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Black Friday 2022: Day 1 & 2


Goto News Post

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Are you interested in taking an exotic genus home with you? You can view the exotic pot here! If you need information on how the sale works, please review this Knowledge Base article. We also have a news post outlining the entire sale here!

As Day 1 is rounding off, here's a reminder of the current and next day bonuses!

Friday, November 18th at 12:00 AM AST (this begins exactly one hour after the previous one!)
bulletpoint.png USD Purchases count towards Special Credit
bulletpoint.png 50% more GP with purchase
bulletpoint.png GP Shop and USD Shop have a 3% chance of duplicating your purchase, doubling your order!
bulletpoint.png 10% OFF THE USD SHOP
bulletpoint.png 20% OFF THE GP and BP SHOP! (30% for Premium)
bulletpoint.png Double Premium!!
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be available in the 100 USD Special Bonus Credit Tier
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg is now usable!

- - - - - - - - - -

Saturday, November 19th at 12:00 AM AST
bulletpoint.png USD Purchases count towards Special Credit
bulletpoint.png 40% more GP with purchase
bulletpoint.png GP Shop and USD Shop have a 2% chance of duplicating your purchase, doubling your order!
bulletpoint.png 5% OFF USD SHOP
bulletpoint.png 15% OFF GP and BP SHOP! (25% for Premium)
bulletpoint.png Double Premium!!
bulletpoint.png PBC/PBC Talisman will be available in the USD Shop
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be in the 75 USD Special Bonus Tier

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:29pm

Comments: 2

Black Friday 2022 & More


Goto News Post

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If you're already in the mood for snow, wrapping presents, and more, the submission threads for Aymas are now open!

Pet Submissions bulletpoint.png Item Submissions bulletpoint.png HA Submissions

collectable_meteoriteexoticegg.png collectable_meteoriteexoticegg.png collectable_meteoriteexoticegg.png

The time is soon upon us - Black Friday is near! As a reminder, the item needed to nab an Exotic pet is Meteorite Exotic Egg, and for those of you who are new to the sales, "Special Credit" is credit that you can only accumulate during the sale by making purchases! You can read more about it here.

Below is what will happen on Day 1, with the pre-sale beginning at 11:00 PM AST - this is the time on the site clock at the top of every page, not your personal timezone. Any purchases made before this time will not count towards special credit and will not receive their listed bonuses. If you intend to use Amazon Pay, please note that there can be up to a 24-hour delay in your order being processed. Please contact Kaiyo (#489) if you are using Amazon Pay so that we can make arrangements to ensure that you get your egg.

Additionally, to mitigate any lag that may occur at rollover, your usual rollover notifications may be delayed.

637432d53fca6.png 637422e60e75e.png 63741c14b1cad.png
You can view the exotic pot here!

Thursday, November 17th at 11:00 PM AST
bulletpoint.png "Special Credit" begins
bulletpoint.png USD Purchases count towards Special Credit
bulletpoint.png 50% more GP with purchase
bulletpoint.png GP Shop and USD Shop have a 3% chance of duplicating your purchase, doubling your order!
bulletpoint.png 10% OFF THE USD SHOP
bulletpoint.png 20% OFF THE GP and BP SHOP! (30% for Premium)
bulletpoint.png Double Premium!!
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be available under the 100 USD Special Bonus Credit Tier
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will not be usable to claim Event Exotics yet. This is a good time to sell in the forums!

- - - - - - - - - -

Friday, November 18th at 12:00 AM AST (this begins exactly one hour after the previous one!)
bulletpoint.png USD Purchases count towards Special Credit
bulletpoint.png 50% more GP with purchase
bulletpoint.png GP Shop and USD Shop have a 3% chance of duplicating your purchase, doubling your order!
bulletpoint.png 10% OFF THE USD SHOP
bulletpoint.png 20% OFF THE GP and BP SHOP! (30% for Premium)
bulletpoint.png Double Premium!!
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be available in the 100 USD Special Bonus Credit Tier
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg is now usable!

If you would like to review the overall timeline for this sale, you can do so via this news post!

magic_collabcrayon.png magic_scavmarkers2013.png magic_metalscavclay.png

It's finally time to wrap up the Treasure Hunt event!

Thank you all so much for your submissions. In total, we were able to verify a whopping 95 PSDs!

Drumroll, please... It's now time to announce the winners.

In first place, with a whopping 71 PSDs, it's Phage (#21624)! You have won 25 GP, one Metal Design Ticket, one Collab Crayon, and your choice of one each from each Scav maker group. A member of staff will be in touch shortly to confirm your choices!

In second place, it's Lothruin (#2064)! You have won 10 GP, one Metal Design Ticket, and your choice of one Scav/Collab custom maker. A member of staff will be in touch shortly to confirm your choice!

In third place, it's Kuro (#7746)! You have won 5 GP, and your choice of one Scav/Collab custom maker. A member of staff will be in touch shortly to confirm your choice!

By1342_2012.png?dl=0 Onikitty_July2012.png?dl=0 WhaleSharkSCC_Jan2011.png?dl=0

The new PSDs have been added to their respective sections in the Scav SCC KB article!


Most of the Collab PSDs were added back in July, but this cheeky Phanto managed to escape our notice until the tally. You can find it in the July section of the Collab Crayon KB article!

Thanks again for all your hard work, and enjoy your old/new bases!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Thu Nov 17, 2022 6:25pm

Comments: 4

Black Friday 2022 Exotic Sale


Goto News Post

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The time has arrived... for window shopping! The item that will be used to claim pets for this sale is the Meteorite Exotic Egg! There are many lovely exotic pets that will be available in upcoming sale, all of which are waiting in the Exotic Pot. They won't be going home with anyone until the sale officially begins in a couple of days, however!

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In case anyone needs a refresher, the Black Friday Sale will run November 17th through November 21st, with November 22rd being the normal credit day. For those of you who are new to the sales, "Special Credit" is credit that you can only accumulate during the sale by making purchases! You can read more about it here. The details for the days themselves are as follows, so be sure to plan accordingly:

Thursday, November 17th at 11:00 PM AST
bulletpoint.png "Special Credit" begins
bulletpoint.png USD Purchases count towards Special Credit
bulletpoint.png 50% more GP with purchase
bulletpoint.png GP Shop and USD Shop have a 3% chance of duplicating your purchase, doubling your order!
bulletpoint.png 10% OFF THE USD SHOP
bulletpoint.png 20% OFF THE GP and BP SHOP! (30% for Premium)
bulletpoint.png Double Premium!!
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be available under the 100 USD Special Bonus Credit Tier
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will not be usable to claim Event Exotics yet. This is a good time to sell in the forums!

- - - - - - - - - -

Friday, November 18th at 12:00 AM AST (this begins exactly one hour after the previous one!)
bulletpoint.png USD Purchases count towards Special Credit
bulletpoint.png 50% more GP with purchase
bulletpoint.png GP Shop and USD Shop have a 3% chance of duplicating your purchase, doubling your order!
bulletpoint.png 10% OFF THE USD SHOP
bulletpoint.png 20% OFF THE GP and BP SHOP! (30% for Premium)
bulletpoint.png Double Premium!!
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be available in the 100 USD Special Bonus Credit Tier
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg is now usable!

- - - - - - - - - -

Saturday, November 19th at 12:00 AM AST
bulletpoint.png USD Purchases count towards Special Credit
bulletpoint.png 40% more GP with purchase
bulletpoint.png GP Shop and USD Shop have a 2% chance of duplicating your purchase, doubling your order!
bulletpoint.png 5% OFF USD SHOP
bulletpoint.png 15% OFF GP and BP SHOP! (25% for Premium)
bulletpoint.png Double Premium!!
bulletpoint.png PBC/PBC Talisman will be available in the USD Shop
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be in the 75 USD Special Bonus Tier

- - - - - - - - - -

Sunday, November 20th at 12:00 AM AST
bulletpoint.png USD Purchases count towards Special Credit
bulletpoint.png 35% More GP With purchase!
bulletpoint.png GP Shop and USD Shop have a 1% chance of duplicating your purchase, doubling your order!
bulletpoint.png 5% OFF GP and BP SHOP! (15% for Premium)
bulletpoint.png Double Premium!
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be in the 50 Special USD Bonus Tier
bulletpoint.png FU Pendant will be available in the USD Shop
bulletpoint.png The added USD Shop items will be removed after today.

- - - - - - - - - -

Monday, November 21st at 12:00 AM AST
bulletpoint.png Today is known as GPalooza!
bulletpoint.png GP Auctions
bulletpoint.png Special items in GP shop
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be in the 25 USD Special Bonus Credit Tier
bulletpoint.png The bonus GP and BP Shop items will be removed after today.

- - - - - - - - - -

Tuesday, November 22nd at 12:00 AM AST
bulletpoint.png Special USD Bonus Credit will merge into the original USD Bonus Credit
bulletpoint.png The Meteorite Exotic Egg will be available in the 25 USD Bonus Credit
bulletpoint.png The tiers will be cleared at 11:59 PM AST (The Meteorite Exotic Egg will remain in the tiers until this time as well, even if there are no more Exotics available, so that collectors can obtain them.)

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:15pm

Comments: 5

Black Friday Warning & Bug Update

Site Update

Goto News Post

This is your (a little over) 24 hour warning for you to make sure that all of your PSDs from the Mayday sale have been downloaded. Before we upload the new exotic pets into the pot, all PSDs from the previous sale will be wiped, so please double check that you have everything downloaded from the Claimed Archive. You will have until 11:59 PM AST tomorrow, November 12th, to do so.

At this time, games should be refreshing automatically at rollover again! The "pop up" error should also be fixed. The "flash" games are fixed, aside from Fauna Frenzy, which is currently being worked on.

We thank you all for your patience!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Fri Nov 11, 2022 7:04pm

Comments: 6

Trivia, and Chrome Issues

Random Silliness

Goto News Post


Trivia Update

There was one question with Trivia that was set wrong, it has been corrected and to give everyone a fair shot at that perfect score, Trivia has been reset. Please reply in the comments if there are any issues such as the reset not taking properly.

Web Site Redirect Error
As many users have noticed, Chrome mobile after a recent update started to spit a lot of "too many redirects", as an error. It slowly spread over time to desktop Chrome, and other browsers that share the same engine like Brave, Staff was redirecting everyone to post details On this bug thread to keep track of who was affected.

Staff is happy to report the coder has been working hard to fix this, over the last week several fixes have been pushed out. Tonight we've seen more positive results then we have from other fixes!

We ask that you still report to the bug thread Here if you are getting the error still.

Thank you so much for understanding as the coder tries to squish this very annoyed and browser specific bug!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Tue Nov 8, 2022 10:32pm

Comments: 13

Welcome to November

Site Update

Goto News Post


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heggal_gourdhog.png unus_autumnoak.png keleiju_candycrane.png

keleiju_turquoise.png kazoo_autumn.png catalpa_glacierpothos.png

Starting off, we have our GP Shop and BP Shop pets, which will be obtainable through the Essence of Nocember 2022! This potion will be available this month and the next!


If you designed one of these pets and haven't done so already, please contact Lacia (#25044) for your payment!

pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png

Greeting those born in November is the Scorpio Lunaris!

Don't forget to check out the birthday link to claim your gift from Aywas on your big day! Need to change your birthday? Click here!

If you missed your Lunaris or have further questions regarding them, please contact Hiiro (#755).


This month's Premium Item is the 50lb Bag of Aynip! It's a bulk bag of Aynip that regenerates once a month and has a whopping 30 charges, and it regenerates once every 30 days.

The new monthly contests have been announced!

January - February Monthly Shop Pets: Enter
December Monthly Customs - Ribbons and Bows: Enter
Good luck with your entries!

magic_jeweledcrystal.png magic_jeweledhybridcrystal.png magic_jeweledrarecrystal.png

For the month of November, you may use your Jeweled items to create any previous November base! You can view the available bases in the Knowledge Base articles for the Jeweled Crystal, the Jeweled Hybrid Crystal, and the Jeweled Rare Crystal.

If you want to be a Jeweled Custom Artist, please visit the hiring thread!

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The Condyl is currently the active Raw genus, which means that you can purchase the Skyhigh Condyl in the BP Shop! It will remain the active genus until January, so be sure to make a note of this in case you wish to make any!



Congratulations to remy (#10167) for winning a Bronze Custom Crystal through the October Pet Coloration forum raffle!

If you would like to enter the monthly raffles, you can submit your designs here! Each accepted design is counted as one entry. Remember, you can earn SP and a Restyle Brush!


With the Ghoulish Gala festivities coming to a close, the Pumpkin Patch will no longer require you to deposit a pumpkin before picking one up! Once it is clear, it will be closed as well. Remember, you will have until 11:59 PM AST on November 2nd to make any final purchases from the Seasonal Shop!

collectable_charcoalteoegg.png collectable_charcoalteoegg.png collectable_charcoalteoegg.png

As a reminder, all designs for the Black Friday Exotic Sale must be completed and submitted for review by November 10th!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Tue Nov 1, 2022 6:05pm

Comments: 8

Ghoulish Gala Risk, and Triva!


Goto News Post


It's been a long time! Time for some Risk

Risk 10AM
Risk 10 PM

What is Risk
Risk is a forum game, where at the start time, users can post to get a reward, or risk something being lost or otherwise bad happening to the account.

Risk and Reward is always clearly posted. It is random when one is hosted it is new posted and given a little time for you to plan out if you want to risk it.

Will you risk it?

Chat about the upcoming risk game here !

Have some good risk ideas? Please share them with us!


It's been a while since we've also changed over Trivia, It has been loaded with a new set of questions that are Ghoulish Gala themed! I hope you enjoy!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sun Oct 30, 2022 9:02pm

Comments: 5

Ghoulish Gala: Seasonal Shop


Goto News Post


The Seasonal Shop is now open! Eryn will happily accept some of your Halloween Candy and Bootato stash for some of the items and pets that she has available. The shop will close after 11:59 PM AST on November 2nd, giving you a couple days after the Ghoulish Gala festivities end to make any final purchases!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:14pm

Comments: 8

Ghoulish Gala: Part 2


Goto News Post


You will now be able to access the Ghoulish Gala Hub, which is located under the Community tab! You can also make some friends (or enemies) while gathering Candy through Trick or Treating! Here's a quick refresher on how it works!

Sending Requests
You can visit the Trick or Treating page to start. Listed there are currently online Aywans interested in accepting Trick or Treat requests. Just click on the "Trick or Treat" button below their name to send the request. You can send requests to an Aywan every 30 minutes. This page will update itself when an Aywan's online status changes.

Processing Requests
On the side menu of the site, there's a Trick or Treat status box. As you receive requests, your visitor count will change. You can click this number (or go to My Visitors) to view your requests. From there, you'll have the option to trick or treat your visitor.

bulletpoint.png Treating visitors will cost 1,000 BP each at minimum.
bulletpoint.png Tricking visitors is free!

You have 15 minutes to respond to a Trick or Treat request before it expires.

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If trick or treating your fellow Aywans isn't for you, don't forget that you can always Trick or Treat the NPCs instead! Swing by the Site Characters page and trick or treat them when they are available.

Located on the Trick or Treat status box is a Karma Meter. As you send trick or treat requests or trick visitors, you will incur negative (orange) karma. Vise-versa, treating users will give you positive (blue) karma. Both karma levels have their benefits and risks, so experiment around!

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The Pumpkin Patch is now open as well! Remember, any and all messages left in pumpkins must follow the Terms of Service. Additionally, the pumpkins cannot be tagged as [M]ature, so do not put anything that may need this tag into the pumpkins. If you pick up a pumpkin that violates either of these rules, please PM a staff member. Be kind, and have fun!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:40pm

Comments: 7

Ghoulish Gala: Part 1


Goto News Post


Some of the Ghoulish Gala festivities are now underway! The rest will be released tomorrow, but for now, here are a few for you to get a jump start on collecting!


Starting tomorrow, October 17th, you will be able to collect one festive item per day from the Advent Calendar! Will it be a yummy treat or something spooky? Check in every day to find out!

magic_bayleaves.png magic_rowantreetwigs.png magic_bayleaves.png

You can now collect herbs from the Greenhouse to use in the Giant Cauldron, which will begin brewing in a few days, and Rowan's Potion Brewing, but be wary of what you grab - Minerva is watching!


The Spooky Forest is now open! As you adventure through it, you will be able to pick up Bootato, which will be one of the currencies used for the Seasonal Shop! While you won't be able to see your total until the second part's release, they will still be accumulating on your account in a ghost-like fashion. You can also find any pets that you may have missed out on from previous years, along with a few new ones!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:13pm

Comments: 6