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Posted by Eve
(#2775) on Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:20pm
- Raru [Quitting]
Posted on: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:32pm
It's not that rainbows suck, but it seems like EVERY TIME there's a coloration contest like this, there's always a rainbow option and it gets old. There is more you can do than just rainbows. It's refreshing not to find a rainbow option this time.
- Eve
Posted on: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:07pm
There's several users who do rainbow well, and in a way that compliments the base - and there are a lot of people who enjoy rainbow colourations. If it's done well, it's going to go through I'm afraid - I refuse to discount good colourations because a minority of users don't like it =)
- Valice & Fenris
Posted on: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:46pm
Eh I gotta agree, Rainbow gets old, especially for male users like us. We do not have a thing against it, and it is very well done, but I honestly cannot remember where there was not a Rainbow in the voting. Now as for this voting, I really love the last one, it has a Elven feel kinda coloration & I love it!
- Monty the Mossy
Posted on: Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:59am
I don't see the honest issue here with rainbow. Only 3 of the coloration votes have had a rainbow option. The Kirin Unitaur (Jan '15), the other Kirin one (March '14), and technically the Wanderer set (Oct '14). I think they've been quite well spaced from each other :/
- Unidra
Posted on: Thu Feb 26, 2015 5:03am
I don't know which one to vote for. They're all really good.
- Owlcatpup
Posted on: Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:13am
Honestly I love the rainbow colors. This is a sparkledog site, give me the gaudiest, sparkliest option available. It's not like there won't be two others for people who don't like rainbows to get.
- Gwennafran
Posted on: Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:32am
I generally only wear light blue or dark purple colours. Yet, you don't see me crying every time those colours don't appear on a winning set. I just don't buy a set unless I want it.
I really think people need to stop complaining about "OMG girly colours!!!11!!" Not to mention girly sets.
Aywas's vast majority of users identify as female. Sometimes this will be reflected in their votes. In fact, it's pretty amazing that there's about as many traditionally masculine sets winning as there are traditionally female.
The best way to get something done that you'd really like, is to do it yourself. The next best way - in case your not an artist - is to give cool suggestions about what you'd like to see to see. Rather than crying about what you want to avoid, try to give cool suggestions in the contest threads about what could be done.
When the basing contest is announced in the news, maybe try to suggest a cool set you'd like to see done. When the colouring thread is announced, try giving a suggestion to a sort of colour theme you'd like to see (and yes, artists have been known to follow up on this if they too think it's a good idea).
Giving suggestions about what you'd like to see done, is a lot more positive and constructive than whining about things you don't like.
- Kobli
Posted on: Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:29pm
These are all gorgeous! It's hard to choose D:
- Mostly gone
Posted on: Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:48pm
I dont get upset when the rainbow makes it in I am just happy to see something diffrent is all.
and I am an artist and I did do it myself.
Posted on: Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:27pm
I really like the second one down! Like, it's hella cool, look at it! It feels kinda Earthen and natural, just what any pet owner would want to wear while adventuring!