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Welcome to Valentine's Day Love Fest: Part II!
If you're on the hunt for Love Letters in Adventure, you might've already come across a few newcomers!

There are 14 new love-themed pets for you to collect throughout various Adventure regions (these pets are available in all Ay locations). To ensure you have enough time to capture these critters, they will be available through the end of the month, February 28th at 11:59 p.m.

Also, don't forget about your chance at some shinies with the Love, Aywas thread!

The annual Aywas love fest finale will be officially kicking off tomorrow (February 22nd), but here's a little preview of what's happening!
- we will host a handful of raffles, drawing winners on the 23rd.
- 24-hour stock of a few items in the Seasonal Shop, including Breedable Potions.
- as is tradition each year, there will be limited stock of some other highly coveted items too.
Limited Item Stock
Please note that I will not tell you price amounts, but I will tell you what items will be available, how many, and when. Fair warning, they will be expensive.
Times are listed with 5-minute timespans to account for the fact that I manually stock all of these items and could run into some lag. Times all occur on February 22nd.
Tier I: Metal Makers -- Quantity: 3 each

Metallic Starlight Bottle: 6:30-6:35 a.m. AST
Metal Trinket Box: 12:30-12:35 p.m. AST
Metallic Vion Seed: 6:30-6:35 p.m. AST
Tier II: Babbies -- Quantity: 2 each

Lesser Breeding Talisman: 8:30-8:35 a.m. AST
Speedy Breeding Ticket: 2:30-2:35 p.m. AST
Breeding Talisman: 8:30-8:35 p.m. AST
Tier III: Rare -- Quantity: 1 each

Magic Custom Trove: 11:30-11:35 a.m. AST
Xaoc Elixir: 5:30-5:35 p.m. AST
Dragon Lotus: 11:30-11:35 p.m. AST

Additionally, I will be gifting random online donation prizes throughout the day and giving our donation box some much-needed love. <3

Remember to spend all of your Love Letter Points in the Seasonal Shop by 11:59 p.m. on February 22nd. While you are free to keep Love Letter items in your inventory for as long as you wish, we do clear Valentine Points after the event is over, so you want to make sure you spend those--otherwise the database will happily devour them. Nomnom!

We hope you continue to enjoy the last days of our love fest!

- Eri
Posted by Eri & --
(#17) on Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:24pm
- Toxic
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:37pm
I know I won't be able to afford any of that limited tier stuff but good luck for anyone planning on sniping them!
- ChaosAzeroth
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:38pm
Candii (#1462)
All prices are points.
Toxic [Returns LLs] (#66093)
Me neither. x3 Good luck all. :3
- Revie (Inactive)
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:39pm
I saved up a fair few points so I'm hoping engagement rings show up again this year. Otherwise I'll just buy random things and gift them to people. xD
- skies
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:47pm
all the new pets are so pretty i love them <3
- Justbeingme
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:57pm
I do hope that i can afford the breeding potion and engagement ring if it's there this year! If not i am sure i can put my points to good use somehow.Good luck to all who are after those rare items! I am nowhere near the amount of points it takes for those and i will just drool over them like usual lol:)
- Candii💜
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:04pm
Xaoc Elixir TTATT *cries* If it costs GP I'll never afford it.
- Shadow Rose
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:13pm
For the next several hours, I'm going to pretend like my measly 200 or so love letters will get me a Xaoc Elixer....
- saturnine
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:16pm
Is the the last of the event then?
- OKami_hu
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:21pm
*sees exact times* *holds up hands* *gives up*
Posted on: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:36pm
Xaoc Elixir TTATT *cries* If it costs GP I'll never afford it.