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A New Raffle and Site updates

Site Update

A new raffle has begun

Jeweled Rare Crystal

Jeweled Rare Crystal

Ticket Price: 1
Max Tickets: Unlimited


Click here to join the raffle!


There is a new Raffle started for Raffle Crystals!


Trivia has Updated
Here is last weeks answers!

What is the first place prize in the weekly HA contest?
Random Breeding Coin

The Seraphim Oculi is what rarity?
Legendary Rare

In which Adventure area can you find a Pink Sphere?

The Small Bronze SCC Pen hass a _% chance to work.

How much does it cost to use the Account Search feature?

Your friend list will NOT show:

Inventory slots cost _ BP each

A Magic Soot Potion does not let you create a _

What was the Birthday Lunaris theme from April 2011-March 2012?

The following pet is said to be "coy and quiet."
May Flowers Maki

Good Luck this week!


The Antiquity Staves have now been removed from the GP shop! They may make another appearance later on in the year, otherwise they will be back next year!


Some of you have noticed the Upgrade Talisman has been removed from the BP Shop recently, this was supposed to have been mentioned in a previous news post however it has been brought to my attention that this was unfortunately forgot. It was removed due to a lack of GP premium sales, so it was unfortunately no longer maintainable to keep the item in the BP shop. It may return once we are able to restabilize the economy, however there is no plans in the near future.
If you have ideas to spark the GP/BP community, leave a suggestion in the comments below, however please keep in mind the ToS and do not partake in arguments or get hostile with eachother or the site.

Also please make sue you check down a few news posts, there was an update for the Pet Submissions for an upcoming event!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Mon May 16, 2016 8:14pm

Comments: 46

🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 11:54am

I am still reading everything, however to address the Trivia question that was "Wrong", the final price should be the Premium Price of the item. I have updated the question to reflect this.

Tae (#66637)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 12:20pm

One question with lack of sales - how many people have a FU? or how many people have / were gifted 1 year, 2 year premium memberships? I know I won 2 years premium from a raffle / contest a few months back... so I don't have to buy premium until 2018...

another thing is that there were some items ... like the egg last year that hatched into a net which is still waiting to be coded ... things like that make premium not look as interesting...

Xenephos (#55335)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 12:43pm

Kaiyo (#489) Thank you. That clears things up for us non-premium folks.

ChaosAzeroth (#43055)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 1:26pm

I'm guessing they weighed out the BP vs GP sales to come to this. ((IDK just guessing.)) The thing being what else is there to really spend BP? There's mostly active items, a mess of things for BC which costs GP, 1 breeding item, MDT that can help take the strain off of the active items but breeding is still cheaper then ((especially higher edited pets)), and a few nifty site/site pet things.

Also IDK if it's been said but everyone knows TP is where it's at. x3 Seriously though while it's supper active vs passive, with the luck a lot of people have with geodes a lot of people will manage a RBC and a RuBC in about the same amount of time. RBC are great, but they break. DBC are great but unbreedable. RuBC are hybrids that someone else makes for you.

Gwen brings up a lot of good points and I could steal just about her whole post ((sans the GP thing I don't have the GP for such things, do not even for premium sadly)), but only stealing this part. I feel like it applies to a lot of people and is very relevant.

'Consistent Monthly Premium Items going out on time and - most importantly - working.
Seriously, I'd rather get a monthly pet potion on time, than waiting almost all month on an item that's "soon to be implemented" only to never see that happen.
Even if I'm happy to have premium just for the discount, getting an item that's never implemented is extremely frustrating to me, and makes me feel cheated.'

Honestly though half the time I don't buy enough to even make the premium discount worth it and overall probably have sank more into premium than saved just because I like having it. The problem regardless of how much or little you use the discount though being that it makes the site feel broken and it makes it feel like a broken promise. So many things have been forgotten or deemed unfeasible without word or without much word ((answers in the forums that get buried)) that when something like that happens at this point it feels safer to assume it won't happen. I mean that with no malice, IDK what the hangups are, but it gets really disheartening waiting on a things and being told soon over and over. Eventually you learn soon can mean never.

So much of Gwen's post touches on that, and why even though now I finally am getting a little bit of money on occasion I'm feeling much less safe about spending it on here and having a harder time convincing the cardholder of the house ((tend to get cash or 'you have X dollars to spend')) to have purchases on the site. I'm not sure what's going on, and as was stated by Gwen there's a lack of funds and staff that defo comes into play, but as long as the site keeps having pretty big hangups with little to no word there's going to be a lot more hesitance to spend on things. Especially things like premium where it's a mixed bag in some areas. ((Item wise in general I think.)) If you don't spend a lot of BP/GP on site, premium is kinda lacking.

Eurus (#2596)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 2:05pm

Welp guess I can't upgrade anymore. :(

DelennDax7 (#67503)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 4:36pm

I'm surprised no one has mentioned that with Premium, you get double the number of Drawers in your wardrobe. That's one of the biggest things I love about it. Quite honestly, I was shocked that "Premium" on this site could be bought with game money. I usually see the word "Premium" on a site and just move along cause I just can't spend real life money on a virtual game...or at least, i shouldn't. But, now that I've had it easily available I'm gonna be bummed about it..I know, I've been spoiled. Oh and the Trash....Oh no, I won't be able to trash gobs of stuff! :-( And having a Forum Signature where you can put important information for people to notice. :-( I know, this is the only site where I've been able to get a "Premium" account so, I admit, I've been spoiled but having to go back to non-premium is gonna really be depressing. 5GP for 1 month? So far, I usually only have at most 10 GP at a time...and that's only sometimes it gets up that high...I don't win a bunch of contests or make & upload things like so many do. Okay, I'm gonna go lie down now. :-/

DelennDax7 (#67503)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 4:43pm

I'm surprised no one has mentioned that with Premium, you get double the number of Drawers in your wardrobe. That's one of the biggest things I love about it. Quite honestly, I was shocked that "Premium" on this site could be bought with game money. I usually see the word "Premium" on a site and just move along cause I just can't spend real life money on a virtual game...or at least, i shouldn't. But, now that I've had it easily available I'm gonna be bummed about it..I know, I've been spoiled. Oh and the Trash....Oh no, I won't be able to trash gobs of stuff! :-( And having a Forum Signature where you can put important information for people to notice. :-( I know, this is the only site where I've been able to get a "Premium" account so, I admit, I've been spoiled but having to go back to non-premium is gonna really be depressing. 5GP for 1 month? So far, I usually only have at most 10 GP at a time...and that's only sometimes it gets up that high...I don't win a bunch of contests or make & upload things like so many do. Okay, I'm gonna go lie down now. :-/

DelennDax7 (#67503)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 4:53pm

Uh, I didn't post twice.....sorry...don't know why my post duplicated itself. But, looking at the USD shop, okay...if I can just save up a mere 20GP, I can get a year's worth of Premium. Now......*sigh* Ya know that forum where you can ask your account to be blocked...I don't suppose there's something where I can be prevented from removing any GP until it gets up to 20 GP, is there? No? Bummer! Hehe :-D Oh and uh, I'm kidding....pleaaaasee do not block my bank account, I beg of you! :-P

sam-j-c (#24177)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 5:47pm

I have an idea ^.^ people love chance items. I don't know why, but users love to gamble. Items that have a small chance of opening to something specific tend to be bought quickly and used without thought. Either create new items that can open up into something fairly rare (like the stockings/presents at Aymas), or re-release old chance items (if there are any). The outcome would have to be something specific, though. As much as I like the balloons, I'd prefer opening a tiny giftbox.
Or, a Gp and a bp lottery. "buy" tickets, and one person wins a much larger amount. Much like the crystal raffle, but the prize would be based on how much bp/gp went in. A "tax" could be implemented on winnings to help. Users love gambling xD we need our own Aywas Casino.

🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 5:52pm

DelennDax7 (#67503) In the bank you can put your GP into CD's so you can't touch it <3