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HA Contest Continues!


Goto News Post

Running a little late, but we have a clear winner:

To enter the next part of the contest and colour in the Armor Dress base, head over here to learn more!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Tue May 12, 2015 12:13pm

Comments: 22

Update on Chargeback Situation

Site Update

Goto News Post

Due to our inability to find a favorable result with Amazon Payments, we have decided to remove our option to pay with Amazon Payments for the USD Shop and GP Purchases. We will only be taking PayPal until further notice, including with the USD Auction.

Unfortunately, with this situation, all payments being sent there are immediately being taken from us, which leaves us unable to pay artists for the items you purchase. This is unacceptable, and thus we will only be taking PayPal until the situation is fully resolved.

EDIT: We can offer manual processing of transactions through Square to those who cannot or do not want to use PayPal. To read more about this option, please visit the knowledge base.

Please remember that you can help us out with this situation by going to the Special Cash Auctions. Some of the pets will be ending tomorrow!

We will invoice all the winners when all pets' auctions have expired. The auctions will be completely over on Thu May 14, 2015 7:33pm. Be sure to get in any last minute bids!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Mon May 11, 2015 6:41pm

Comments: 85

T4T: What A Card!


Goto News Post

holy kris2 (#15280) has decided to add to your deck of cards with this collectable item to represent autochorissexuality.

It will be in stock for one month, leaving on June 11th.

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Mon May 11, 2015 7:13am

Comments: 54

Happy Mother's Day!

Site Update

Goto News Post

Happy Mother's Day!

We've decided to release the Pacifier into the Advent Calendar for the second half of today, as it's been years since the event that released it. Enjoy!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Sun May 10, 2015 1:41pm

Comments: 73

Holiday Breeding Coin Changes & Predict Caps

Site Update

Goto News Post

This newspost is going to be a potentially upsetting one to some people, but please bear with as I explain some changes we are making to Holiday Breeding Coins.

As a result of raising the pay for contract breeding artists and giving them fairer wages for their work, a problem began with edited coins. Holiday Breeding Coins were a great way to breed Silver pets and other genuses without getting a hybrid, and for a cheaper price.

However, the fact that Holiday Breeding Coins typically produce two offspring regularly (instead of the chance of 1 or 2 via gold Breeding Coins) means that the queue, now quite large, competes with the regular Breeding Coin queue and clogs up artist time. This creates long wait times for offspring from both coins in the end. Because of the fact that they are also cheaper than gold Breeding Coins, the cost effectiveness of doing two offspring and paying out the same is not sustainable. We also do not want to lower artist pay for Holiday Coin artists either, since that also isn't fair.

So as of today, the Holiday Breeding Coin will only produce one offspring by the artist team. As a compromise, however, if the breeding has common/uncommon species parents, you are welcome to submit a second offspring via predict if you choose. This is retroactive and will affect all current breedings in queue that have not yet been assigned to an artist. Up until this newspost date you will also be allowed, for said retroactive breedings, to submit ONE predict for rare parent HBC breedings and TWO predicts for common/uncommon HBC breedings. Married pairs in this retroactive period can receive 2 predicts for rare parents, and 3 predicts for common/uncommon.

From tomorrow onward, however, any new breedings will get one artist baby for rares, and one artist baby+one predict baby for common/uncommon. Married pairs will get one artist baby + one predict for rares, and one artist baby + two predicts for common/uncommon.

I will give the Holiday queue a week as of tomorrow, May 10th, a time period that, if you wish to request a refund of your breeding due to the change, you will be welcome to ask me to do so personally. Remember that you can easily flag a breeding as having predicts to take it out of the assignment queue if you wish to put predicts without risk of having it assigned.

This is an inconvenience, I know, but the fact of the matter is we wish to be able to keep fair pay for the artists involved while also keeping ahead financially. We will have a dedicated Holiday Coin artist for a few months to see how this helps us as well, and ensure that the queue moves at a steady pace.

If you have any questions or other concerns regarding this, please don't hesitate to ask.


BC predict caps have been raised to 15 GP per one predict. HBC predicts are 25 GP per one predict.

For the tl;dr crowd:

- GP Predict cap for HBC has been raised to 25, as requested.
- Rare breeders with HBC can add an extra predict for free. Uncommon/Common breeders can add two extra predicts for free, meaning you get an extra baby that you expected with HBC. This is good for all breedings submitted before this news post.
- A new USD item will be added for $20 that will fund another 30% edited baby in an HBC breeding. Yes, it will work for rares too. It will also allow you to select which parent species you want in common/uncommon breedings.

Posted by Ash (#90) on Sat May 9, 2015 9:24pm

Comments: 255

Free Monthly Custom Game!


Goto News Post


It's time to give away nine free customs designed during April under the theme of Lei Day!

To play the free custom game, please include the phrase "CUSTOM #__" in your news comment. For example, if you want Custom 1, please comment "CUSTOM #1."

Don't lose out on a chance to win one of these customs by voting incorrectly!

Custom One = bad.
Custom1 = bad.
Custom#1 = bad.
Custom #1 = good!
I love custom #1! = good!

Here we go!




Please contact Kyu (#1010) for your prize if you designed one of these customs!
If one of your creations didn't make it in, we highly suggest entering it as a site pet submission here if you don't want to sell/keep it. :)

You have until May 11th at 11:59 p.m. to get your vote in!
One vote per account.

Good luck!

Want to see one of YOUR creations featured in the monthly free custom game?
Enter your submission for June here! The theme is Water.
(Please also remember to ensure your submissions follow standard custom/pet rules.)

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sat May 9, 2015 12:00pm

Comments: 718

Art Gallery


Goto News Post

Art Gallery


The (extended) art gallery has been judged!
The theme was HA Wardrobe and we received a trunk full of stylish entries!

Here are our featured winners:


They won:



The current theme is Trash Shop Hybrids*!
Help us welcome in the Crystelid, Stellata, and Oculi by featuring one or more of them in an art gallery entry using any medium you like. :3 You also have a bit of a head start, as this theme officially begins tomorrow.
As a starred (*) theme, you can enter this contest even if you've won recently or plan on entering in the coming weeks.
Official Aywas stock is not permitted for this theme.

Good luck!

Some new themes have also been added!

May 17th - May 23rd: Sidewalk Chalk
May 24th - May 30th: Under the Water*
May 31st - June 6th: Photography

Remember, if you have an idea for an Art Gallery theme, please share it with us here! This thread in the Think Tank is always open, and I reference it frequently when creating new themes. :) (If you have any favorite themes that we've done in the past but you'd like to see again, you can let me know that as well!)

Thank you!

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sat May 9, 2015 11:46am

Comments: 3

Rusted Breeding Coin


Goto News Post

A new Breeding Coin has appeared - the Rusted Breeding Coin!

This breeding coin will allow you to breed a Trash Shop hybrid. The result will always be a single metal (no edits) hybrid.

Crystelid | Stellata | Oculi

Some new hybrids have sprouted out of the Trash Dump! Crystelid (Itoa x Corra), Stellata (Chorlu x Opterix), and the Oculi (Garu x Serafex). These hybrids can be bred using the Rusted Breeding Coin to get one metal baby, or you can use a Breeding Coin to get a normal edited baby (or babies).

Rusted Breeding Coins stock in the Trash for Treasure shop for 250,000 Trash Points.

Interested in being a metal colorist for the Rusted Breeding Coin? Head on over to this Job Thread to inquire about the position.

Posted by JAK (#15) on Fri May 8, 2015 8:50pm

Comments: 77

HA Basing - Vote!


Goto News Post

Please select your vote.

27% [ 343 ]
5% [ 58 ]
2% [ 26 ]
6% [ 79 ]
7% [ 84 ]
8% [ 101 ]
9% [ 113 ]
10% [ 128 ]
22% [ 278 ]
4% [ 45 ]

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Fri May 8, 2015 8:05pm

Comments: 51

Ace Representation Day

Site Update

Goto News Post

Be sure to pick up your copy of Aces in the Advent Calendar! Today is Ace Representation Day. Let's go through the four different ones you can obtain from the package of aces:

Ace of Hearts
Asexual, Alloromantic

Ace of Spades
Asexual, Aromantic

Ace of Diamonds
Demi or Gray-Ace

Ace of Clubs
Questioning Ace

Interested in learning more? Be sure to visit the AVEN Network to learn about asexuality, and their AVENwiki to learn about aromantic, demi and gray ace, and other ace-related orientations.

Happy Ace Day fellow aces!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Fri May 8, 2015 12:48am

Comments: 96