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Site Update

Goto News Post

Good morning, folks!


Since you normally wouldn't know who is talking to you until you get to the end of the news post, and by now might've even forgotten who I am, let me re-introduce myself: Hi, I'm Eri! :3 I do a lot of things around Aywas but recently got unexpectedly sucked into this portal called "real life." Let me tell you, I like it here much better!


I've been working for Aywas for nearly six years, and have rarely been away from it for more than 24 hours at a time since then. Typically when I'm going to be away--or when any administrator suffers the same IRL fate that I just experienced--coverage plans are generally put in place. Unfortunately, I got hit with a series of whirlwind things that I wasn't really able to plan or slow down for. Hence, chaos!

Seriously though, I deeply apologize for any inconveniences my unexpected absence has caused and am sorry that I was not available to help you guys like I usually am.

Happily, since IRL has thrown so much at me in such a short amount of time, I think it's done being so demanding for a while, so you guys are stuck with me until the day Slash can't stand me anymore. 8D

As you might've guessed, my Inbox is a mess and I have a lot of catching up to do, so I will do my best to tackle all of those things as swiftly as I can. However, business comes with the territory, so please don't hesitate to PM me about anything, or if you run into me on the forums, feel free to say hi. After all, I've missed talking with you guys and will probably be bouncing around the boards in between tasks. :3


Prepare to get annoyed by more news posts from me soon!
(I'll try not to spam you too bad, honest. *wink*)

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:35am

Comments: 64

T4T: I like you beary much!


Goto News Post

I know we have a lovely new event going on (see news post below!) but if you could paws for a minute and bear to bring your attention to the Trash for Treasure shop, we have another lovely item for you to add to your collection!

This lovely collectable will stock until 26th August - so you have plenty of time to gather a sleuth of these lovely cuddly folks!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:16am

Comments: 3

Service Dog Week

Site Update

Goto News Post

Service Dog Week IS HERE!!!

This week on Aywas, we're going to celebrate service dogs! Service dogs are extremely important and we feel like they need a little spotlight to show how awesome they are.

Service Dog Information
The first thing we'd like to shine light on is US regulations about service dogs. Since 90% of our community is from the United States, this is great information for the majority of you. Here's a link to the official ADA Frequently Asked Questions about Service Dogs! Some important information to note:

1. Service dogs do not need to be registered, nor do they need identification. Any US database for service dogs that charges handlers to register is a scam!

2. People with disabilities have the right to train their own dog as a service dog. They are not required to get a professionally trained dog.

3. Service dogs are permitted ANYWHERE the public is allowed. Staff are only allowed to ask two questions of a handler: 1) Is this a service dog required because of a disability?, 2) What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

4. Staff cannot request identification for the dog, ask about the handler's disability, or ask that the dog demonstrate its trained task. The dog does not need an ID card, a special vest, or any special harness, though many service dogs do wear vests.

5. If you see a service dog, do not pet or distract the dog in any way! Many service dogs are required to focus on their handler to ensure their handler remains safe. You can politely ask the handler if you can pet the dog, but respect their answer if it's a "NO."

Service Dogs vs. Emotional Support Dogs and Therapy Dogs
Curious about the difference between service dogs and emotional support and therapy dogs? Check out this resource to learn more Click here!

Want to learn more about service dogs, or where to get your own service dog? Check out the links below!

Please Don't Pet Me
Assistance Dogs International
Canine Companions for Independence
Paws with a Cause
Service Dog Central

One of our administrators speaks very highly of their favorite service dog charity, Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities (ECAD). This is a 501(c)(3) charity that we're excited to donate to during Service Dog Week!

For the duration of Service Dog Week (7/26 - 8/2), we will be donating 10% of our income from the USD Shop and GP Purchases to this suggested charity. We've been told by our admin that they really need the money right now due to surgery on one of their animals, and we definitely want to help.

On August 2nd, the last day of Service Dog Week, we will be running the Mystery Box. Consider this a head's up!

So let's get into what we have available for Service Dog Week!

Golden Retriever Service Dog | Labrador Service Dog

These are Service Dog Vests and what you'll need to collect to make the Service Dog SCCs shown above. If you collect fifteen Service Dog Vests, you can trade them in for one "metal" custom maker for one of the SCCs. These metal custom makers are currently stocking in the Event Shop.

These are used to make metal (coloring only, no edits) Service Dog SCCs.

So how do you get Service Dog Vests? Good question! The Trivia this week (7/26 - 8/2) has ten service dog related questions for you to answer, and for every one you get correct, you get one vest!

You can also write about your experiences with Service Dogs to earn one vest per 100 words you write, or you can color Service Dog SCCs for others to earn additional vests!

If you are interested in edited Service Dog SCCs, then head to the USD Shop to pick up some blue custom makers (50% edited) there for $5.00 each. These makers will be available until August 2nd 11:59 PM. All custom makers will be usable until August 31st, at which point they will be made into special collectibles.

So! As a recap:

- 10% of our income is going to our selected charity from 7/26 - 8/2
- Pick up Metal Service Dog items in the Event shop until 8/2, 11:59 PM
- Pick up Blue Service Dog items in the USD shop until 8/2, 11:59 PM
- The Mystery Box will open on 8/2 (so technically 11:59 PM of 8/1 to 11:59 PM of 8/2)
- All four custom makers will be functioning until 8/31 11:59 PM
- The Trivia will be available to earn vests until 8/2 11:59 PM
- The Coloring Thread and Experiences thread will be open until 8/2 11:59 PM

Enjoy Service Dog Week!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Sat Jul 25, 2015 10:05pm

Comments: 62

T4T: If you're driftin' on an empty ocean


Goto News Post

From the item creator:
"So often, we hear phrases like "sinking into a depression" or "drowning in self-loathing". These things sound so bleak and horrible, but they don't have to be. While you may never know how much someone might need, you also never know how much of a difference the smallest gestures can make. Sometimes, the smallest bit of kindness can be all it takes to keep someone from drifting off. To anyone who has ever helped someone through a hard time, no matter how big or small, what you do is invaluable. For anyone who is having a difficult time, no matter how major or minor, there will always be someone who cares. Be patient, be strong, and always keep an eye out for the bright shiny thing on the horizon."

This lovely collectors item will be available in Trash for Treasure until the 24th August =)

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:25pm

Comments: 26

Pet Shop, Adventure Pets, & A Change!


Goto News Post

Hello everyone! I wanted to let you know that I changed the stock in my pet shop! The old pets were retired and they're in loving forever homes now! I found some wonderful, beautiful, new pets to share with you and they're happily on sale and ready to meet their new owners!


Please remember that my shop is on a stock rotation schedule! As usual the stock will change every 3 months. After the 3 months, the pets currently in stock will be permanently retired and a new stock will replace them. So buy them while you can!


I've also found a few new pets out in the wilderness of the Aywas world. I couldn't make them tame enough to sell in the pet shop so I'll just show you them so you can catch them yourself.


If you want to design some Adventure pets, go and post them in their respective threads here! There's also a chance that the designs accepted from that forum will go into the Pet Shop! Remember, you can earn SP!

If your design is now in the pet shop or in the new adventure release please contact Kyu (#1010) for your free copy.

A Change to How Adventure Pets Will Work!

Adventure pets used to be released every 2 weeks in batches of 6. We're changing this to be once a month in batches of 9-12. This won't change the prizes for having your pets accepted, or the monthly raffle. The pet coloration submissions forums, however, will only be checked approximately once a month instead of once every 2 weeks.

I'll be going through the forums during this next week and accepting through the backlog from when I was gone. :) Thank you for being patient! The monthly raffle(s) from when I was gone will be drawn and all posted & rewarded at next month's release post and we'll be back on track!

Posted by Kyu & Mauri (#1010) on Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:36pm

Comments: 11

Moderator Applications

Site Update

Goto News Post

Moderator applications are open! Moderators are the backbone of the website and help organize events, compile information, and assist admins with tasks. If you have ever wanted to help keep Aywas running smoothly, then a moderator application is for you!

Please note that the e-mail to send applications to has been changed. If you have applied before, please do so again (though note some parts of the app have changed) so that the admin team can review your application together. A team of five admins are reviewing applications this round!

We want to hire a lot of new moderators to distribute tasks to and get things running faster and smoother. We need your help to do so, though, so please don't hesitate to apply!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:29pm

Comments: 22

Regarding Deleting Threads

Site Update

Goto News Post

Staff have recently been inundated with requests for thread deletions, most often when an account is being sold/moved into. This is creating an unsustainable workload that is impacting other areas of the site.

Due to this we are now formally restricting thread removals to one year old or less from the time of the last post. For example, from today, threads last posted in before July 14th 2014 will no longer be removed from accounts.

Users posting in threads they want deleted to bring them within the time limit will receive a formal warning against their account.

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:08pm

Comments: 57

Miksa's Exotic Pet Emporium


Goto News Post


Hello everyone! I wanted to give you a bit of a heads up that I'll be changing the stock in my shop come July 18th! So if you want to own any of these pretty pets I currently am selling, you should buy them before July 18th. On July 18th they will be permanently retired and new pets will take their place!

Posted by Kyu & Mauri (#1010) on Sun Jul 12, 2015 10:13pm

Comments: 12

HA Contest Continues!


Goto News Post

One base certainly stormed into the lead, and with almost half the votes we have a winner!

To enter the next part of the contest and colour in the Transition base, head over here to learn more!

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:45pm

Comments: 5

HA Basing - Vote!


Goto News Post

Please select your vote.

44% [ 597 ]
3% [ 40 ]
8% [ 111 ]
10% [ 133 ]
12% [ 168 ]
6% [ 77 ]
17% [ 224 ]

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Wed Jul 8, 2015 10:27pm

Comments: 49