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HA Colouring - Vote!


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7% [ 94 ]
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18% [ 253 ]
18% [ 254 ]

Posted by Eve (#2775) on Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:20pm

Comments: 41

VampVixen (#63444)

Posted on: Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:14pm

Darn the pretty blue and black one is in third. It needs to make second :(

Nevara & Blue[H] (#19257)

Posted on: Thu Feb 26, 2015 5:30pm

I don't think anyone was crying about there being rainbow. People were just voicing their opinions, agreeing, and have a civil conversation.


Mostly gone (#58780)

Posted on: Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:34pm

is it sad I prefure one that I didnt color? lol

slothful (#64472)

Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:33am

I think the thing that draws people to rainbow, bright, in your face, unusual coloured things regarding avatar stuff and so on is .. at least from my point of view, you can wear neutral colours in real life whenever you want. They could even look victorian and/or steampunky and you wouldn't be given the same looks if you were wearing rainbow anything that isn't a huge tie-dyed hippy-esque shirt. Or you might be called slurs. Or , the best case scenario is walking side show freak but no jabs from the peanut gallery. Even if it is just fashion snobs trashing one's duds for looking "weird". So yeah, while I can see how rainbows can be annoying after awhile if you they don't float your boat. But until I or ANYBODY, regardless of sex and/or gender, can wear fuzzy rainbow leg warmers or rainbow boa-like fuzzy scarf things), then screw neutral on the internet (though all the colourings are lovely!). I want over the top and crazy and something akin to more of a punch to the face.. or eye.. whatever. Bring it on! haha. Normal/neutral of course isn't so normal with the clothing design and odd animal design within this certain contest. or it is not like people will go around dressed as actual kirins. (besides you'd just be called a goat thingy (furry) / furry stuff (not furry)). Regardless, I don't see the huge problem with rainbows. If something is "overdone" it has to go beyond the realms of the interwebs in my opinion. That being said, I don't care that there is not rainbows either. I say let the voters decide in the end. If a rainbow option wins a lot maybe there are rainbow fanatics out there are made happy by there and are/were making it happen. And if I read correctly, there are two other options chosen in the end? so that would leave two non-rainbow options. Non-rainbow has consistently beaten rainbow in essence. Sorry for the ramble. But there are always comments with contests at the end. That are either A) dissing/downplaying a winner or B) making someone not chosen to be in the voting process. or whom did not win in the end, feel even more like a loser. Which doesn't like a very fun position to be in. At least when you are a winner you kinda won so you have that going for you! Comments about being sad something wasn't chosen are more neutral and don't bother me. The one I saw here about a broken glass one was written well too. As they weren't like , it should have been picked as the voting process 9 over something that was indeed picked. So all in all, the conversation, while pretty civil on the outside, could still hurt people in the end. Whether or not one likes rainbows or not is irrelevant to this. All in all, only one comment made me sort of get uncomfortable. But I don't want to crucify anyone in particular so I'll let that go.I admit I can be a little bit of a bleeding heart though. Not everyone will take such comments to heart. Maybe no one in this particular case would. But you just never know. So I tend to support more proactive, positive reinforcement type things. or I try to at least. I am only human. As is anyone here. I just thought it wouldn't hurt to give my two cents. As I am looking at this from "newbie" eyes. So sorry for the second part/ramble 'cause I kinda switched gears suddenly haha. The types of comments I am against are nothing new. I know, I know. I just feel like I can say something here and it won't be drowned in T - 5 seconds, so I jumped on it, haha. As it something that always unnerved me kinda. As these type of sites refer to the userbase as a community. And that is only relevant to me feeling it is ok to do the "hey, guys, c'mon" thing and not feel like a complete and total dweeb. xD (Not that I don't think people shouldn't have opinions. But, I personally think, sometimes certain things should be worded carefully or just left unsaid /shrug. There are so many things I wish I worded differently you have no idea so I can't really judge in the end. Like I hope I worded this ok. I tried to be extra careful... but it also pretty late my time zone. I can only try so hard ...haha)

slothful (#64472)

Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:34am

crap. I didn't realize I didn't to make a space between paragraphs *facepalm* (why no edit button? D: )

See Profile, moved (#23326)

Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:46am

That is a huge post from the phone XD I bet on the computer it isn't nearly as big as my iPhone makes it out to be, lol.

Gwennafran (#22320)

Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:47am

Lady Evelon (#58780) Nevara & Blue (#19257)
First of all: I'm sorry for over-reacting at this particular "anti rainbow" discussion. My reaction basically comes down to constant micro-aggressions against "all things girly" in almost every single news thread regarding the monthly HA contest.

I guess I just wasn't prepared to see this many anti-rainbow statements in the one instant where the set was very clearly traditionally male, and all the colouring options also are very suitable for people liking traditionally male stuff. So it acted as a sort of final straw, even though this anti-rainbow discussion is a lot nicer than a lot of the comments often made in the base voting threads.

Thing is, I don't think we've had a single month over the last 1½ year, where there hasn't been "anti-girly" comments at some point. In themselves, they don't seem so bad. They're micro-aggressions. Really tiny stabs.

Comments such as these just builds up over time:

- So nice to see a month without any rainbows.
- I'm so happy we for once got a non-girly set winning.
- All of these bases are girly. :(
- Ugh! Pastel winning again?
- Yay! Finally something I can wear. Girly stuff always wins.
- Figures the pink set is doing well. Guess that one less set to buy.
- Rainbows again?!? D:
- Why are there never any male bases winning? (bonus points if said after a month where a traditionally male base just has won)

What they all amount up to, is that "girly things are bad and undesirable". Aywas's user base is filled with horrible people for liking these inferior things. Only traditionally male sets are good enough, as they are superior to girly stuff.
And like said, this happens in almost every single news thread for the monthly contest. Constant stabs at how girly stuff is undesired and unwanted, and always wins! (even if there's an equal amount of traditionally male and traditionally female sets winning).
How dare we like girly stuff on a sparkle-dog site with a female majority of users?

I'm just sick and tired of constantly hearing how girly stuff isn't good enough, and there never can be enough male stuff, unless it's all there is.
This really shouldn't be happening at a place like Aywas.

See Profile, moved (#23326)

Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:56am

Nicely put Gwen, I don't really care which color set wins in the majority. I still hardly use my HA, I don't use it on the forums I only put it on show on my profile even though I know others can still generally see it, I guess.

Nevara & Blue[H] (#19257)

Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:16am

Gwennafran (#22320)

I understand the want for equality and making women equal, but if you want to go even deeper and eliminate gender roles, then rainbows aren't really a "girly thing". I know a lot of people aren't looking at it that way, but I think you can agree that attaching a color or palette to a gender and saying it's synonymous and representative of them is ridiculous. That would probably be where my problem with this stands.

However, that doesn't mean people are not allowed to like rainbow. Yes, it's upsetting that some people's reasoning for that is that it's "girly" and that "masculine things are better". Though, I think some people were saying they don't like rainbow, just because they don't like rainbow, and that they have a preference for masculine things. There's a difference between the two statements, and I didn't see anyone saying, at least in this comment section, that "boy things are better than girl things". I didn't even see it implied. I just saw people saying they were tired of rainbow BECAUSE they'd seen a lot of rainbow in the recent history of coloring contests. Yes, there has been a lot, and I could see the want for diversity.

That doesn't mean that you don't have a valid point though, and I'm not doubting that this type of slamming has happened elsewhere, I just didn't see it in this thread. It does happen though, people absolutely say that "boy" themes items are better than "girl" themed items. I don't think that was the case here though, unless I'm missing a comment, which is completely possible xD.

Nevara & Blue[H] (#19257)

Posted on: Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:17am

@Lady Evelon (#58780)
forgot the ping