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Holidays are coming...


Since it's taking forever and a day to get through the common holiday customs (Candy Cane and Orange), it's been decided that we're going to do them the old fashioned way - comparison and estimation - to empty the queues.

This means that any custom obtained from those queues from this post onward cannot be used as personal proof for further submission of those lines to normal queues.

We're hoping this will help buck the queues up a little and release several hundred customs back to people.

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:42am

Comments: 49

Loveless (#19023)

Posted on: Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:37am

Conium[treat4treat] (#39365) Eve did what she said she would do, she extended the deadline to let people get resubmissions in before the new deadline. If you waited until the last minute that is not her fault.

Conium (#39365)

Posted on: Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:31am

Actually I didn't put any in, so thanks for trying to deflect legit criticism onto personal blame, but it's not gonna work.

And guess what, these aren't just people who waited until the last minute, these are cases where eve said "hey resubmit this" and then got kicked again or even the first time. It's not that the player base isn't playing by the rules, but that the staff keep shifting the goalposts back. And guess what, this isn't the first time they've done it.

Just in recent history they've brought back rock crystals, great! But they didn't grandfather in the bases they SWORE would be usible with it from before. No warning, no grace period, just a straight up cash grab of "oops well you gotta buy a usd item for it now, lol!"

Also because they didn't "anticipate" (yeah right they knew how bad a deal the trade-in was and how many people wanted to keep the holiday pets around, they just had bias against the items) how many would come flooding in, now people can't use the rulings to make the pets the more expensive way. So, another broken promise there.

In fact let's look at their record: removing items from the BP shop (making the currency worth less and increasing the wealth gap), cutting features, and reducing or removing items because it all pretty much comes down to them going "but there's so much worrrrrrrrk", with a few things being on the uptick and a few fun events

Well yeah, guess what, work is hard and running a site requires a lot of it. I'm tired of them using it as an excuse to break promise after promise.

Issa (#804)

Posted on: Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:36pm

DrunkConquistador (#64472) okay I thought I understood this, thought someone's comment on p.4 was explaining it, but I wen't back to the newspost
and it said nothing about it just being for resubmissions? But yes, it was a 24th deadline and I think I'd appreciate a mod clarification here because I'm totally lost now. Like I said (and sorry for the repetition, I thought I understood but I don't) I had mine submitted that day, no doubt about it. Didn't think to take a screenshot because I didn't think this'd happen.

But yup, like you I got the same rejection. So I wonder if there was some mistakes made when rejecting? I'm not trying to be a pain in the butt to staff, I swear. I'm literally just confused. Like I said too, perhaps I did just misunderstand and the 24th was ONLY for resubmits? I think this might be my last try to getting an answer, too afraid of getting in trouble for perceived annoyingness.

Quit (#10084)

Posted on: Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:42pm

Ellory [Treating] (#804) - It wasn't only for resubmits (sorry if my post came across like that), but it offered an additional week for people to be able to get at least 1 more resubmit in before the cut off. That's essentially what I, myself, take from the post itself.

If you did submit it that day though, then you should've gotten the pet if the reason it being kicked was for "deadline".

Issa (#804)

Posted on: Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:45pm

Creek (#10084) no worries! Thanks for clarification though! I'm just an easily confused person :p I guess at this point it could just be a he-said/she-said thing, since I don't have literal proof other than my memory, and I can't imagine the people going through the queue screenshot everything either. I guess at least it was a blue design! At least these aren't items that make pets normal orbs/crystals cant make!

slothful (#64472)

Posted on: Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:55pm

Ellory [Treating] (#804)

not to unintentionally (just keeping to what i know based on my experience/what i read from not my own words aka news posts and stuff) keep kinda plastering the staff's approach to this (or answer questions in any case), I'm fairly certain I submitted stuff after the *first* deadline that I never submitted before. like on the 22nd or something. 21st at the earliest (I am a terrible procrastinator so I figured i was just screwed pre-deadline extension and didn't really bother trying until then.. i got a sudden vigor of 'hey maybe i actually can put use to at least a couple of these' ... iirc at least).

also i don't think you can get in trouble for being "annoying". it is more of a perceive notion that you are doing something wrong on your part (not to go all psychologist on you). Don't forfeit the notion of your right to know what's going on and for your *very* legit question to be answered. the bothersome effect of the non-answer is on the staff, not you. if you really want to know, i'd bite the bullet and pm a mod. they might not like it. but yeah, you can't get in trouble for it. and you have the right to know the truth/what's up. don't think otherwise just because being "annoying" is kinda embarassing. i mean. it really shouldn't be. but I totally feel a little awkward/ashamed when i'm annoying. but i'm not going stop being annoying if feel the cause justifies it. ya know what I mean?

also you might not have a screenshot of your custom submiission. but if you pm maybe add a screenie of the time date of your MDT (as i believe the finished date is there?). and hopefully they would take your word that you submitted it on the same day!

Conium[treat4treat] (#39365) i do understand where you are coming from but I just thought you should know the rock crystal wand thing for the past rock crystal bases is not a USD item (thank gawd, as i'm often cheap && i keep forgetting about the rock crystal bases and i love kirara's work! (osiem's work too. forgot about the bases then too lol)), it's just a more expensive item. still for BP though. or GP if you buy from usershops (if there are any in user shops). i can probably guarantee buying it from the BP shop directly would likely be the better deal though uwu;

Conium (#39365)

Posted on: Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:38pm

Oh, my mistake then! I swore it was a usd only item, like the other "you didn't get this thing on time, pay more to do it" ones. It's still a broken promise, but not a blatant cash grab

Loveless (#19023)

Posted on: Thu Nov 24, 2016 6:07am

Hmm I apologize, my post came off sounding rude.

Issa (#804)

Posted on: Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:13pm

Just wondering, did anything ever come of the confusion around this? :o