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Posted by Eve
(#2775) on Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:20pm
- Kei 🎃
Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:31pm
Ooh man it's so close! Can't we have four sets this time? I love all the pretty mech-wolfies.
- Mostly gone
Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:11pm
Gwennafran (#22320) my issue with rainbow and pink are to bright is all and a lot of the rainbow ones I see now this will sound odd but I dont feel any love from the artist in them. all of these I feel love in them the artist had fun doing it. and this set feels actually like it is male and female to me.
- VampVixen
Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:24pm
Does there really have to be an argument over people voicing their opinions about rainbows... Lol
Or a debate or whatever it is :P
- MourningStar(Hiatus)
Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:44pm
don't just yell at the guys for not liking rainbows and girly things. I am a girl who doesn't much care for these things, and know plenty of other girls who don't much care for these things either.
And while rainbows may not appear as often as people say they do, it just seems like a 'standard' coloration to appear. That wouldn't be that bad, but I do agree with Lady Evelon when she says that there isn't any love from the artist in them.
To all the artists out there- not everyone will like your idea, you shouldn't expect them to, and you shouldn't be butt-hurt when the inevitable comes. I know it is a downer, but there are also plenty of people who DO like it. And finally, there is a difference between 'I hate rainbow' and 'rainbow isn't my first choice'. Don't mix the two; one is an insult, the other, while it might be insulting, isn't an attack on the artist.
- Eve
Posted on: Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:13am
I find it sad that people are equating using a rainbow palette as laziness - I know far more artists that loathe to use or shade a rainbow palette than use it, and find it quite difficult.
A "simple" palette doesn't denote an artist that is uncaring about their work, and I think if I or anyone else were to say the same about common colour schemes (orange and blue, black and red, to name two) or monotoned entries, then there would be quite a lot of angry users stating that it's unfair to say such a thing.
I think the problem is that when it comes to the HA contest a lot of negative remarks are seemingly made for the point of being antagonistic - especially in the case of rainbow and "masculine" complaints which appear without fail whether rainbow hasn't appeared, or if the set (or indeed the majority of bases in the vote) fall into an androgynous or masculine spectrum. It is therefore not surprising that a number of people do get tired of seeing these remarks as it becomes a matter of whether these things are avoided or embraced fully there are going to be complaints and snide remarks - and in fact it does drive down the amount of interest we get, meaning that there is a far less varied selection for me to present.
I personally am very worried at how few colouring submissions we get, barely scraping 4 pages most months when I used to have upwards of 8, and the only seeming correlative cause I have seen is how people behave in the comments of the polls.
- Mostly gone
Posted on: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:04pm
Eveglori (#2775) dont worry no matter what people say about my work if I am inspired by a base I will color it that month.
- Gwennafran
Posted on: Sun Mar 1, 2015 5:39am
Nevara & Blue (#19257)
Sorry for not posting before now. I got a cold, so I took a day off from long replies on the internet. ;)
First of all, I think our actual differences in this are very small. Just saying that before going any further. :)
Anyway, I have no problem with traditional gender roles, for those wanting to follow them, but I do have a problem with everyone being OK with displaying feminine things negatively all the time in the monthly contest.
That said, the whole concept of certain colours belonging to a certain gender is a highly "artificially created" cultural thing. 100 years ago, pink was a very masculine colour while baby blue was a clear feminine colour.
So yeah, I can absolutely agree gender assignment of colour is silly, but rainbows Today are still culturally considered either girly or gay. So when they're being dissed for being rainbows, it automatically falls under the constant heavy "anti-girl" mentality you see in these HA contest news-threads.
And to bring it back to my apology in my previous post... The reason I reacted so strongly, is because of the constant negative comment you see all the time. This just happened to be the day I snapped at a little thing, instead of waiting for the next big thing.
So yeah, again, I'm sorry that I snapped over a little thing, and used it to take out all my frustration over a general tendency, that people don't know if they haven't followed the news for a long time.
That said, if this really is people wanting diversity, why are you just attacking the rainbows? Even more common than the rainbows are the "nearly black set" that's almost there. How come there's no complaints about there always being a black or almost black set?
Based on more than a years worth of following these news posts, it's only the "girly colours" such as rainbow, pink and pastel that get complaints. The much more common black sets never get any hatred whatsoever.
Just... Food for thought...
PS. Pinging someone in the news threads works the same way as on the forum. It just looks different once posted. Type @userID
- Gwennafran
Posted on: Sun Mar 1, 2015 6:38am
Lady Evelon (#58780)
Honestly, sounds to me like your projecting your lack of love for rainbows to the artists making rainbow stuff.
I've tried making a few rainbow-themed items for my HA shop, and they are *hard* to do properly. Yet, at the same time, rainbows are a good way to start for beginning artists, that want to take their first steps towards non-monochrome sets, but don't quite feel secure enough to draw their own patterns yet. What you see as half-assed sets... Most likely are beginning artists having spent twice their usual amount of time on a coloration because they're stepping away from the basics. Why don't you go ahead and bash all the beginning artists for being lazy why you're at it?
In general, the rainbows that do make it to voting looks really well done for me. They're not necessarily my thing, but that don't mean they are "made without love".
And as said, I'm really sick of the general (constantly repeated) attitude in these news threads about it being OK to take down anything that dares to not be "masculine".
- Mostly gone
Posted on: Sun Mar 1, 2015 12:13pm
Gwennafran (#22320) I guess you don't understand I am not calling any of them lazy you are assuming I am. so I would appreciate it if you didn't attack me. there is nothing about being lazy and I voted for the feminine looking one so stop attaching that to me. what the feel no love means for me is that it feels like the artist on them did it because they thought it would win not because they would like it. if they like doing the rainbows fine let the rainbows in do them but I don't like seeing work that feels like they didn't enjoy doing it. so before assuming why not try asking what I mean. now I am done believe what you want.
Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:14am
The first one reminds me of The Matrix, I had to pick it.