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Breeding Update

Site Update

Little update on the breeding front. Kaiyo (and the rest of staff) have been being vague about my situation since it involved my health and some... less than ideal situations, and they didn't feel like it was their place to talk about it publicly. I appreciate that and I want to let you all know what's been going on.

I got behind on things in December of '16 when I had a work accident and ended up with brain swelling and a whole lot of not-fun stuff. I was almost caught up with everything last week. (Horray!)

Then on Friday I was in a 4 car collision. Been in the hospital, Kyu updated staff for me on what was going on, and now I'm back home in a neck brace and a whole lot of pain.

Basically the last two years for Mauri can be summarized by this:
2016 - "I threw so much bad luck and crap at Mauri I win."
2017 - "Hold my beer."

So don't touch me, I'm apparently cursed. |:

On the good news of things, besides 2 lists and a chunk of breedings that need mistakes fixed prior to finalizing I'm basically caught up on everything breeding-side, minus my inbox. Additionally we're working on ruling Breeding Mistakes 5.0 and will soon send those rulings out and get all that stuff worked on asap.

I've also trained someone to help with MBC and Derps, and am training someone to help with RBC. I want to divide and conquer so that the cruddy situations of a single person don't take down an entire feature for a period of time. That's been in the works for 3 months now, thank goodness.

I am in the need for some more helpers but that will need to wait until I can focus on my screen enough to respond to people. In the meantime, if you know how to edit % check pets feel free to send me an email to [email protected] if you're interested in volunteering some help with some breeding-stuff in the future. Include your username and ID. Note: My responses may be sporadic or delayed for the next week or so.

I love you all and I'm sorry things have been a bit cruddy the past few months. We had started training people to avoid just this and unfortunately my life went to shit twice in the process before our trainees were ready. <3

- Mauri

Posted by Kyu & Mauri (#1010) on Sun Feb 5, 2017 2:37pm

Comments: 62

Carni (#12344)

Posted on: Mon Feb 6, 2017 4:06am

Get well soon! And thank you for stepping up and telling us what's going on! There's a saying in germany: "It can't always rain" - so even if it does seem like you are cursed: You're not, there will be better times, don't give up just yet because it keeps on raining and raining. ;)

*JACKAL* (#34396)

Posted on: Mon Feb 6, 2017 6:12am

Big Big hugs! xoxo

Babyball (#62232)

Posted on: Mon Feb 6, 2017 9:22am

Oh my gosh, I hope you get feeling better soon!

Typhlosion (#48841)

Posted on: Mon Feb 6, 2017 9:27am

I'm sorry, that's a whole lot of shit for one year! Get feeling better!

Arinaya Rutherford (#34865)

Posted on: Mon Feb 6, 2017 9:30am

Well... Damn! Hope 2017 is better for you!

slothful (#64472)

Posted on: Mon Feb 6, 2017 12:15pm

I'm reading all this and all I can think is, if you are American, I hope your insurance is better than mine. I have such crap insurance right now that makes everything difficult and charges me $2k+ for a 3 month supply of a medicine that does wonders for me and i have to fight to get insurance to pay just a little bit for out of network doctors because there is such a small pool of doctors (many with mixed reviews) in network... and talking to the out of network doctors whom tend to to take few to no insurance i don't blame them as insurance companies are just as much of a butt to doctors as patients. omg.

and your things of car accidents and pain and brain swell + dealing witth insurance i can't even imagine the horror... so yeah.. hoping "work accident" means work took care of it and the car accident wasn't your fault (though the insurance of the one at fault could very well be a turd nugget in regards to paying for damages beyond the car repairs/compensation (if totaled))...

or at least i hope you have a family member (like a parent or sibling) to take care of insurance things while you recover...

*looks at i wrote* did i mention i hate insurance companies to the point every time i hear of injuries and diagnoses my mind wonders to horrific places involves those b*st*rds. Only thing worse is perhaps pharmaceutical companies. which is quite ironic as they are supposed to be the driving forces to better health and cures of things. too bad they want your soul in return ._.

Or course, if you are not American, i have no idea how your country works, but it would at least have some positives over American insurance unless you are wealthy enough to just be able to get what you want (in the US).

In any case, best wishes for a safe recovery! I might email eventually about edit percentage things (like crystal check right) as i try to do my own crystal check and then submit it and see how close i am. i've only been right a couple times though (however i've typically only been a few percentage points off regarding those i was "wrong" with so i want to practice more crystal checking before i feel confident enough to volunteer. I'd really like to though... as crystal check/ checking edit percentages is the only thing i think i'd ever be confident volunteering with. my people skills are crud unless irl/in person. ^^; )

August (#14735)

Posted on: Mon Feb 6, 2017 2:10pm

I hope you feel better soon! D=

Sans (#75238)

Posted on: Mon Feb 6, 2017 5:01pm

Ooo boy, you've been much, and there I was, complaining about how bad mine was! You get better ok? Worry more about your health than this site, we are all understanding!

Aria (#330)

Posted on: Mon Feb 6, 2017 8:42pm

Holy Heck, Mauri. Feel Better. 2017 seems to have taken the 'hold my beer' attitude to so many people, and it needs to go EFF OFF.

lainey_lane03 (#62796)

Posted on: Tue Feb 7, 2017 1:31pm

Feel better <3