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Miksa's Exotic Pet Emporium


Goto News Post


Hello everyone! I wanted to give you a bit of a heads up that I'll be changing the stock in my shop come July 18th! So if you want to own any of these pretty pets I currently am selling, you should buy them before July 18th. On July 18th they will be permanently retired and new pets will take their place!

Posted by Kyu & Mauri (#1010) on Sun Jul 12, 2015 10:13pm

Comments: 12

HA Contest Continues!


Goto News Post

One base certainly stormed into the lead, and with almost half the votes we have a winner!

To enter the next part of the contest and colour in the Transition base, head over here to learn more!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:45pm

Comments: 5

HA Basing - Vote!


Goto News Post

Please select your vote.

44% [ 597 ]
3% [ 40 ]
8% [ 111 ]
10% [ 133 ]
12% [ 168 ]
6% [ 77 ]
17% [ 224 ]

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Wed Jul 8, 2015 10:27pm

Comments: 49

Free Monthly Custom Game!

Site Update

Goto News Post


It's time to give away nine free customs designed during June under the theme of Relax!

To play the free custom game, please include the phrase "CUSTOM #__" in your news comment. For example, if you want Custom 1, please comment "CUSTOM #1."

Don't lose out on a chance to win one of these customs by voting incorrectly!

Custom One = bad.
Custom1 = bad.
Custom#1 = bad.
Custom #1 = good!
I love custom #1! = good!

Here we go!




Please contact Kyu (#1010) for your prize if you designed one of these customs!
If one of your creations didn't make it in, we highly suggest entering it as a site pet submission here if you don't want to sell/keep it. :)

You have until July 13th at 11:59 p.m. to get your vote in!
One vote per account.

Good luck!

Want to see one of YOUR creations featured in the monthly free custom game?
Enter your submission for August here! The theme is Piebald.
(Please also remember to ensure your submissions follow standard custom/pet rules.)

- Not Eri

Posted by JAK (#15) on Mon Jul 6, 2015 5:19am

Comments: 944

Welcome to July! Part 2!

Site Update

Goto News Post


All the stragglers are in! Who's ready for the second half of July's content?

Breeding Season is upon us, and with it comes two new hybrids! Say hello to the Eudico (Linorm x Kernal) and the Carid (Insi x Gael)!

Breeding Coins are stocking in the GP Shop and the USD Shop/Purchase GP page has some bonuses to go along with it!

The Collect Bonus page is featuring some very nice Breeding Season items for those of you banking your bonus money!

Is it snowing? What is this, Christmas in July? The Delicious Eggnog is coming back for a quick promotional re-release now that its queue is gone! Buy GP or USD items and get this promotional item for every $10 spent. If purchasing USD items, please contact account #15 to redeem!

Be aware that the Collect Bonus items, the Delicious Eggnog, and Breeding Coins will be around until 11:59 on July 12th!

The Jeweled Crystal is featuring some new pets from Pepperly!

The Jeweled Hybrid Crystal has some as well!

Who thinks the Jeweled Rare Crystal has a Pepperly base too? You would be... right!

You've been looking forward to that new Rock Custom Crystal base, haven't you? Unfortunately, we are sad to announce that Osiem has left the RCC position, and as a result, the Rock Custom Crystal will not be having any further bases after this month's.

As a result, we have decided to open the item up to making any base that was provided for it in the past. It will continue to stock in the BP Shop but no new bases will be added any further.

The Premium Item for this month is the Rock Custom Crystal so you can celebrate its long lifespan with a custom of your own!

Everything's kind of running behind as a number of admins are occupied with real life, but we hope to get the following resolved during the month of July:

- remaining Scavenger Hunt prizes
- a new admin hired to aid Eri with Slashbot slots (from what I hear, she is training the person now!)
- update the newest genuses with their natural Adventure hidden item ability
- ID resurrectors reopened with some backend coding changes

Here's to a good July!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Sun Jul 5, 2015 2:34pm

Comments: 87

Welcome to July!

Site Update

Goto News Post


Welcome to the wonderful month of July!

Grab some much-deserved rest and relaxation this month with a GP Shop pet companion!


Or go on an adventure with a BP Shop sidekick!



If you colored one of these fun pets, please contact Kyu (#1010) for your payment!
Make sure to include your PayPal address if you are opting for the USD option.
We will also be collecting pet PSDs directly from the thread, so you no longer have to send them in. However, please make sure you keep the links active for two weeks (at least until mid-July) so we have time to snag 'em for science!

The Essence of July 2015 is stocking in the GP shop for your gambling desires!
Using this item will turn your active pet into a random coloration from the assortment of pet "flavors" above.

The premium monthly item should be announced soon!

The Buck Moon Lunaris is here to celebrate July birthdays!

Don't forget to check out the birthday link to claim your gift from Aywas on your big day! Need to change your birthday? Click here!


The new monthly contests have been announced!

August Monthly Pets - BP Shop: Enter

August Monthly Pets - GP Shop: Enter

August Monthly Customs
Theme: Piebald

Good luck with your entries!


It's Hybrid Season! Look forward to seeing our two new hybrids in a later news post (with the Jeweled Bases and Rock Custom Crystal base!).


Coding Corner
A monthly update from behind the scenes!

Look forward to our new foxy feature! A new fox pet was previewed a few days ago and its feature is going to debut sometime this month. In addition, we'll be celebrating Service Dog Awareness Week later in the month!


Be advised that both Eri and I are relatively unavailable until around the 10th. We should get back into the swing of things after that!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Sat Jul 4, 2015 9:19am

Comments: 37

Paint It Up!


Goto News Post

Oops, seems someone forgot to make a news post so I'm just going to slip in here and let you all know that the Advent Calender has a gift for everyone today!

The Proud Paint Collection opens into a whopping 28 face paint items for your HA!

It'll only be there today, so hopefully this news post isn't too late for everyone to get their hands on it >.o;;

Have a great day everyone =)

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Fri Jul 3, 2015 10:38am

Comments: 42

T4T: Shivering Southern Snows


Goto News Post

It might be scorching hot for most of us here in the Northern Hemisphere, but we should remember our friends in the Southern half of the world who are shivering cold!

This adorable HA item will be in stock throughout July, and will leave on August 1st!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Thu Jul 2, 2015 1:35am

Comments: 21

Monthly HA Contest


Goto News Post

The winning HA sets have been placed into their respective shops!

Last month earned the following:
GP Set: 247 GP per artist
BP Set: 56,100,000 BP per artist
Premium Set: 3062 PP per artist

Want in on the action? Well, phase one - the basing contest - is open and waiting for entries!
Head here to submit your design!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Wed Jul 1, 2015 1:23pm

Comments: 14

Amazon Payments removed

Site Update

Goto News Post

This is a notice that we have removed the Amazon Payments option to purchase GP and USD Items. They have decided to suspend our new account with the money in it. Suffice to say, I am not impressed with this action.

It may return if they reverse the suspension, but in the end I feel like Aywas has been treated much better by PayPal the last six years.

UPDATE: Amazon has reinstated the account and explained it was a typical account review suspension due to high volume.

Posted by JAK (#15) on Wed Jul 1, 2015 4:51am

Comments: 28