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Welcome to October

Site Update

Goto News Post


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ennae_alebrije.png wrayth_ash.png rholem_carnelian.png

mephis_funky.png yetius_knitted.png kolibri_metalsongbird.png

Starting off, we have our GP Shop and BP Shop pets, which will be obtainable through the Essence of Septober 2022! This is the final month that this potion will be available!


If you designed one of these pets and haven't done so already, please contact Lacia (#25044) for your payment!

pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png

Greeting those born in October is the Libra Lunaris!

Don't forget to check out the birthday link to claim your gift from Aywas on your big day! Need to change your birthday? Click here!

If you missed your Lunaris or have further questions regarding them, please contact Hiiro (#755).


This month's Premium Item is the Autumn Wardrobe! You can open this acorn-shaped wardrobe to reveal 10 fall accessories for your HA!

The new monthly contests have been announced!

November - December Monthly Shop Pets: Enter
November Monthly Customs - Round Animals: Enter
Good luck with your entries!

magic_jeweledcrystal.png magic_jeweledhybridcrystal.png magic_jeweledrarecrystal.png

For the month of October, you may use your Jeweled items to create any previous October base! You can view the available bases in the Knowledge Base articles for the Jeweled Crystal, the Jeweled Hybrid Crystal, and the Jeweled Rare Crystal.

If you want to be a Jeweled Custom Artist, please visit the hiring thread!

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The Trillaling is currently the active Raw genus, which means that you can purchase the Luminescent Lace Trillaling in the BP Shop! It will remain the active genus until November, so be sure to make a note of this in case you wish to make any!


collectable_charcoalteoegg.png collectable_charcoalteoegg.png collectable_charcoalteoegg.png
As a reminder, if you intend to create a set for the Black Friday Exotic Sale, all designs must be submitted for review and completed by November 10th. The news post with submission information can be found here.

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Additionally, the deadline for all Ghoulish Gala submissions is 11:59 PM AST on October 8th! You can view the submission threads in the Events forum!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sat Oct 1, 2022 7:20pm

Comments: 18

PPP and Crystal Check


Goto News Post


Friendly reminder that you have only a few hours left , until September 30 th at 11:59 pm AST (the little clock at the top right corner of the Aywas page!) to submit your predictions to qualify for PPP perks.

- Predictions that are rejected for legitimate fixes will receive 3 days from the date their breeding is rejected after this deadline to resubmit with fixed predictions.
- Predictions that are submitted purposefully to be rejected (eg. submitting a blank base without the proper add-on, or an offspring with no marking/edit mixes for LBC) will not receive an extension.
- Example: If your prediction is rejected on 10/01, you have until 11:59 pm 10/04 to upload a fixed image.

If you have a Holiday Breeding Coin that needs to be processed, you must post it in the HBC Prediction Check thread.
If you have a Platinum Breeding Coin that needs processing, you must message Kita (#3988). Otherwise, your breeding will not be processed!

Additionally, if you are interested in participating in the artist raffle, please refer to this thread to see how your predictions can earn you all sorts of fun prizes!

Thank you for diving in with us this year, and we hope you have had a wonderful Prediction Pool Party!

A quick message from the Crystal Check Crew -- we're currently working on CCs from mid-September. If you submitted a check on or before September 14th and have had no staff response, please give it a little bump!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:29pm

Comments: 0

PPP and Exotic Sale Updates


Goto News Post



Patrice here with a few Prediction Pool Party updates! If you are thinking, "Hey... who is Patrice?" -- don't worry! I'll explain that too!

First off, staff would like me to remind you that you have only 2 weeks left to get your predictions done and submitted. PPP ends on September 30, 2022 @ 11:59 PM!

After that time, you will have a limited window to provide fixes on babies that are rejected for fixes.


Now, more about me and why I'm here!

Do you like donating your silver species for the pool party to use year after year? Do you want your donation to be permanent year to year? You are not alone!

Aywas staff wants me to let you know that they have wrangled up 3 new helper-NPCs to ease the process!
Please help us welcome Patrice, Pete, and Paul over at account #22!

We are all still settling in, but are taking messages from anyone that wants to add a sliver species to the prediction pool party permanently! Any one of us may reply, so you'll never know if you get Paul, Pete, or myself!

So how will this work?

bulletpoint.png Any species you submit will be added every year to the pool. You are giving us permission to do so for as long as we wish.
bulletpoint.pngNot all species may be accepted. If your submission is rejected then you will be notified, along with why.
bulletpoint.pngAt any point we reserve the right to stop adding your species, for any reason, and may add them back at a later time.

How do you submit your species to be added to the pool permanently? First, there are some rules.

1. You must edit the profiles of both founders with the following statement:

"This is a founder for a species that has been added to the Prediction Pool Party permanently. If buying, please ask seller more about this and the rules involved."

2. If you ever sell the founders or the species rights, you must pass on that they are part of the permanent pool party submissions, that the above statement can not be removed from the profile, and that the rules follow the pet no matter how many times it is sold, gifted, or re-homed. You as the seller or gift giver are required to make sure the buyer/recipient understands what this means and what rules are agreed to by owning the pet.

3. When possible, make sure the correct PSD is attached to at least one founder. You can request to attach PSDs for second generation pets (ie if they were sketch babies) in this thread
bulletpoint.png If you are unable to then you can send a link of the blanked PSD, but making sure the PSDs are attached to the founders will speed processing up.

Once you have done all that, then message us over at Account #22 with the following form!

Image of SCC: (please show both if your SCC founders are not metal, and provide the PSD for both versions)
Link to PSD(s):
Link to database page:
I agree to have my Silver Species, listed above, permanently added to the Prediction Pool Party pool. I understand any user who adds them as a baby as a PPP perk will not be held to any species rules as these will be provided "rules free" to the user-base to use during PPP..

You may submit more then one Silver Species in the same message.

... and that is it!

Oh, and if you ever want to withdraw your silver species from the pool, you will need to reach out to one of us. However, please do not make a habit out of it! The point to having a permanent option is to cut back having to add and remove bases. So withdrawal will be case by case only, within reason ;)

If you are worried about any part of adding a species permanently to the pool, you may wish to stick with just adding them each event, so you can control when they stop being part of the pool! I have been assured that you will always be able to add them on a per-event basis.

With that, I'm going to dive back into the pool for a cool dip! I'll hand the last part of this post off to another staff member! Thanks! ~ =^.^=


Artist Collaboration on Exotic Sales

So users have asked, and after some talks to iron out details...

We are now allowing Artist Collaboration!

There are a few rules involved, and we are currently not offering a USD payment option. We have updated the Exotic Sale Knowledge Base article with the specific rules for collaboration.

If you have any questions please reach out to a member of the moderation team for clarification and they will get back to you!

Posted by Kandria (#293) on Fri Sep 16, 2022 6:55pm

Comments: 4

Monthly Customs & Ghoulish Gala


Goto News Post


'· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´ [[ The w i n n e r s' edition! ]] '· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´

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Crimson (#39644) ................................. Keiden (#30712) ................................. Fallout (#61873)


Ahn Woon (#47)

Congratulations to all of our winners!

If you're feeling in a bit of a spooky mood, the Ghoulish Gala submission threads are now open! The deadline for all submissions is 11:59 PM AST on October 8th, giving you a little over a month to brew up as many site pets, unique customs, clothing items, and regular items as you'd like!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Thu Sep 8, 2022 8:40pm

Comments: 4

Lunar Meteor Wishes and Raffles


Goto News Post

foodenergy_starrylunariscocktail.png explore_shootingstar.png explore_bottleofstardust.png

As the final bits of stardust leave the atmosphere, there's just enough magic left behind to grant a few wishes. Congratulations to the following users from the Wish Upon a Star 2022: Pets and Wish Upon a Star 2022: Items threads for having their wish granted:

WitchyWebby (#24288) ★ Elisabeth (#35631) ★ Archenitesky (#70057) ★ Kedex (#78506) ★ flightless (ToT) (#729) ★ Heidi (#44740) ★ ⛥Argent Witch⛥ (#28932) ★ Juke (#7625) ★ Vegan (#71975) ★ Werejelly (#46708) ★ AuraDragoness (#67654) ★ Ely & Jem (#7780)

Heidi (#44740) ★ LeBlanc (#11625) ★ Ngeru (#8740) ★ Irene (#1832) ★ Xenophia (#52254) ★ flightless (ToT) (#729) ★ Kozmotis (#48993) ★ 🦢 DelennDax7 ♓ (#67503) ★ Ely & Jem (#7780) ★ Atmos (#67066) ★ csgardener (#12852) ★ Sno~ (#12418) ★ Jess (#80890) ★ metro93fan Remagen (#51683) ★ Tyger (#54028) ★ AuraDragoness (#67654) ★ 💖 Zeliks 💖 (#662) ★ Yorka (#4908)

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Additionally, the Star Ticket Raffles have been drawn! Congratulations to Snuggles [ToT] (#5560) for winning the Glittering Potion, Kedex (#78506) for winning the Metallic Starlight Bottle, Snuggles [ToT] (#5560) for winning the Jar of Sparkles, and Dragon Ninja (#1908) for winning the Bottle of Vampire Glitter!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Sun Sep 4, 2022 11:26pm

Comments: 14

Welcome to September

Site Update

Goto News Post


pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png

ennae_alebrije.png wrayth_ash.png rholem_carnelian.png

mephis_funky.png yetius_knitted.png kolibri_metalsongbird.png

Starting off, we have our GP Shop and BP Shop pets, which will be obtainable through the Essence of Septober 2022! This potion will be available this month and the next!


If you designed one of these pets and haven't done so already, please contact Lacia (#25044) for your payment!

pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png pawrockblue.png pawrockgold.png

Greeting those born in September is the Virgo Lunaris!

Don't forget to check out the birthday link to claim your gift from Aywas on your big day! Need to change your birthday? Click here!

If you missed your Lunaris or have further questions regarding them, please contact Hiiro (#755).

This month's Premium Item is the Teacher's Pet! It's an appletini for the parents to raise a glass to the new term, and something for the teachers to knock back in preparation! Regenerates weekly for those weekend top-ups when the little ones are in bed. +5 Alcohol Points

The new monthly contests have been announced!

November - December Monthly Shop Pets: Enter
October Monthly Customs - Fantasy: Enter
Good luck with your entries!

magic_jeweledcrystal.png magic_jeweledhybridcrystal.png magic_jeweledrarecrystal.png

For the month of September, you may use your Jeweled items to create any previous September base! You can view the available bases in the Knowledge Base articles for the Jeweled Crystal, the Jeweled Hybrid Crystal, and the Jeweled Rare Crystal.

If you want to be a Jeweled Custom Artist, please visit the hiring thread!

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magic_rawmetalcrystal.png magic_rawbluecrystal.png magic_rawgoldcrystal.png

The Trillaling is currently the active Raw genus, which means that you can purchase the Luminescent Lace Trillaling in the BP Shop! It will remain the active genus until November, so be sure to make a note of this in case you wish to make any!



Congratulations to Archenitesky (#70057) for winning a Blue Custom Orb through the August Pet Coloration forum raffle!

If you would like to enter the monthly raffles, you can submit your designs here! Each accepted design is counted as one entry. Remember, you can earn SP and a Restyle Brush!

foodenergy_starrylunariscocktail.png explore_shootingstar.png explore_bottleofstardust.png

As a reminder, the Seasonal Shop for the Lunar Meteor is open until 11:59 PM AST on September 5th! Stay tuned for wishes to be granted and the raffles results to be posted over the weekend!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Thu Sep 1, 2022 10:05pm

Comments: 2

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


It's time to give away four free customs designed during July under the theme of Fish!

To play, you simply choose your favorite from the poll below! This will enter you into a raffle for that particular design. You only get one vote, so choose wisely! If you created one of the pets below, please contact Lacia (#25044) with which prizes you are claiming.

You have until 11:59 PM AST on September 7th to get your votes in! Good luck!

18% [ 54 ]
12% [ 36 ]
12% [ 35 ]
58% [ 174 ]

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:46pm

Comments: 4

Lunar Meteor 2022


Goto News Post


The sky had shifted colors, the amount of shooting stars has increased... no, it's not the apocalypse - the Lunar Meteor has arrived! Not only has it made its yearly appearance, but there are also some new pets for you to collect!

kitsera_spaceangel.png crystelid_midnight.png

Be careful though - some creatures are more friendly than others!


The Lunar Meteor will be shooting back off into space after 11:59 PM AST on August 31st, so be sure to collect everything that you would like to before then!

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Additionally, the Museum Collection is up and ready for you to turn items in to! For those of you who weren't here last year, you can find the needed items while adventuring in the Lunar Meteor. When you have one of items, you can go to your inventory, click on the item, and hit "Move to Collections" from the menu. The prize for completing the collection is once again 1 SP and the Star Ticket, which can be used in the following raffles:

bulletpoint.png The Glittering Potion can change your pet into your choice of any site pet, and it has three charges!

bulletpoint.png The Metallic Starlight Bottle allows you to create a metal Lunaris custom!

bulletpoint.png The Jar of Sparkles has four charges and will turn your pet into a Lunaris from Lunaris Day 2012!

bulletpoint.png The Bottle of Vampire Glitter allows you to create an up to 50% edited, sparkledog-esque custom of an Uncommon or Token species!

These raffles will end alongside the Lunar Meteor event, so be sure to spend your Star Ticket before 11:59 PM AST on August 31st!

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If you need a break from Adventure, the Wish Upon a Star threads are here to potentially grant your pet and/or item desires! Be sure to read the rules entirely before posting, and good luck! You can find both of the threads in the Events forum. You will have until 11:59 PM AST on August 31st to make your wishes!

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Last, but certainly not least, the Seasonal Shop is open at this time as well! There are a few pets available for purchase, along with some new items and a good number of ones from previous Lunar Meteor stock. Be sure to grab any food, clothing, and fauna that you may have missed out on before! The Seasonal Shop will be open until 11:59 PM AST on September 5th, so be sure to make any and all purchases before then.

collectable_niklasstars.png collectable_niklasstars.png collectable_niklasstars.png

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:10pm

Comments: 13

Black Friday 2022: Submissions


Goto News Post

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It's almost that time of year again - the Black Friday Sale! This year, the sale will run November 17th to November 22nd. While we'll have more information for you in regards to the actual sale when it's not so far away, here's some crucial information for those who would like to participate by creating sets:

bulletpoint.png You may create a set from any of the Exotic Genera (Teo, Faux, Snoodle, or Oët).

bulletpoint.png A set is 5 custom pets with identical edits, all colored uniquely. If your set is accepted, you are also permitted 1 semi-unique that you can turn in at that time or at a later date.

bulletpoint.png All applications must be PM'd to Mayday Marie (#11) with the following subject line: Black Friday 2022 - [email protected] - please replace the e-mail with your PayPal address.

bulletpoint.png You must PM Mayday Marie (#11) with a sketch for for approval! Your sketches must be either 200px or 400px, and they should not be a screenshot of your canvas. If you send Marie a finished product without doing this first, we do not have to accept it. If you make more sets than the ones we approve you to do, we do not have to accept them.

bulletpoint.png You must also send Mayday Marie (#11) examples of your shading and coloring, and if you have done any previous sets. If you send more than 5 examples, you may be asked to choose which ones you feel best represent your current work.

bulletpoint.png Users may only submit 3 sketches at a time. If more are submitted you will be asked to choose 3 of them to be assessed. Additional sketches will not be assessed until accepted sketches are submitted as complete sets. There will be no exceptions.

bulletpoint.png All sets should be between 50% - 75%. If your set is spectacular, we will accept less edits.

bulletpoint.png We are allowing very few silvers! We will not be accepting a dozen Teos that only have the tails left.

bulletpoint.png All PSDs must be breedable! This means separated edits, shading, highlights, coloring, etc. We will not accept pets that are unbreedable, and we will be checking PSDs.

bulletpoint.png All sets must be completed and turned in to Mayday Marie (#11) by November 10th!

The payment options are as follows:

bulletpoint.png $50 paid after Black Friday is over; you must sell at least one coloration of your set on Day 1 or Day 2 to be able to claim this option!

bulletpoint.png 100 GP + 5 SP paid once the set is finished.

bulletpoint.png No base pay, however you are granted a 75% unique of any of the exotic genera creatable this Black Friday. (You are welcome to sell this slot as well, however you must do part of the artwork for it.)

bulletpoint.png 1 Black Friday Egg for the $50 Day. If you do two sets, then you can trade both payments in for 1 Black Friday Egg for the first day!

The sell out bonus will work the same as it has been: should your set sell out on day 1 (November 18th) you get a bonus of $75, day 2 (November 19th) is $50 and day 3 (November 20th) is $25.

You can review this information and more at any time in the Exotic Sale Guide Knowledge Base article.

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Fri Aug 12, 2022 4:17pm

Comments: 1

Monthly Customs Game


Goto News Post


'· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´ [[ The w i n n e r s' edition! ]] '· .¸¸.·´'· .¸¸.·´

62e1c1c0496ac.png 62e1c1e170ec6.png 62e1c207564fb.png

MugWamp (#8018) ................................. Keiden (#30712) ................................. LadyStoneHeart (#54532)

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Posted by Aywas Official (#2) on Thu Aug 4, 2022 3:20pm

Comments: 5