're safe too since you cannot go into debt or attach a bank account to them so there's no way for anyone to take any more money off you than what was on the card to begin with.

Kwani & Kamorth (#2868)

Posted on: Tue May 12, 2015 12:02am

Also, if anyone is curious, you can definitely get prepaid visas in NZ too. Not sure if they've branched out but you can at least get them (Prezzie Cards) at any Paper Plus that has a post office attached. They work exactly the same way.

Kwani & Kamorth (#2868)

Posted on: Tue May 12, 2015 12:08am

(Sorry for the triple post, I really should finish this conversation before hitting enter)

An alternative for those people who are worried about Paypal - You can always buy a prepaid credit card, create a throwaway email account, and use that to make a new paypal account just for the prepaid cards. There's no way they can take more than you've already spent on the cards since there's no bank account or line of credit attached.

Absinthe Minded (#55980)

Posted on: Tue May 12, 2015 12:10am

Fannish (FreeFlier) (#1818) In my case Paypal can not cause an overdraft on my bank accounts or my cards. I was concerned about that when I signed up and I talked to my bank about how it would work with them and they can't take out what isn't there. I was given the choice to opt out of overdraft protection with my bank and that makes sure I can't ever go into the red. Which for me was the smartest move I ever made. :D So it is possible. I know people have their own preferences and not maybe not everyone has had good luck with Paypal. I have actually had worse luck with the prepaid It seemed like all the funds disappeared way too fast.

Absinthe Minded (#55980)

Posted on: Tue May 12, 2015 12:13am

Fannish (FreeFlier) (#1818) In my case Paypal can not cause an overdraft on my bank accounts or my cards. I was concerned about that when I signed up and I talked to my bank about how it would work with them and they can't take out what isn't there. I was given the choice to opt out of overdraft protection with my bank and that makes sure I can't ever go into the red. Which for me was the smartest move I ever made. :D So it is possible. I know people have their own preferences and not maybe not everyone has had good luck with Paypal. I have actually had worse luck with the prepaid It seemed like all the funds disappeared way too fast.

Absinthe Minded (#55980)

Posted on: Tue May 12, 2015 12:13am

Grrrrrrr. Sorry for the double post.:(