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Fauna Frenzy

Site Update

Fauna Frenzy

After a longer delay than we would have liked, we are happy to announce Fauna Frenzy is available for play again. With the help of the community, Fauna Frenzy has been overhauled fixing many issues while introducing a few new features.

I am missing fauna!
One of the change that was made was how fauna are unlocked in the Frenzy. if you added fauna to the Frenzy in the past but haven't leveled them up, those fauna will be returned to your inventory sometime this week.

How do I add fauna to the Frenzy?
In your Roster, you will notice a handful of darken fauna. These are fauna that are not unlocked for your account.


To unlock them, you must have the required number of that fauna in your inventory. When you do, you can unlock the fauna by clicking it and selecting the option to unlock. When unlocking the fauna, the required quantity will be removed from your inventory

Note: If you've added any fauna to the Frenzy via the inventory, those fauna will be return to your account sometime this week

My level progress was reset
We added a few new changes to the game that we want everyone to experience. Because of this, realm progression has been reset. In exchange, we nerf'd the enemies in the Bitter Barrens sightly to make progression smooth up until 1-20.

Levels I've beaten are much harder when attempting then again
If leveling up your fauna doesn't help, then revisit these levels after Fauna Fusion is released. You won't be able to two star most levels and you shouldn't be able to three stars any level at the fauna's current level block

We hope everyone enjoy the changes to Fauna Frenzy! If everything is stable with this iteration, we'll be releasing the another realm next month as well as allowing further leveling by September.

If you run into any problems or have any questions, feel free to share them with me.

Also, on a different note, mental health can be a real pain, especially over the last year or so. If you are experiencing issues with your mental health, please don't try and tackle it alone. Seek help.

Now back to my dungeon. The staff is keeping me busy with overhauling things on the site. Hopefully, I'll have something to share with everyone by Fall.

Posted by *Yasu (#3410) on Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:17am

Comments: 58

Calankh (#33835)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:19pm

I'm also not able to unlock fauna. the one I'm eyeing is natural tiger, which I have 49 of, but roster says 0

*Yasu (#3410)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:37pm

Calankh (#33835) - We are aware of this issue and plan on providing a patch for it sometime tonight.

AuraDragoness (#67654)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:56pm

Thank you for the replies, that makes a lot of sense.

Also! I noticed the suggestion of energy going down on a win/loss and the arguement of people would just quit if they're going to loose. Is it possible to detect whether or not the game gets DC'd and if someone gives up?

Grace (#31172)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:22pm

I am starting with the default fauna given (I can't figure out how to add any from my inventory), and I am not able to make it through the 2nd wave on level 1-1. I'm making at least one match/turn. Help??

Saturn (#497)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:51pm

1. No, I have no idea how it kept happening, but I can say I haven't run into it for several hours. Earlier, it felt like I was running into it every other level. When I was still finding it, I found a new, possibly relevant glitch by finding 3 blues aligned vertically after a turn ended, attempted to move the lowest one down out of the way, and then somehow managed to match the remaining 2 blues with a yellow.

4a. (Whoops, two 4s on my list.) WOW, I can't write today. I'm having issues getting thoughts down, so I'll have to resort to bullet points here:
- New art's shapes are too complex to identify when I'm not looking directly at them. They all look circular except for water's square.
- Shapes have unnecessary sides, so small shape + many sides = circular.
- Old shapes were simple with as few points as possible. Big box, small diamond, big circle, pointy raindrop, small pentagon. Really easy to see.
- My main issue with the new art's colors are between orange and green due to lack of contrast. Maybe the gray, too.
- Maybe make green and gray a darker color? Or at least make green not as bright as the orange?
- I can try messing around with the colors, but I can't guarantee a PM on color suggestions.
- I can't help with a colorblind mode (I just have an older screen prone to washing out colors), but I'm sure there are users here who would greatly appreciate having one.
- I'm getting used to the new art.

6. A way to jump back into a game would be good. I've tried playing on two different computers and I'm 80% sure the disconnects are on my end due to a wonky router. I don't know for sure, though.

Also, I've 3 starred levels 1-11. You maaayyyy want to look into that again. Or I just have too many level 20 fauna.

Dracona (#59283)

Posted on: Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:15pm

I've never played but it seems all my fauna are locked? How the heck do you start?

Tyger (#54028)

Posted on: Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:36am

Hey Yasu, thanks for the response! :D Here's your added info!

3. Elemental or the sorting navigation (Level, Tier, Power)?

Both! :(

4. Can you go more into details with this?

It's not uncommon for me to either be trying to move a tile and it not registering, or for it to go a different way than I moved it - eg. trying to move one left and it goes up. Very frustrating! It usually happens while in combo-mode, not as the first match, if that helps.

9. Does the SFX/music not increase/decrease at all when adjusting it?

I can't get the sliders to move at all!

Tyger (#54028)

Posted on: Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:55am

Sorry for double post, but I just had another poke at it and a bunch of the graphics are messed up :( Here's some screenshots!

World selection screen.
Fauna Roster
Level Select
Victory Screen

Luckily the actual gameplay images were totally fine, so I can still play! Just, yeah. Definitely not looking like it's supposed to!

VarietyShow (#73199)

Posted on: Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:38am

I'm experiencing the same graphical issue as Tyger currently, but because of it I can't add fauna to my team so I can't really play. If someone could @ mention me when it's fixed, I would appreciate it!

*Yasu (#3410)

Posted on: Mon Jul 26, 2021 5:58am

Tyger (#54028) - Would you mind providing me with some information over DM on the device and browser you are using?

Tyger (#54028) & VarietyShow (#73199) - This is due to an update I made before heading to bed. If the problem is still occurring, try hard refreshing or clearing your cache. I'll see if I can work on a cache busting method for the assets so this won't happen with future updates.