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Site Update

"Did anyone see the solar eclipse yesterday? There is this perfect little viewing spot up in the Arctic, and I invited Tech along with me to see it since Rudi was busy. We snacked on Gummy Lunaris while we waited, and Tech was almost eaten by a school of Orca Ryba--"
Tech taps on Miksa's shoulder, shaking their head slightly as if to tell her to move on to something more important.
"Oh! Right! The main reason I'm here is to tell everyone what we discovered today!"

"The Lunar Meteor has arrived! I wonder if the solar eclipse had anything to do with its sudden appearance... Anyway, I found quite a few new pets in the area! Please take caution while exploring - you wouldn't want to get sucked into a black hole."

Tech holds up a small pouch, giggling and bouncing up and down on their heels.

"Oh, thank you! I almost forgot. I brought some of the materials I found to Querel, and he was able to create this Pouch of Stardust! Using it on your pet seems to change it into a new hybrid pet! I've logged which ones you can obtain via this item in the Aywapedia. If you'd like to make your own, feel free to give him a visit at his alchemy studio!"
"Claude was experimenting with the stardust himself as an ingredient for his cooking, and it seems he has created a new Cirrus! If you'd like to check it out, Culinary Cache is open 24/7!"
"According to Tech's calculations, the Lunar Meteor will be with us until August 31st at 11:59 PM AST. Get out there and catch'em all!"

I would like to thank everyone who submitted colorations for the Space Coloration Contest! In first place, with the highest number of accepted submissions is Cosmos (#25837) with a whopping total of 30, earning them a Bottled Celestial Stream! Coming in second is Shizuku (#27621) with 10, and Calix (#14735) close behind in third with 9! They have both earned a Bottled Starlight! As an extra little thank you for everyone's hard work, everyone who had a submission accepted will receive a Pouch of Stardust.
Also, congratulations to Cosmos (#25837) for winning both a Pouch of Stardust and Arcade Carpet Cirrus in the contest's raffle!
Now, as Miksa said, get out there and have some fun!
Posted by Lacia
(#25044) on Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:58pm
- 🐼Kaiyo🐼
Posted on: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:36am
Tae (#66637)
Responding to your newest one, as I mentioned in my last post many users had a stockpile of components rather than having to panic and create as many as they can. So they can adjust the price of the market for the pouches accordingly and still get pure profit. There is no problem there? People stockpile their components, they have been working with it for months. Again, if you do not wish to use it you do not have to, however this is how it is going to continue to be.. It is incredibly easy to get components, and it is incredibly easy to level in alchemy.
- Tae
Posted on: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:39am
🎁❄Kaiyo❄⛄ (#489) no it's not I'm sorry. When people go to work and don't get to adventure much they don't have all these things to put into the event. While this event's item isn't gated, the Easter one was, and is still way more expensive than the finished product. Big events like this are going to make people charge more for things and make people less likely to want to interact and trade, it will also discourage people who don't have a lot of time or site currency from participating in the events if it's such a huge commitment to level up / stock pile a bunch of random things beforehand.
And is it possible to use an item more than once? Every time I've tried it in the past it's given an error.
- 🐼Kaiyo🐼
Posted on: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:48am
Tae (#66637) I don't adventure more than just testing regions, and I am able to queue up enough items to get a small stockpile of items to break down. People are going to adjust prices for events, they always do. When a new item goes into T4T junk item prices go up. It is demand and supply. It's why I encouraged to stock up before hand for the big events like many other users do.
I am sorry that you don't find it simple to use, however we are not going to be changing this system.
Oh, I'm sorry I misunderstood your statement, I thought that you meant like stacks of items. No you can only use the item once, as it gets broken down.
I also apologize, but I won't be responding further. I have stated that it won't be changed, and given warning that for the events coming up you may wish to try and work on alchemy. I have a lot of work I have to get done today so I have to take my leave <3
- Tae
Posted on: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:53am
I normally don't have enough items from adventuring in one area to break down for alchemy unless it's for the low quality ingredients, and as I generally don't have the time because of work to dedicate hours to adventure I have not bothered with alchemy because it didn't seem interesting ... i mean it seems even more stressful than getting cooking items together, and that was before the event stuff was added. At least with cooking you can use a TV dinner. Maybe Alchemy needs a TV dinner like item then to help out, though it would probably give you a random component or something. idk but when I can't even use alchemy to break down items to make the higher items I need for the event because I don't have enough variety or items and my alchemy isn't high enough ... well I mean it just doesn't seem worth my time. I'll just try to trade some gp for BP and buy the pets or the pouches from the user shops.
- Hogosha
Posted on: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:30pm
*dies* That new Shisa!!
- Dreyja
Posted on: Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:07pm
We live directly in the path of totality, so we sat on the back porch and it was AMAZING. -D
- Sandy
Posted on: Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:41pm
o.O Wow. well... that was unpleasant....
I have a large stockpile of items but i don't have the time to make them -- the time buildup would put me a week into this. And I'm at level 21 so I'm able to convert the components but some are not there yet. What are the brand new people supposed to do? Probably do not have the currency to buy ready made components, or the pouches, or the pets themselves. Or the people who can't spend a lot of time on the site for health reasons or limited internet access?
I can see people getting left out of this event that's supposed to be fun for everyone.
- Phoenix
Posted on: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:22pm
Uhm.......where....was this space coloration contest? I'd like to view the entries, but I see nothing for it linked on the events thread..?
- Voluspa is on Hiatus
Posted on: Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:04am
Phoenix (#5088) there was no specific contest, just a request to consider space themed pets for the usual pet submissions threads (the ones that have one thread per genus)
Posted on: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:34am
Tae (#66637) It takes only a few moments to queue up a weeks worth of stuff, and you get BP while adventuring. You do not need levels in order to make event stuff, so you do not need to worry about building things, just breaking down trash items to get components.
You *can* use multiple items to make a component, just break them down then use the component recipe to build the components. Those take levels but you get levels from making them.
We are not going to just hand things out, parts of the site are supposed to be more interactive, involve more trading and user interactivity.
That leg up is why I encouraged you and the others to get started, we had mentioned previously that alchemy may be used in events, if you choose not to be involved in it or use it then that is your decision however there was plenty of time and I know several users who have a ridiculous stockpile of components. If we would have gone with the average for ingredients, like we used to, then the amount of components you would need would be substantially higher.
Alchemy is pretty much the easiest thing on site, you queue up things and you leave it? I am sorry that you find it difficult, however we are not going to be changing how this works. We thought this out completely, and the majority of people seem okay with it and I have personally gotten quite a bit of positive feedback about it.