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Art Usage Reminder

Site Update

It would benefit our community to go over a couple of art courtesy guidelines:

- Please don't provide other people's customs (without their permission) as examples for commissions, GCC requests, breedings, etc. If you are an artist and shown a custom as an example and don't see that custom in your commissioner's lair, ask the commissioner for proof that the owner permitted it as an example.

- Please don't provide specific images or artwork you do not own (without permission) as examples for commissions, GCC requests, breedings, etc. Using these as "inspiration" is becoming an issue because artists are being encouraged to copy these images. Instead, give the artist some description of your idea, keywords to look up on google, provide your own drawings, or stock images that have the appropriate permissions.

- You can easily generate a color palette from an image you like by using this site so providing an image for a color palette should not be necessary. This site also provides palettes for your use.

- Do not save custom images and upload them to outside websites if you don't own the custom in question on your account, or you are not the artist of the custom in question. This is becoming a problem for custom owners and artists who don't like seeing their work uploaded to Dropboxes or image hosting sites by people they either do not know, or do not want to "save" their customs or display them.

Showing courtesy to your fellow user and artist is important when it comes to a community like this running smoothly, so please keep these guidelines in mind for the future.

Posted by JAK (#15) on Sun Jan 11, 2015 4:20pm

Comments: 45

itzel (#50548)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:25pm

so wait, can we still link images for like an aestethic/theme thing, or has that been tossed out? i personally always find it easier to do things when i have an image/images linked that show what the person in question wants- it's not that i'll be copying the design, but using it as a kind of thematic reference for what i do?

and now linking images for palettes isn't allowed? it says this in the kb about plbcs-

"Limit your "Theme" description to a maximum of ten words and a maximum of one reference picture. This is not a commission, so please do not be overly descriptive. If the artist wants more detail from you, the artist is free to contact you directly to request more. Themes that are overly detailed or that violate this rule will be refunded. "

...with the word reference picture included.
i always thought thematic references were okay...?

Ethy (busy) (#52406)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:27pm

What if it's not used by anyone? Like say, unchosen colorings from any of the SCC coloring threads? :o

Starye (#23716)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:35pm

Basically, it's summed up in "don't use someone else's art/customs as a reference without permission". You can still link a picture if you want. But if you have a neat design style you like, find a good keyword search for it. It helps to prevent artists from feeling pressured into copying a custom since sometimes people do get upset when the 'inspiration' isn't followed almost exactly.

Inu (#45093)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:36pm

So does this mean I can no longer post a custom on Tumblr and ask who it belongs to or say it's amazing? ;-;

Kita🦊 (#3988)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:59pm

Ethy (bad wifi) (#52406)
I would assume that you would have to ask the user who created the coloration in that case since someone did still sit down and color it?

Kita🦊 (#3988)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:07pm

Hiiro (#755)
Reading the news post and your replies I'm confused? The news post says you can't use ANY images (which I would assume include inspiration folders?) unless you have permission from every artist, but your post says it's fine as long as it doesn't look too close?
Are we, or are we not allowed to link to images we did not make ourselves (other than stock images that are free to use)? For example, art from DA or tumblr?

itzel (#50548)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:18pm

i'm mostly curious as to why an inspiration folder isn't allowed but giving someone keywords to google is- both of those feel like the same thing to me--

for instance, i could either link an image gallery of some watercolor flowers, or put the keyword watercolor flowers for someone to google? literally the results will be the same?? i'm confused why one is okay and not the other.

Kita🦊 (#3988)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:29pm

Hiiro (#755)
Ok, that makes way more sense! Thank you for clarifying!
I just wanted to make sure since in my mind "art inspiration blog" can also mean a tumblr that just reblogs art from people (which would be a no-no for using as a reference if I read the post correctly).

Hiiro (#755)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:32pm

Kita & Riri (#3988)
Inspiration folders are different than what Kuri asked, which was an art inspiration blog (or even a website, like design seeds or colourlovers). An inspiration folder, for example, has no showing or linking or way of proving who owns the artwork. In those cases, you need permission of the owners to use those images.

Even if you use an inspiration blog or image, it needs the artist permission. It doesn't matter where the references come from. The only reason it sounded different is because Kuri mentioned an art blog, which (to my knowledge I could be wrong) generally has the artist information and permissions; or at least makes this information more easily found and obtained.

You shouldn't be using art from DA unless the artist gives you permission.

(also sorry for the multi-pings, this keyboard hates me)

Valyria (#509)

Posted on: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:34pm

Hiiro (#755) so linking adoptables that I've purchased is no longer ok...? There is a really confusing line between acceptable and not acceptable here e.e