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Fauna Frenzy

Site Update

Fauna Frenzy

After a longer delay than we would have liked, we are happy to announce Fauna Frenzy is available for play again. With the help of the community, Fauna Frenzy has been overhauled fixing many issues while introducing a few new features.

I am missing fauna!
One of the change that was made was how fauna are unlocked in the Frenzy. if you added fauna to the Frenzy in the past but haven't leveled them up, those fauna will be returned to your inventory sometime this week.

How do I add fauna to the Frenzy?
In your Roster, you will notice a handful of darken fauna. These are fauna that are not unlocked for your account.


To unlock them, you must have the required number of that fauna in your inventory. When you do, you can unlock the fauna by clicking it and selecting the option to unlock. When unlocking the fauna, the required quantity will be removed from your inventory

Note: If you've added any fauna to the Frenzy via the inventory, those fauna will be return to your account sometime this week

My level progress was reset
We added a few new changes to the game that we want everyone to experience. Because of this, realm progression has been reset. In exchange, we nerf'd the enemies in the Bitter Barrens sightly to make progression smooth up until 1-20.

Levels I've beaten are much harder when attempting then again
If leveling up your fauna doesn't help, then revisit these levels after Fauna Fusion is released. You won't be able to two star most levels and you shouldn't be able to three stars any level at the fauna's current level block

We hope everyone enjoy the changes to Fauna Frenzy! If everything is stable with this iteration, we'll be releasing the another realm next month as well as allowing further leveling by September.

If you run into any problems or have any questions, feel free to share them with me.

Also, on a different note, mental health can be a real pain, especially over the last year or so. If you are experiencing issues with your mental health, please don't try and tackle it alone. Seek help.

Now back to my dungeon. The staff is keeping me busy with overhauling things on the site. Hopefully, I'll have something to share with everyone by Fall.

Posted by *Yasu (#3410) on Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:17am

Comments: 58

finch (#12)

Posted on: Thu Jul 29, 2021 3:55pm

oof, energy renders this game unplayable 😂 i'd play it endlessly if i could bc it's generally fun, but like, it's telling me i have insufficient energy and i have no idea where to see if/when i'll get more. if there was a way to regenerate the energy (pay a fee, consume an item, ????) rather than just... waiting.... i would be a lot more interested in playing long term. like if it just stops me after four games what's the point lol

Sorincha (#2724)

Posted on: Fri Jul 30, 2021 10:01am

The energy runs out too fast. It would be a fun game to play but it runs out so fast it makes it seem pointless to play. Like why bother playing at all.
Why is there energy in the game at all?
The new design is uglier than the old one.
So far the only good thing I can say is that it was easy to turn off the annoying sound and music. I only got to play for a few seconds because of the energy ran out so fast. I don't really have a desire to play again unless the energy problem is fixed. Oh if you try to fix the energy problem by making the game pay to play, I will definitely never play it again.

*Yasu (#3410)

Posted on: Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:14pm

Sorincha (#2724) - Energy was always intended to be part of the game but was disabled during the first release for the event. The purpose of the energy is to prevent players from steam rolling through the game because we want this to be a feature of the site that's expanded upon and not something you can complete in an afternoon.

Energy isn't going anywhere, and if you're looking for ways to play more, go collect more Fauna and register them.

RavenFeather (#49189)

Posted on: Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:19pm

Back with some more stuff after spending a few days with this.

Yeah, I must say the energy is a real bummer. :( I love these types of games but it's been a pain not being able to play much before running out of energy. I'd also really like to know when energy will regen because as it is now I just never look back later. If I don't have a set time given to me, I forget to ever check again later just to see if it finally regened. I'd almost like it better if energy was only taken if you failed a level. Or preferably just removed altogether.

Also, I beat level 1-1 once, but wanted to play it again to get more tokens and whatnot and haven't been able to beat it again and I've tried so many times. I get to like move 5 or so and I'm defeated then. If that's something that's supposed to happen, I don't like that. Games like these always let you replay previous levels even if you can't get a higher "score" (in this case stars) on them. This especially too since we need tokens to level up our fauna, it only makes sense to be able to replay levels.

And after reading some comments. *Yasu (#3410), we're supposed to start with 5 fauna? I only have 4. A Rare Dragon, a Natural Hibernation, a Broken Disc, and a Blue Rose. Nothing else shows as being in my fauna roster or as an option to pick while editing my team. Is this something that can be fixed for me since it seems it gives me a bit of a disadvantage?

RavenFeather (#49189)

Posted on: Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:26pm

Whoop, I didn't see the comment with the explanation about energy before posting mine. It does make more sense now if the game is going to be expanded on. Still just not a fan of energy, at least with it being taken no matter if you fail or win, but eh, I can probably learn to deal with it eventually probably when I can get some more fauna. I would still like to know when energy will regen though, that's a major annoyance.

*Yasu (#3410)

Posted on: Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:40pm

RavenFeather (#49189) - I believe the reason some are starting without Fauna is due to a bug with the previous version. We currently have this patched and are looking for a way to determine who was affected with this (not getting starter fauna).

As for energy, we've been reading all the comments and we have a few changes coming for energy along with a few other goodies. We're expected to have it uploaded by Monday at the latest.

VarietyShow (#73199)

Posted on: Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:55am

This might be an uncommon opinion but I think the energy part of the game is good. Stops the game from being a big time sink for me and I can fit it in during my breaks instead. It would be nice to know what the timing is for regaining energy, though. I look forward to seeing what's in the Monday update!
As a side note, I can't play on mobile at all. I have a huawei p smart 2021 and I am using Firefox for android 88, after pressing continue the screen is just black. If it's not possible to fix this it's fine, but I wanted to report the issue.

RavenFeather (#49189)

Posted on: Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:16pm

Alrighty, thanks a bunch for letting me know, Yasu! ^-^

I look forward to seeing what that Monday update entails as well!