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A few breeding changes...

Site Update

Figured I would newspost this since it's important and I have something else to report to make a valid announcement.

Raised the price of Fertility Potions from 8 to 12 GP, because there's near 1/3 of LBC breedings assigned out with them used currently, and I feel that they need a price raise to compensate with the GP in the system. They seem very easy to get and are used really often, and artists are having a hard time keeping up.

Any future price changes will be announced, but please understand the change keeps up with demand and queue load.

Scratchcard coin wins no longer give out gold Breeding Coins, only Metal Breeding Coins now. This was not to give an unfair advantage to people or anything, it was simply because BCs were meant to be a donation/rare contest privilege... and we'd like to keep it that way.

If you want to comment on this newspost I'll leave it open, but please comment appropriately and don't be disrespectful. If you only intend to rant there are appropriate forums, but if you have constructive commentary you can voice it. Nothing we admins ever do is to directly hurt users or make the game impossible, it's always to balance it and make it fair with compromising and suggestions when needed.

Posted by Ash (#90) on Sat Aug 4, 2012 9:24pm

Comments: 77

Garai ♥ Nyxie (#4712)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:20pm

lol What's that? I can't spend 200k and get a BC now? Please people.. It was good while it lasted, I got 2 myself so that right there means to me that they were wayyyyy too accessible because I have 0 luck with this kinda stuff. An Fert Potions. Yea the breeding artists get paid to make babies but that doesn't mean that having a list of 10 pairs that all need 3 babies plus a love story plus artist pallets plus etc... Slows everything wayyyyyyyyy on down.

Ginny (#3661)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:29pm

So we're essentially putting even more MBCs into the system when last month, that particular queue moved forward about six days, slower than all other coins (excepting EBC which isn't being assigned), BC included. I'm not seeing how removing BCs from scartchcards and replacing them with MBCs is going to help the queues. If they were supposed to despense random coins in the first place, just change it to that.

Hikaru (#15577)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:32pm

Only thing that has me confused is this... The BC queue moved forward nearly a whole month. The MBC queue moved exactly 6 days forward in the same time period. ...How does making more MBCs available help the queue exactly? Won't it just make it WORSE? And now instead of using a fert. potion on an MBC breeding, people will use two MBCs, therefore instead of 3 babies you will now have to provide 4 babies. Am I just missing something here?

Empty (#1364)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:35pm

Well i at least got the privilige to enjoy both things before the changes. However putting MBCs to replace the BCs is not a wise solution. If this was an issue for BCs wouldnt it be for MBCs too soon? Its smarter to randomize the coins, even throw in some breeding add ons. Leave out BCs and PBCs if ya wanna keep pricey items hard to obtain. In my years in aywas i only once won a BC from a scratch card andthe rest were eaaily obtainble through hard work and saving when compared to.

Inu (#3296)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:40pm

Well, if it isn't random - even though it was supposed to be. Can we just change it to the random coin package item? That way there isn't an increase of any coin?

Nyke (#9756)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:43pm

I know I saw several people support the idea of making scratchcards give out random coins (excluding BC and PBC) which I support. I don't support the idea of handing out more derp coins (I don't like them/they're easily accessible to me) But I do like the potential for random coins (especially MBC/LBC/Holiday Coin/Half LBC) so if the trade off is three I like for chance at two I don't if chances are reasonable then good in my opinion.

I definitely understand the reasoning for the price changes and can support them. As for the fertility potion. I have to go post something in the suggestion thread.

Ganondorf (#4152)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:43pm

I had a thought. Instead of burdening any one queue with coins from the scratchcards, why not have it give out the item Random Breeding Coin instead? That way, although there's a chance it'd give out nicer coins, there's also an equal chance it'd give lesser coins, such as Radioactive, MBC, or Derp. And it's not exactly like winning the "random" coin from scratchcards is a common event, either. And if you wanted to keep the nicer coins rare... well, um, what MARC said. xD

LA's DarkFireWolf (#34528)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:50pm

Awww man, I have yet to use a fertility potion now I guess I won't ever be able to. I don't know where all this GP is coming from, cause I don't have much :|. I wished there was like away for the more poor folk to get this once in a while. I want to file for GP-wellfare/unemployment xD!

Shota 'n' IroNy (#19325)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:54pm

I also support randomising the coin so as to not load too many MBCs out there
And if at all possible, hiring more breeding artists :|

Eri & -- (#17)

Posted on: Sat Aug 4, 2012 11:54pm

If you guys have ideas for this, please post them in the Suggestions Forum. :3 - Eri