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Fauna Frenzy

Site Update

Fauna Frenzy

After a longer delay than we would have liked, we are happy to announce Fauna Frenzy is available for play again. With the help of the community, Fauna Frenzy has been overhauled fixing many issues while introducing a few new features.

I am missing fauna!
One of the change that was made was how fauna are unlocked in the Frenzy. if you added fauna to the Frenzy in the past but haven't leveled them up, those fauna will be returned to your inventory sometime this week.

How do I add fauna to the Frenzy?
In your Roster, you will notice a handful of darken fauna. These are fauna that are not unlocked for your account.


To unlock them, you must have the required number of that fauna in your inventory. When you do, you can unlock the fauna by clicking it and selecting the option to unlock. When unlocking the fauna, the required quantity will be removed from your inventory

Note: If you've added any fauna to the Frenzy via the inventory, those fauna will be return to your account sometime this week

My level progress was reset
We added a few new changes to the game that we want everyone to experience. Because of this, realm progression has been reset. In exchange, we nerf'd the enemies in the Bitter Barrens sightly to make progression smooth up until 1-20.

Levels I've beaten are much harder when attempting then again
If leveling up your fauna doesn't help, then revisit these levels after Fauna Fusion is released. You won't be able to two star most levels and you shouldn't be able to three stars any level at the fauna's current level block

We hope everyone enjoy the changes to Fauna Frenzy! If everything is stable with this iteration, we'll be releasing the another realm next month as well as allowing further leveling by September.

If you run into any problems or have any questions, feel free to share them with me.

Also, on a different note, mental health can be a real pain, especially over the last year or so. If you are experiencing issues with your mental health, please don't try and tackle it alone. Seek help.

Now back to my dungeon. The staff is keeping me busy with overhauling things on the site. Hopefully, I'll have something to share with everyone by Fall.

Posted by *Yasu (#3410) on Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:17am

Comments: 58

Bruhgatory (#230)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:39am

Thanks Yasu 🥰 be sure to stay hydrated in that dungeon ;)

VarietyShow (#73199)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:25am

Thank you so much Yasu! I have been looking forward to Fauna Frenzy coming back.
I hope you're doing well now, and I want to say a big thanks for everything you do for the site and userbase, I really appreciate it a lot

Tyger (#54028)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:54am


Music is so good! Was kinda surprised by the UI update, but it's mostly good (just a couple of things that don't work so well, noted below).

You haven't linked to a bug report thread, so I'mma report potential bugs here (Firefox 79.0, Win7):

1. After beating a level, I've got a couple of fauna in the roster with 30/30 under their picture. However, when I click on them, they've got 2/30 and 0/30 'unlock tokens' respectfully. Am assuming this isn't intended behaviour?

2. Fauna roster doesn't scroll with scroll wheel. Very inconvenient.

3. None of the roster filters seem to work.

4. Gameplay is still a bit clunky/unresponsive. (Mouse on desktop.)

5. When you beat a level and click continue, you go back to the area selection screen, rather than to the next level (or same level for the last possible level), which is what I would have expected.

6. Can't zoom out on the level select screen. Seems like you should be able to? Maybe you can on mobile, which is clearly what it was designed for, but not so great on desktop.

7. Don't know what some of the post-victory rewards are? The ones that look like little flag strings. I think there's a HA item like that, but I'm not getting any HA items in my inventory (though I am getting the minion fauna! :D)

8. OKAY SO ENERGY HAS BEEN ADDED. It would be nice if there was some sort of indication as to when a fauna's next energy is going to regen? Also, recovering energy via leveling up doesn't seem to work.

9. Changing music/sfx volume doesn't seem to work.


That seems like a lot of complaining, I'm sorry! I really do like the game! >: Just, beta testing. You should report stuff, right?

♎ Astra ♎ (#16365)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:43am

I tried Fauna Frenzy but my fauna kept losing their HP really quickly, so I stopped. Maybe I just never figured it out. Anyway, hope changes were made to make at least the early levels easier.

RavenFeather (#49189)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:17pm

I've only played very little of this so far, but many things that Tyger said are a huge pain for me as well, another desktop user.

I found a few other issues too.

1. In the Fauna Roster when I go to click on my fauna, it often doesn't actually take me to their details page until on the first click, I need to click multiple random times for it to finally take me there.

2. Again in the Fauna Roster but this time when I go to edit my team, it also doesn't always register my click and move my fauna into the team slots. So I have to click multiple times in order for them to eventually go into a slot.

Grace (#31172)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:03pm

Dude I love this game! Nice work, thanks Yasu!

Bernie (#20609)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:18pm

Does it run in Safari?

Saturn (#497)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 2:11pm

A few more glitches and some critique:

1. I keep getting "dead" matches where some pairings won't clear (or register at all?) at the end of a turn. They're impossible to rematch within themselves and I have to match new tiles with parts of the old to get rid of them. No idea what causes it, but I've had mixes of both clearing and dead pairings on a turn.

2. The matching "adding" sound effect resets back to the lowest note for another unknown reason sometimes.

3. This lol (it's a graphical error)

4. The new tile art looks nice, but it's not as useful for gameplay compared to the old art. Besides the red and health, I'm having a hard time telling colors apart at a glance which is important in a game with time limits.

4. It feels sluggish to play. There's a lot of unnecessary slowness or too many pauses between actions. It's most noticeable when you get a ton of matches from falling (okay) and then you have to wait for the power-ups to activate (slowest), the count to add into attack power (slow and frequent), your fauna to attack (good), and finally wait for the enemy's attack (kinda slow due to the pauses between enemies, but I don't mind much).

6. I wish energy was subtracted after a win/loss rather than when starting a level. You're just wasting fauna energy if the game/internet disconnects mid-level. I keep disconnecting somehow and it's frustrating knowing I'm losing my limited energy each time.

7. Another wish, but can fauna with no energy darken on the level start screen so you can tell which fauna need to be rotated out rather than a blanket message for the whole team saying not enough energy?

Everything else I've noticed see has already been said. Otherwise, it's fine! Sorry for any confusing wording here. Words are hard and I'm tired. Do we earn anything besides BP and items from this?

Saturn (#497)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 2:31pm

Oh, and one more small graphical thing: The scribble fauna images are pixelated along the edges.

AuraDragoness (#67654)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:09pm

Some questions that I have no answers for.

1. How do the stars on fauna work (like, one of mine has 4 stars but only 1 star is filled

2. How does unlocking fauna work?

Many thanks!