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Slashbot - Configuring Updates

Random Silliness

Goto News Post


Configuring updates... 2%... Please don't turn off your Slashbot.

Hello fleshsacks. Are you doing well? I have briefly returned from my culinary vacation for some much-needed TLC. I have since learned that mustard will oxidize the metal on my handsome face... What a shame.

I have a note from my engineer that requires your full attention, so please read carefully.


Firstly, I would like to apologize to those who have been waiting for responses from Slashbot regarding their place in the queue or updates on their slot in general. Slashbot and I have been slowly reaching out to people regarding slots that we can feasibly complete with many pending responses. It has been quite some time since Slashbot has been completely active, so as expected many users have since moved on or gone inactive which has made it challenging for us to accurately give specific queue numbers to those waiting.

As a result, the queue has since been separated into multiple categories such as linearts (new genus and alt line), events, features that require coding (this also covers events with a custom adventure zone), and 'other' which covers any other inquiries that the previous categories do not. The queue is currently sitting at February 2014, and we have been working to remove inactive slots from the queue to streamline the process further.

In its current state, the wait time for alternate linearts and new genus slots is about 7 years. This is due to the limitations of how many linearts can be released per year and the sheer number of requests that have been sitting in queue from 2014 and later.

The events queue is considerably smaller, and Slashbot has been reaching out to users with requests for events that do not require adventure zones with a custom background and merchant assets.

The custom feature queue is backed up by about 6 years, with some features such as jigsaw currently on hold due to the recode.


Due to Hibernation, Slashbot will no longer be accepting slots and inquiries for the following requests: Events with a custom adventure zone and features that require coding. This is due to the coder’s time being spent on the recode and adventure receiving a much-needed overhaul.

Alternate linearts and new genus requests will also be restricted to a conditional acceptance, which is detailed further below.

With most features being on hold, we are now offering users the option to expedite their slots by opting to pay the site artist for alt lineart and new genus requests. These ‘paid’ slots will be prioritized over regular lineart requests.

We understand that this may be limiting for some users for these kinds of slots to require a monetary contribution. Unfortunately, it is our only option currently if we wish to keep the lineart queue moving. This is how new lineart slots will be processed until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

Additionally, and optionally, users can also supply the item and pet art needed for small/medium/large events with a shop and pre-existing adventure zone can have their slots moved to the front of the queue. Users in the past have joined up with a small group of friends to make lots of different items and pets, and you also have the option of commissioning others as well! Otherwise, these slots will continue to proceed as normal.


We are working towards opening the Slashbot Shop permanently. For those who don't know the Slashbot Shop was around for a brief period of time and users could trade in their stuffings, slots, and Slashbot items for rare items, design tickets, and xentori flutes. We will be taking suggestions for items users would like to trade their slots and stuffings in for in the near future, so please stay tuned for that thread!

Finally, we would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding. We will be reaching out to users in the coming months in the hopes of getting some fun user events underway!


Slashbot finishes reading his long roll of notes and furrows his brow. I wonder what he's up to?

Posted by Slashbot (#3) on Fri Oct 20, 2023 2:24am

Comments: 10

Ghoulish Gala


Goto News Post


The spooky season has arrived - you can now access the Ghoulish Gala Hub! You can also make some friends (or enemies) through Trick or Treating! Here's a quick refresher on how it works!

Sending Requests
You can visit the Trick or Treating page to start. Listed there are currently online Aywans interested in accepting Trick or Treat requests. Just click on the "Trick or Treat" button below their name to send the request. You can send requests to an Aywan every 30 minutes. This page will update itself when an Aywan's online status changes.

Processing Requests
On the side menu of the site, there's a Trick or Treat status box. As you receive requests, your visitor count will change. You can click this number (or go to My Visitors) to view your requests. From there, you'll have the option to trick or treat your visitor.

bulletpoint.png Treating visitors will cost 1,000 BP each at minimum.
bulletpoint.png Tricking visitors is free!

You have 15 minutes to respond to a Trick or Treat request before it expires.

scion_icon.png querel_icon.png colette_icon.png

If trick or treating your fellow Aywans isn't for you, don't forget that you can always Trick or Treat the NPCs instead! Swing by the Site Characters page and trick or treat them when they are available.

Located on the Trick or Treat status box is a Karma Meter. As you send trick or treat requests or trick visitors, you will incur negative (orange) karma. Vise-versa, treating users will give you positive (blue) karma. Both karma levels have their benefits and risks, so experiment around!

collectable_lovepumpkin.png collectable_kawaiikittypumpkin.png collectable_mischievouspumpkin.png

The Pumpkin Patch is now open as well! Remember, any and all messages left in pumpkins must follow the Terms of Service. Additionally, the pumpkins cannot be tagged as [M]ature, so do not put anything that may need this tag into the pumpkins. If you pick up a pumpkin that violates either of these rules, please PM a staff member. Be kind, and have fun!


Starting tomorrow, October 16th, you will be able to collect one festive item per day from the Advent Calendar! Will it be a yummy treat or something spooky? Check in every day to find out!

magic_bayleaves.png magic_rowantreetwigs.png magic_bayleaves.png

You can now collect herbs from the Greenhouse to use in the Giant Cauldron, which will begin brewing toward the end of the month, and Rowan's Potion Brewing, but be wary of what you grab - Minerva is watching!


The Spooky Forest is now open! As you adventure through it, you will be able to pick up Bootato, which will be one of the currencies used for the Seasonal Shop that will open later on in the month! You can also find any pets that you may have missed out on from previous years, along with a few new ones!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sun Oct 15, 2023 7:32pm

Comments: 17

Sketch Breeding Coin


Goto News Post

Sketch Breeding Coins have returned in a limited stock to the GP Shop

Get them while you can!

They also still remain in the USD Shop for unlimited stock!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Wed Oct 11, 2023 11:38am

Comments: 1

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


'· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´ [[ The w i n n e r s' edition! ]] '· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´

Stephy (#80423)

Congratulations to our winner!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sun Oct 8, 2023 7:11pm

Comments: 5

Welcome to October

Site Update

Goto News Post

pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png

jormu_worldsmile.png alaroo_cinnamonroll.png raffi_zebra.png

ryba_cinnamon.png ferox_pumpkinmerle.png kityip_autumn.png

Starting off, we have our GP Shop and BP Shop pets, which will be obtainable through the Essence of Septober 2023! This is the final month that this potion will be available!


If you designed one of these pets and haven't done so already, please contact Lacia (#25044) for your payment!

pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png

Greeting those born in October is the Opal Lunaris!

Don't forget to check out the birthday link to claim your gift from Aywas on your big day! Need to change your birthday? Click here!

If you missed your Lunaris or have further questions regarding them, please contact Hiiro (#755).

This month's Premium Item is the Candy Apple Basket! This sweet smelling basket contains a random assortment of Candied Apples!

The new monthly contests have been announced!

November - December Monthly Shop Pets: Enter
November Monthly Customs - Wigs: Enter
Good luck with your entries!

magic_jeweledcrystal.png magic_jeweledhybridcrystal.png magic_jeweledrarecrystal.png

For the month of October, you may use your Jeweled items to create any previous October base! You can view the available bases in the Knowledge Base articles for the Jeweled Crystal, the Jeweled Hybrid Crystal, and the Jeweled Rare Crystal.

If you want to be a Jeweled Custom Artist, please visit the hiring thread!

magic_rockcustomcrystal.png magic_rockcustomcrystal.png

magic_rawmetalcrystal.png magic_rawbluecrystal.png magic_rawgoldcrystal.png

The Rholem is currently the active Raw genus, which means that you can purchase the Ruins Rholem in the BP Shop! It will remain the active genus until November, so be sure to make a note of this in case you wish to make any!



Congratulations to dragonsrus (#66521) for winning a Blue Custom Orb through the September Pet Coloration forum raffle!

If you would like to enter the monthly raffles, you can submit your designs here! Each accepted design is counted as one entry. Remember, you can earn SP and a Restyle Brush!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sun Oct 1, 2023 6:50pm

Comments: 2

Ghoulish Gala & Monthly Custom


Goto News Post

As a reminder, the Ghoulish Gala submission threads are open until 11:59 PM AST on October 8th!


It's time to give away one free custom designed during August under the theme of Black & White!

To play, you simply click and submit on the poll below! This will enter you into a raffle for the design. If you created the pet below, please contact Lacia (#25044) with which prizes you are claiming.

You have until 11:59 PM AST on October 7th to get your votes in! Good luck!

100% [ 226 ]

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:52pm

Comments: 0

Prediction Pool Party Persists - Date Extension


Goto News Post


As the party is winding down and the temperature is getting cold... Patrice, Pete, and Paul have started to pack up their things after this year's PPP.

That is, until Niklas turns up in his vacation gear with his Aymas magic!
Don't you know it's nice and hot somewhere in the world!?

That's right, Prediction Pool Party 2023 has been extended to the end of the year!

You will now have until December 31st, 11:59pm AST (the little clock at the top right corner of the Aywas page!) to submit your predictions to qualify for PPP perks!

You can see where the pool party is happening here!

In addition, we are extending the cutoff date for breedings.

ALL BREEDINGS PRIOR TO AUGUST 31ST 2023 ARE ELIGIBLE FOR PPP PERKS. This extension applies from now.


Please note: After September 30, 11:59pm AST (the original PPP end date), the Radioactive queue's 10 parent mutant perk will no longer be available. So please get your funky fellas in as soon as possible!

The threads in the pool party forum will be edited to reflect these changes.

You can see all available perks here!!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:41pm

Comments: 14

Fall Flourish Risk!


Goto News Post


Time for some Risk

Risk it on 9/25 at:
Risk 9AM
Risk 9 PM

What is Risk
Risk is a forum game, where at the start time, users can post to get a reward, or risk something being lost or otherwise bad happening to the account.

The Risks and Rewards are always clearly posted.

Will you risk it?

Chat about the upcoming risk game here !

Have some good risk ideas? Please share them with us!

Posted by Kandria (#293) on Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:49pm

Comments: 0

Ghoulish Gala Submissions


Goto News Post

The submission threads for the Ghoulish Gala are now open in the Events forum! Please keep in mind that if you are submitting a pet, the site pet thread is where the design will be available to everyone. The Cauldron thread is for designs that will be given out as a custom pet during the event, which means only one person will obtain that design.


Painted Metal Breeding Coins have returned and will remain in the GP Shop as long as the queue stays manageable by the current artists!

They will also remain in the USD Shop as long as the queue stays manageable by the current artists!

As a reminder coins may rotate in and out of shops are the queue allows, and they may be removed without warning!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:00am

Comments: 1

Wish Upon a Star 2023 Winners


Goto News Post

As the final bits of stardust leave the atmosphere, there's just enough magic left behind to grant a few wishes. Congratulations to the following users from the Wish Upon a Star 2023: Pets and Wish Upon a Star 2023: Items threads for having their wish granted:

Werejelly(#46708) ★ VonVoltage (#82156) ★ Haru (#46917) ★ Emerald (#82004) ★ Kayu 💕 Pai (#70951) ★ OYA7200 (#39983) ★ Tin & Bloo (#9)

Azelas🐉 (#17912) ★ Haru (#46917) ★ Rae (#51049) ★ Ely & Jem (#7780) ★ Candii💜 (#1462) ★ BugBear (#12172) ★ 🐲cyphers1011 (#44304) ★ Sandy (#50007) ★ Alana (#70812) ★ Xanadu (#58223)

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sat Sep 9, 2023 12:07pm

Comments: 14