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Black Friday Warning

Site Update

This is a warning that the page for the Exotic Pot will be enabled, but you may not claim anything. If you attempt to claim a pet with the April Showers Exotic Egg, you will receive a temporary, one month ban from the site, the pet will be removed from your account, and your item will not be refunded. The link will not be provided in this post to ensure no one gets click happy before reading, but you're allowed to look but not touch if you already know where it is. 😊

Posted by Mayday Marie (#11) on Sun Nov 15, 2020 8:27pm

Comments: 18

vladthebad (#8672)

Posted on: Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:57am

Will additional items be added to the USD, GP, BP shops this sale? Just wondering whether any of the breeding coins will make a brief reappearance, or not.

Lacia (#25044)

Posted on: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:25am

Sinabon (#3168)
Please read the response to Coelacanis. It explains why the warning was necessary and having a forum preview wouldn't have changed the potential issue. Even if it may seem heavy-handed, we wanted to be upfront with what would happen if someone attempted to claim any pets since it would be severe.

vladthebad (#8672)
Yes, there will be additional items!

vladthebad (#8672)

Posted on: Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:30pm

Awesome, thank you! :) I was worried that I may have to splurge allllllll the money I plan in spending on GP, lol!

Sinabon (#3168)

Posted on: Mon Nov 23, 2020 12:07pm

Lacia (#25044)

I did read your response and thus responded. My statement stands, I still believe there are more professional and POSITIVE ways to announce information. My examples of other methods all still stand. It is clear now that the Aywas staff don't see anything wrong with how they speak to the community between the last mansion event and then this.

I have been away from the site arguably because popular artists on this site took 200$ USD commissions from me and I never received my art. Staff bounced me around to have the situation handled and was promised a response but was ghosted by all, even when i followed up. (just like many users were promised an explanation post after a staff member posted on the forums even they didn't know what was going on during the event)

I think with the last most 2 recent events here I have realized, not much has changed between the staff and users conversation whether it's one-on-one via mail, forums posts or news announcements.

I used to love this site and it's artists but while I left for personal reasons, I see only 33 users online here and vastly more on competitive sites. I see a drastically different approach to community interaction on those sites. Everyone is at home rn. Everyone is online rn and I see this site still with no change if anything less users online. I am a business woman and I will go where the population is and were the support of the site staff is positively present.

Maybe I'm too far removed from this site but if staff doesn't listen eventually, there won't be a community anymore to save.

Lacia (#25044)

Posted on: Mon Nov 23, 2020 12:40pm

Sinabon (#3168)
If you want, you can PM me about what you are referring to about your commission issue. I don't believe I've heard anything about a situation like that, unless you are speaking about something that happened back with older staff members.

As for the rest of your statement, it seems that this discussion is going in circles, so if you truly feel that any of the language used is malicious or inappropriate, you can always report it to the head admin, Kaiyo (#489).

Sinabon (#3168)

Posted on: Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:35pm

Lacia (#25044)
The two users under that at the time shared an account, neither are active on the site so there is nothing or so I have been told by the last staff member I spoke to about the situation at the beginning of this year when I last reached out. The person who originally was in charge was Eri and yes, this was a while ago like I stated and with other staff that I don't remember.

Also, please don't put words into my mouth when stating how I truly feel which is about professionalism and positive community interactions between staff and members. I stated my opinion of not only this post but past events as more examples. I don't think that is talking in circles but trying to have an open discussion instead of being told if you don't like it talk to someone else.

I will continue to speak to someone higher if you think it will do any good. I don't want to waste my time as I am not here to waste your's either.

Lacia (#25044)

Posted on: Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:46am

Sinabon (#3168)
If it was a while ago and with different staff members like Eri, it's unfair to bring it up as a slight against current staff. It's fine if you don't agree with what we've done, but going as far as to bring something like that up and then proceed to go on as you did seems less like you want a solution or understanding and more like you would like to vent.

If you think it was unprofessional, then it would be the same as you thinking it inappropriate for the situation, so no, I am not putting words in your mouth. The "discussion" began going in circles after I already addressed your concerns, and you went on into a tangent about things that didn't pertain to the topic of the warning and that we, the current staff, didn't have a hand in (i.e. your commission issue). I understand that people find it easy to paint the entirety of staff with the same brush, but that ultimately helps no one, not you and not us.

As I stated, you have the option to PM someone if you truly take issue with what happened, but let me be clear that someone not agreeing with you does not mean they are not listening to you. Since you value professionalism and have stated you don't want to waste anyone's time, I'm sure you can agree that there is no point in dragging this out further in comments on a news post, and that formally submitting your issues to the head admin to ensure she sees your concerns would be a better way to handle it.

Sinabon (#3168)

Posted on: Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:30pm

Lacia (#25044)

I appreciate a real response to me instead of "look at what I said to someone else" and "talk to someone else" after I went through the time of explaining my opinions.

Everything else I have to say will be sent directly to "someone" else who can help me.