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Site Update
The moment you have all been waiting can now catch monsters as custom pets!

The first thing you will need to catch monsters is a Monster Certification, which acts like a skill item. When you obtain a Monster Certification, you apply it to your active pet to give that pet the skill to catch monsters as customs.

You may be well on your way to catching monsters if you have been keeping up on your museum collection of monsters (previously in the Adventure/Battledome features but ported over to the museum). You can view your collection of Ay and Ara monsters here in the museum.
When you collect one of each monster in Ay and Ara, the museum operator will give you a Monster License to use on your choice of pet. If you want to get started RIGHT NOW, or you don't want to collect monsters first, you can pick up a Monster License in the USD Shop for $10.00.

You can read about monster breeding and customs in their new Knowledge Base article. Note that we only have lines for a certain number of monsters, and no shading available, so if you want to use Recolor Potions on the monsters you capture, it would have to be the ones with source files available.
However, the userbase can alleviate the problem of having no source files by donating relines to this thread. When a reline is donated and accepted, everyone can start customizing the colors of that type of monster.

Speaking of Recolor Potions, because you'll be needing them for the monster release to customize your monsters' colors, we've decided to re-release them into the USD Shop for some pretty cheap prices. You can pick up a five pack of Recolor Potions for $8, or a ten pack for $12.
Posted by JAK
(#15) on Fri Mar 6, 2015 5:52pm
- Steph❣
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 5:55pm
But it's still cool! Thanks Slash!! <3
- KatieHeppelle
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 5:56pm
this looks cool cannot wait!!
- (N) -n- (M)
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 5:56pm
*adventuring intensifies* I actually stopped trying to collect monsters cause the feature seemed to go nowhere. So I have a lot of work to do! -nomad
- jaquel & kuya
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 5:56pm
This is all so amazing whoa
- CalamityFlames
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 6:01pm
i have been waiting for this moment!!!! :D
- bd84
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 6:02pm
So what about the monsters in the seasonal areas ? Will those be added in the future?
- Taysha
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 6:02pm
How do you "collect" a monster for your collection? How do you get this hidden skill thingy or is that required to collect them?
- Sadistic Kokoro
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 6:04pm
Holy shiza! Thank you so much slash!!!!! I plan to make good use of the 10-pack recolor potion...
- Lina (Hiatus)
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 6:07pm
Posted on: Fri Mar 6, 2015 5:54pm
More money....D: