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LGBT Event - Artists Needed!

Site Update

An LGBT event is in the works! It's scheduled for next year but we hope to make it the biggest LGBT event we've had onsite so far, so we're getting started early. If you would like to contribute, please check out these threads:

LGBT Pet Designs
LGBT Items

Pet artists or HA artists interested in taking on site pet lists for the event outside of these threads, feel free to contact me with your offer. Depending on how many people participate in making content, we might be able to get the event rolling for June Pride Month instead of next year. It's up to YOU!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Thu May 21, 2015 5:36am

Comments: 80

Fannish (FreeFlier) (#1818)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 6:24pm

Massago (#39940) did you miss the "I have personally and privately commissioned "allies" sets, bit?

It's fine if you did, I totally understand not being able to read large blocks of text!

I do feel that positive Allies do need support, as it is hard to be beaten for standing up for your gay friends, or taking a police fire hose point blank for peacefully protesting the murder of a trans black woman. Good vocal allies have made a conscious decision to be proactive in educating themselves and ensuring that harmful behaviors and misinformation are called out and their privilege can be used to help pave the way for equality.

The fact that you just used "think of the children" to support Cis or Het pride makes me want to have you enter the Transexual or Intersexed groups items.

In fact, since you seem to need some information on WHY it is so important that we NOT do CIS or HET pride, I will offer you a 5 gp flat rate bonus for going through and educating yourself on the mutilation, violent murders and chronic abuse that is a part of the daily background threat for any openly transexual teen.

Inform me what the infant mutilation rates are for forcibly assigned sex surgeries are in your county. Your Country? The world?

Then you tell me how you want to ensure HET or CIS pride gets equal face time, that, just for existing, not for being brave, or having to deal with this constant danger and abuse, no, just for being born, they should be PROUD of the fact that Heteronormative standards are in every single interaction of every single day, but that to be ""Fair"" you want to remove another group in need to ensure that they ALSO get a flag...

Vespertine (#1516)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 6:38pm

I don't think they were suggesting cis or het PRIDE, specifically, just some kind of item set along with the others just to distinguish (I think? I'm guessing?), which you said there would be (they might've missed in the text walls, which is totally understandable).

Ren (#50779)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 6:52pm

I doubt they mean the " Het / Cis' comment to take away from the importance of the other items or the brutality that occurs around the word.

What I read from it is to show your willing to give representation to the other 'team'. As every other orientation has items and pets to represent them. So the kids who are 'lucky' enough to be Cis Het feel included in an amazing site like this instead of seeing all the pretty things and wondering why they dont have a pretty flag or shirt to identify themselves.

Just my take on the comments made

Fannish (FreeFlier) (#1818)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 7:28pm

Last I will say on this-
Q: What about Cis/Het pride? You're excluding us!
A: (Un)fortunately for you, every day of the year is CIS and Het pride day. Every interaction is assumed to be heteronormative, in movies, radio shows, tv shows, books, daily personal interactions, and just in everyday thought processes.

Heteronormative assumptions and the default assumption that CIS or Heterosexual is the "Norm" is toxic, harmful, and othering.
I'm sorry that you have not had a chance to learn about the other human beings you share this planet with, hopefully this event can help you learn about them, and appreciate their rich history and daily struggles.

I highly recommend that you research a few of the groups we have listed- may I point you towards the Trans and Intersexed groups?
We're being killed and or forcibly mutilated without consent at a rate of 5-55 a day, so that is a fantastic starting point for learning about your fellow humans painful and violent daily lives and why they need this vitally important education and awareness to potentially save their lives/sanity and protect future intersexed or transexual children from suffering like we have!

Allies deserve pride because they CHOOSE to expose themselves to the danger and to actively educate themselves on the problems and threats facing the LBGTQIA+ community.


If you can not understand this- please. PLEASE, go read about what is happening to gay and trans teens. Go EDUCATE yourself. Please.

No one deserves to be so close minded and bigoted. It's so harmful and limiting, not just to those who aren't heteronormative, but to those heteronormative people that know you are better, can be better than this ignorance.

Okoriparukun (#66825)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 7:37pm

As always, I'm amazed that this site hosts and does these kinds of events. Its awesome that there are communities willing to do these kinds of things. Nothing infuriates me more than see people ostracized over their differences by sexual preference, gender, race or religion. Even as a straight female myself I wholly support these types of events to raise awareness and help these groups of teens and young adults know that there are others, you're not alone, there are those that will accept you.

I recently found out that one of my friends was "gay" I put it in quotes simply because I can't remember exactly what term she used and she was so scared to tell me because she thought I would think badly of her. Its a shame that anyone has to feel this way.


Your Gayness (#54257)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 7:40pm


Vespertine (#1516)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 7:47pm

I have no idea if that was directed at me or Ren (and Ren is Questioning, so. Educating her is a moot point since she's pretty well aware, and I'm constantly standing up for a trans coworker whenever other coworkers call her a he, in addition to researching how to defend against religious arguments while I was in college, so... idk really about that post); all I was saying was that I thought that they'd just missed the item comment. Welp. How you took my post I'll never know, but I'll just stay out of the conversation now and simply look forward to the event, I suppose.

Zebby (#1238)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 7:48pm

Ouuutttaa curiosity what's that last dragon's color scheme? I was thinking genderqueer but that has purple so now I'm just confuzzled.

Fannish (FreeFlier) (#1818)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 7:53pm

Vespertine (#1516) it was directed at the 2 dozen people I have had pm me on tumblr, and make comments here in this thread, about how we need Cis or Het pride, and that we need to think of the cis or het children, or anything like that.

I just. It's using up every last spoon, so I said the last bit I was going to say about it- and making sure that everyone is on the same page-

Cis pride or Het pride? Is bigotry, simple. ALLIES pride? Is awesome.
Anyone equating being Cis or Het with needing "inclusion" into the pride without having the bravery or willingness to be an ally is in serious need of education.

I don't have the spoons left to try it, please do take over with the ones that posted here or other places about how offended they were by this event.

Fannish (FreeFlier) (#1818)

Posted on: Thu May 21, 2015 7:57pm

Zebby (#1238)
Neutrois, Genderqueer is: