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Site Update
Skills and Scarls
Starting February off, we have a number of new things for you to enjoy, including a new species obtained in a unique way through Adventure.
The Scarl is a pet you've seen before - there was a call for PSD files for it during the last weeks of January. It is a rare pet that is made with an item called a Mermaid's Purse.
This custom item allows you to make a 50% edited Scarl. But, it's different from other custom makers. Mermaid's Purse is account bound, which means it cannot be sold, traded, or given away (though the pet made from it can be).
You can also only have one on your account at a time, which means you need to make a Scarl before you obtain another Mermaid's Purse.
Mermaid's Purse are obtained through the "Hidden Item" hook of Adventure - you've probably seen it before, it goes like this:
If you come across a hidden item and obtain it, there's a small chance you'll get the custom making item along with it. But remember, if you already have one, you can't get another one until you use it!
Each pet is naturally born with a skill depending on its genus, and all pets have at least one natural skill. However, now you can obtain items to give your pets additional hidden item skills!
You can either buy the skill items at the Explore Shop for 6,500,000 BP each, or you can pick up a pack of four skills in the USD Shop for $15.00, depending on your preference.
Pets with all four hidden item skills will be able to pick up any hidden item they see, and will have a much higher chance of obtaining a Mermaid's Purse because you must successfully pick up the hidden item to have a chance at the custom maker.
The Edit Repository is what we are rolling out along with the Scarl release. This is a feature where artists can upload their FREE USE PSDs for custom pets (the only rule is that the PSD needs to be free. Any other rules can be indicated by the artist in the comments of the submission). Other users can download the PSDs, color them, and submit them to the custom queue.
Folks who were hired to create Scarl PSDs: please upload the designs you made to this new feature now. Other users will be able to enjoy them and start on submitting their Scarls right away. All designs paid for during that period will be automatically ruled Blue if not further edited by the player.
The repository will have a queue that is managed by multiple edit check trainees. They will mark whether a PSD is bronze, blue, gold, or silver for reference. When you turn in a repository custom pet that has not been edited further, indicate on your custom notes if the pet was ruled in the repository as that crystal to speed your service. (Please note that the customs department reserves the right to adjust the "color" of a repository PSD if a mistake is made, as these are our trainees.)
The repository is a neat feature that allows you to tag your PSDs with themes, and search by the themes, crystal color, and by pet genus.
Last (and admittedly forgotten), the experience gained per monster battle has been bumped up to about double what it was before. This month staff is going to be looking into the EXP curve of leveling and battling to make it more reasonable and fun to play.
We regret to inform you that the adventure recoders have dropped their project, so we will be working with adventure as it is.
We hope you enjoy the updates and look forward to the big February posts coming up later today and tomorrow!
Posted by JAK
(#15) on Sun Feb 1, 2015 4:40am
- Your Gayness
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 4:44am
Wow! That's awesome! ^.^
- Honey
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 4:48am
Sounds exciting :D
- Kwani & Kamorth
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 4:51am
Shame to hear about the overhaul being dropped after all this time, but by the looks of things you guys are doing your damnedest to fix the issues with the existing system and to be completely honest I personally would much prefer that anyway. All of this sounds super exciting and I recognize a fair few user suggestions in this post. Once again, thanks for being a site that actually listens to the players! That attitude is why I'm coming up on my fourth Aywaversary with no plans of slowing down.
- Cess
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 4:52am
wooooooooooooooooooooooo THAT'S what I call a new awesome adventure extension! *throws confetti* also love the fact that you can not sell it and there can only be one at a time. very nice idea :)
now all them complaining people about how you can't get any cool stuff without being an artist and/or have tons of money can finally shut up! yisssssss
- Shadow Rose
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 4:56am
Totally just bought the skill box for Rasputin! xD It's very entertaining to see a wingless pet "fly" up to get an item! I'm imagining him just suddenly and involuntarily levitating whenever there's an item nearby! Also, does it mention that you've gotten a mermaid's purse, or not? (How does one know when they've got a purse?)
- bd84
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 5:08am
I am so getting those skills, def come in handy for holiday times too for candy canes, and pumpkins!
- Kat&Luna
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 5:09am
Sounds awesome :D Really excited for it all! Gotta say, I had been wondering about the Mermaid's Purse and (hidden) skills. I'm also wondering when the kickstarter is gonna be announced. *whistles innocently* Hope I didn't just spoil anything for anyone ;) ^.^ ~Kat
- Starye
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 5:21am
Super excited for the Edit Repository. One slight thing: Might it be possible to default the Tag dropdown list on the page to an "All Tags" label?
- shiya
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 5:24am
Wooow! those are sweet news!
One question tho: what about those mix and match psds? can they be uplaoded to the Edit Repository too? I've seen a few of those around and I love them a lot!
Posted on: Sun Feb 1, 2015 4:43am
This sounds like fun! Why did I plan my trip abroad exactly now, again? x3