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A New Raffle and Site updates

Site Update

A new raffle has begun

Jeweled Rare Crystal

Jeweled Rare Crystal

Ticket Price: 1
Max Tickets: Unlimited


Click here to join the raffle!


There is a new Raffle started for Raffle Crystals!


Trivia has Updated
Here is last weeks answers!

What is the first place prize in the weekly HA contest?
Random Breeding Coin

The Seraphim Oculi is what rarity?
Legendary Rare

In which Adventure area can you find a Pink Sphere?

The Small Bronze SCC Pen hass a _% chance to work.

How much does it cost to use the Account Search feature?

Your friend list will NOT show:

Inventory slots cost _ BP each

A Magic Soot Potion does not let you create a _

What was the Birthday Lunaris theme from April 2011-March 2012?

The following pet is said to be "coy and quiet."
May Flowers Maki

Good Luck this week!


The Antiquity Staves have now been removed from the GP shop! They may make another appearance later on in the year, otherwise they will be back next year!


Some of you have noticed the Upgrade Talisman has been removed from the BP Shop recently, this was supposed to have been mentioned in a previous news post however it has been brought to my attention that this was unfortunately forgot. It was removed due to a lack of GP premium sales, so it was unfortunately no longer maintainable to keep the item in the BP shop. It may return once we are able to restabilize the economy, however there is no plans in the near future.
If you have ideas to spark the GP/BP community, leave a suggestion in the comments below, however please keep in mind the ToS and do not partake in arguments or get hostile with eachother or the site.

Also please make sue you check down a few news posts, there was an update for the Pet Submissions for an upcoming event!

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Mon May 16, 2016 8:14pm

Comments: 46

Nevara & Blue[H] (#19257)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 6:36am

Definitely need more items of value rotated through the Premium Shop. Even if it's just one week out of the month, or monthly like the Nova Custom Orb and Crystal. The really cheap items need to be removed from the Premium Shop, and made available in the BP Shop or via Adventure.

Premium items that work on time would be good.

As for BP/GP economy stimulation... I know some users have tons of currency, and many users have very little. Makes sense, because people save up for Black Friday and Christmas. Maybe Aywas needs to have flash/early bird sales throughout the year to stimulate the people with lots of moolah to spend it into the nether of Aywas and take it out of the system.

Adventuring for BP takes forever, even with the stylish extension. It's not easy to get from 0 to 5,000,000 just by Adventuring, but not much on site has great enough value to get you there if you're new or don't have fancy items to sell. I know there's too much BP in the system that people aren't spending, but there are lots of users who can't spend BP because they either don't have it, or Aywas keeps raising the prices of the items they normally used. xD

Maybe there needs to be more exciting items cycling into the BP Shop? Particularly items that go on sale throughout the year and not at Black Friday/Christmas. You want people to spend their money, not hoard it. And if they can get the thing they want in June, that they were saving for December, and the price is tempting? Maybe Aywas will have some luck.

With the addition of the USD Shop, it's become the most attractive option for people with real money. That's good, but these are probably the people who were buying GP, so you need to find a way to make buying GP as attractive as the USD Shop. Using straight USD is cheaper then buying GP and using it, particularly if you can buy a pack of Blind Dates, sell them at the 1:2 ratio, and earn back more GP than you would if you had just bought straight GP. Which is okay, unless the GP they earn is saved and not spent back into Aywas, or distributed to users who are going to spend it back into Aywas and take it out of circulation.


The DoctorDonna (#30127)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 7:25am

I agree with the rotation of items in the premium shop. Also, how about custom makers unique to the premium currency? The Vespa is nice, but it's been in the shop forever. A new one, maybe rotating every 3-6 months (a little like raw pets) would certainly be an incentive. I know I'd spend a lot of my points on those, and that there are many artists interested in creating these.

Sandy (#50007)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 7:37am

These are great ideas about rotating stock in the shop, but please please please give notice before you change it so that we have a chance to purchase it before it goes, ok? :D

❄Sapphire-min❄ (#7680)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 8:47am

I have to agree about all the suggestions of rotating items! even more so to the suggestion of valuable chance items. That way it doesn't devalue anything to much and it gives us something to spend points on to try our luck. at least in the mean time so you can try slowly putting new items in there

Xenephos (#55335)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 9:03am

I'm not sure if this is just me having bad eyesight, but the Xaoc Elixir question seems to have no correct answer (at least an obvious one).
I've checked the shop where you're supposed to turn in Dinnerwares and the amount there doesn't match any of the answers for trivia.

Gwennafran (#22320)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 9:16am

Xenephos (#55335)
My guess is they wrote the premium price (with 10% off) rather than the non-premium price in the trivia.

caveSalamander (#64257)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 9:45am

I think it would be really neat if you could boost the BP sink again, or at the very least change it (there's a whole thread dedicated to ideas on how to fix it) Not sure how much it would help the economy though, but I do think the first BP sink was a huge success and the second one not as much. I think it would probably pick up again once it gets closer to the end, which *would* pull some BP out of the bigger pockets.

Flash sales throughout the year would probably help pull money too -- but I think what happens is that the people with lots of money would be able to buy the flash sale items quickly and then resell at a higher price, only making them have more money.
Maybe to combat that, the items could be account locked - difficult/impossible to resell, or time locked - can only be used by a certain time? I don't know, just thoughts.

caveSalamander (#64257)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 9:46am

As for a change to the BP sink, something that may interest people is an item that allows 30% edits to be purchasable. Maybe at 4-10 times the cost of the Sparkling Crystal?

Raru [Quitting] (#26095)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 11:05am

Is there a list of currently running raffles somewhere?

♑ Kat & AK ♈ (#80)

Posted on: Tue May 17, 2016 11:23am

-sniffles a little- Should have bought one to keep.