Recent News
Search Options ►T4T: Hair Today...
... But this lovely unisex hair won't be gone tomorrow!
In fact it will be available in Trash For Treasure until 11:59pm February 26th!
Make sure to pick up yours ^^
As a quick aside, I'll be tagging all custom item posts as "T4T:" from now on to make it easier
for everyone to search them out should they want to =)
Posted by Eve
(#2775) on Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:25am
Trivia & Weekly Raffle!
Site Update
This week's raffle winner is:
PedestrianWolf (#58002)
Who had 42 crystals out of 16,473 total and won a set of January 2015 GP Shop pets!
Next week's winner will receive...
A Bottomless Trunk!
Set a reminder to snag those crystals!
The trivia has been updated!
Last week's questions and answers revealed!
What is the current birthday Lunaris?
The two custom Xaocs being raffled are based on...
What is the name of Aywas' newest genus?
Which of the following is NOT a pet that Miksa just added to her shop?
Aurora Leopard Maki
Beep Beep Boop?
Cybernetic Bumble
Which of the following currencies cannot be used at the Metalsmithing shop?
crystal crystalis
Cosmos (#25837) recently created 3 owl items, all except...
This NPC is known as a "community helper."
The poll posted on January 18th asked about...
the news
If you're "Dreaming in Color," you used the...
Aurora Borealis
How many questions will you get correct this week?
Good luck!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:45pm
Raffle #80 has ended
Hybrid Package
Raptorgrrl (#50500) is the winner of the raffle and won the item Hybrid Package & Hybrid Pairing Pick!
Raptorgrrl (#50500) brought 1 tickets, spending 1 Radioactive Breeding Coin!
Posted by Kyu & Mauri
(#1010) on Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:43pm
Raffle #81 has ended
Hybrid Package
NyctiCorax (#1965) is the winner of the raffle and won the item Hybrid Package & Hybrid Pairing Pick!
NyctiCorax (#1965) brought 5 tickets, spending 5 Radioactive Breeding Coin!
Posted by Kyu & Mauri
(#1010) on Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:43pm
HA Colouring - Vote!
Please select your vote.
Posted by Eve
(#2775) on Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:00pm
New SCC artist!
Site Update
InvertSilhouette (#51851) has been added to our Official SCC artist listing (by way of the PBC team)!
Click here for more information on official SCC commissions!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:46pm
Art Gallery
The art gallery has been judged!
The theme was Dosk and/or Condyl* and we received a lot of gorgeous entries featuring our latest Raw pets (though the Dosk proved to be the most commonly done)!
Here are our featured winners:
They won:
The current theme is Puzzles!
Your task is to create or illustrate a puzzle game, a "puzzling" situation, etc. This one is very open to interpretation, and you can use any medium/material that you like.
Official Aywas stock is permitted for this theme.
Good luck!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:21pm
Raffle #83 has ended
Natural Hidden
We [A]re G[R]OOT (#409) is the winner of the raffle and won the item Natural Hidden!
We [A]re G[R]OOT (#409) brought 9,151 tickets, spending 9,151 Snowball!
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:47pm
Raffle #82 has ended
Rare Hidden
Bunne + MED = 3ever (#701) is the winner of the raffle and won the item Rare Hidden!
Bunne + MED = 3ever (#701) brought 444 tickets, spending 444,000 BP!
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:46pm
NaNo Prizes!
All prizes for NaNoWriMo 2014 have been issued!
If you have any questions or want your topic moved/deleted, contact Deja (#1163) if you had a public thread, and me (#17) if you had a private one.
Hooray for reading and writing! We hope you enjoy your goodies. n_n
Thank you!
- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:37pm