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This kitty needs your help.

If you haven't read Springdragon's thread yet, his roommate slammed his kitty's tail into a door. Long story short, this cat is going to die unless they can afford the $600 vet bill to get the cat surgery.

Aywas is going to try and fundraise as much money as we can to help save this cat's life. To do this we are selling 12 Quetzals colored in the cat's colors (called Bane Quetzals, respectively, as the cat's name is Bane) for $50 each.

12/12 Quetzals have been reserved so far.

Because these Quetzals are going to be customs, they will not be obtainable in any other way but helping save this cat's life.

There will only be a maximum of 12 of these on the site. Ever. If you want to reserve a Bane Quetzal and help the kitty get the surgery, message me regarding the $50 donation.

If you'd like to donate money directly to Springdragon to help with the cost of the surgery, contact him directly. Click here to message Springdragon directly.

For every direct donation you send to Springdragon, you will get the equivalent in GP and a special Bane kitty item if the donation is $5 or over. (you get this item if you reserve a quetzal too)

Okay, according to my records the Quetzals have sold out. But you're welcome to donate for the kitty item to Springdragon to cover the morphine costs or any other costs associated with the kitty getting better.

Posted by Jack (#1) on Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:23am

Comments: 70

Hiiro (#755)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

Aww poor Bane!! My prayers are with you and Bane, Springdragon. If I could donate, I absolutely would in a heartbeat; but I'm a broke college student as well.

And I have to agree with Lemon, $600 doesn't seem unreasonable for a surgery. Having many dogs and cats over the years, I can easily see how these surgeries cost so much.

Milk | Rex | Blaze (#1113)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

I love the new quetzal. I guess they sold out quickly. ><'
I hope Bane gets better. I used to have a cat named tigerlily. One day she got cut on a broken piece of mirror.
It wasnt a terrible cut but it was open and you could see white something or another. The vet wanted $500. I paid the vet because kitty was like my best friend.

[ cerpin ] (#162)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

Lemon: I can't help being a skeptic. A lot of people tend to pull this online. I've seen it happen before where a user held donations for a sick pet, only to be found out as not having a sick animal, and I've donated to some of these people before. I'm sorry, but these prior experiences have jaded my views on internet charities for sick and injured animals. /: I'm not accusing anyone of anything, but it's not a bad thing to be a skeptic, nor should it make you feel 'warm and fuzzy' to not be one. There's nothing wrong with being mistrustful of people who ask for your money for any reason online, even if your mistrust is misplaced.

null (#543)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

Aw... this is really heartwarming. I was thinking of donating even before Aywas chipped in because this story really tugged at my heartstrings. My cat is the same for be and I'd be crushed if she was in this situation. Sadly, I can't afford a $50 donation because I am also poor. And I guess the Quetzals are gone anyway. xP I still might chip in $5 or something though.

Flaria (#18)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

My boyfriend's dog, Cloud is an Accidental prone. He had a perfect tail, and legs. He prances so high like a horse in the halter show. I know how it is when it's comes to the Vet that cost so much. It's cost like $1000 to repaired his fore leg, the right foreleg paw wrist area. I don't want to explain how did it happened. It was his fault for flied out of my arms. x.x

Flaria (#18)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

Not flied what I mean is flew out of my arms when I tried to put him down.

Twollu (#104)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

I hope he gets better, poor thing. I'd donate if I could. D:

Springdragon (#650)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

Erik:: When I posted that thread, I did not intend to ask for help. I was complaining about what a sucky day I had, and I fully intended to work as hard as I could for every dollar and I still do. I'm grateful to Slash for pulling this together, and I really appreciate that the Aywas community is willing to help an injured animal that they don't even know. You have every right to question me, because I know that people do dishonet things, but I hope that a combination of the referral process and the type of people who come to Aywas can reassure you that Bane really is at the vet with a third of his tail missing, until I can prove it to you.

Zen (#117)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

.. If.. If I didn't have my scoliosis fund to nurture, I would donate in a skip of a heartbeat. ;x; Kitties.

Ankokou (#481)

Posted on: Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:00pm

What Lemon said. Even if you don't believe the story, have a little courtesy. Just don't give any money, you don't need to accuse Springdragon of lying, especially when she didn't ask for help in the rant. >_>;
I believe you. For the people who distrust the price you really need to get an animal with a lot of medical issues. I've been amazed at how much these things cost since getting my two faildogs. Anyway, I think it's wonderful Slash is doing this for you.