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Teo Adoption Drops

Site Update

Teos in the adoption center can drop either in their actual genus, or in a random genus to offset the enormous advantage that Goggle users have in finding them. They are still dropped in both ways, but there is no telling which way any particular egg or batch will be dropped.

Posted by JAK (#15) on Wed May 21, 2014 2:20pm

Comments: 139

CalamityFlames (#49838)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 8:17pm

@24177 I understand that but people are overreacting over this. They still have an advantage because they can see if any are in that genus, but now some of us have a chance as well. I don't get many things at all because people that have the advantage get it. But when they have such an unfair advantage that no one else has a chance, that bugs me. I get that this is "upsetting" to some people but its really not that big of a deal. I support this and I think that people are just being dramatic and turning this into a drama. We don't get cool things on this site for free very often, and at this rate we won't again. I just feel that people are overreacting on this, and just being whiny.

CalamityFlames (#49838)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 8:20pm

Also people keep acting like this is unfair. It is not. It is making things fair to those who cannot buy all the cool items that they want. This is a free gift to everyone, not something a premium user is entitled too. You premium users have plenty of other things .

Kouga & Rosie (#768)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 8:32pm

@49838 - ah but see yer not seeing anything but yer side. I'm not sure who yer talkin to that has endless money, but I know I sure don't I save to buy everything I buy. It takes me ages to make much in GP or BP and I only recently started getting some GP because I've got a few HA items. As I already mentioned in my first post the goggles weren't as much as advantage as you see to think, they were only barely one. I've not seen a single egg since they started dropping, not one and I tended to check once every couple hours or so. Frankly you can go on and on about it being free all you want, but plenty of other things are free too. Heck when you start now you get a BCO in yer little newbie thingy those of us who have been around since Beta didn't have that. I may have been here fer years now, but I'm still as broke as anyone else and everything I've got I scrimped and saved for. And those breedings you seem to think we can all afford? When PBCs started coming out I made them my XMas gift to myself. I buy the GP with RL money that I save all year on black friday and then get the coins come December and I know there are several others who do the same thing. Don't assume that just cause we don't like out shinies we paid premium for got nerfed that we have money. We all know what assuming does I think, ja?

CalamityFlames (#49838)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 8:40pm

@768 Have you seen some of the things these people can buy?... Nevermind. Its just that people complaining about having an apparently imaginary advantage being taken away is annoying. And some people already have five or more of these pets. I have bought money on this site once. I cannot afford to do it again. I want to but I cannot. I understand that not everyone has limitless money, because clearly they do not. However, people complaining about losing this "advantage" so that others can get a chance to have fun annoys me. I have never had an advantage so i never get a chance to get anything. People need to learn that advantages come and go, and stop bellyaching when they do.

Imajn (#91)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 8:40pm

@768 Just because you haven't seen an egg doesn't mean that the goggles aren't working. So far, I bet at last 95% of the teos that were released into the adoption center were adopted by people who had goggles.

CalamityFlames (#49838)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 8:51pm

You know what? Forget I said anything. Forget it. I clearly don't know what i am talking about and I should shut up.

Kouga & Rosie (#768)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 8:51pm

@49838 - I have, but that is a small minority who has that kinda money. The thing is this isn't the first time an advantage has been nerfed and it gets old fast. And truthfully every one did have a chance before, was it harder without them? Ja, I'll freely admit that, but again even before it didn't help as much at least not everyone. Advantages may come and go sure, but making them 'go' just cause people are as you put it bellyaching about them being there is beyond frustrating. Now did there need to be some tweaking to the whole thing ja, again easily admitted, but this? They could have come up with other things like the limits.
@91 - of that I do not doubt and actually seeing these people with that many from the AC is annoying and I fergot who said it, but limiting how many or how often you could adopt them would be a great thing. I'm all for that in fact and it should help with spreading them around more.

Imajn (#91)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 9:01pm

@768 I did think that was a good idea when I saw it too, but after thinking about it, not anymore D:

There are 100s of users with the x-ray goggles. There can only be so teos many that are released within the time limit. Taking out 10 of those users with the limit isn't going to do much to deter the advantage goggle users have.

Imajn (#91)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 9:02pm

*"so many teos".... not "so teos many" >.>;

Valice & Fenris (#20488)

Posted on: Wed May 21, 2014 9:23pm

@91 ^Agreed^ After reading these posts @768 it doesn't seem like you are looking at anyones side but yourself too honestly. User 91 makes an a fairly good point, there are users with the x-ray goggles, that I am pretty sure set a alarm to set off every hour just so they can pick clean the teos with those goggles, which gives no one else a chance, and other users who site there for about an hour [like us] painstakingly trying to find 1 teo. We have not tried very hard for the simple fact we were one of the first to get one from a breeding, and thought it unfair to try and grab one from the Adoption. Other users might not think it unfair to the others, and only see the teo's as a freebie custom, and hoard them for themselves. And just because you may have only gotten one does not mean it is anymore fair for others, just let the other users whine about their "Lack of advantage" and get over other users getting frustrated, it is stupid and pointless. As far as we are concerned this just makes it a little more fun, and not an easy pickings for other users. That is our piece of mind, and if you have anything to say about it, send it in message instead of spamming the news feed.