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Black Friday PSDs Warning

Site Update


Hi folks! Just wanted to remind you all that with the Mayday Teos coming up, the page hosting the PSDs of your Black Friday Teos and Fauxes will be wiped soon. If you haven't downloaded your PSDs yet, please do so as soon as possible. Remember, with the fancy new system you can attach your downloaded PSDs directly to the corresponding pets. We highly suggest you do so to avoid any PSDs getting lost.

Click here to visit the claimed pets page

You have until Friday, April 29th at 11:59 pm AST to download your PSDs. After that, we'll clear the page to make room for the PSDs of the new arrivals.

And if you're looking for the PSD of any of your other Teos, don't forget that we have a handy KB article to help you with that! *wink*

- Marjo (#5741)

Posted by 🐼Kaiyo🐼 (#489) on Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:52pm

Comments: 30

Marjo (#5741)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:46pm

Spectre (#72083) It's a good habit to always ask for the pet's PSD, because they're used for breeding purposes. Nearly all coins produce higher quality offspring if the parents' PSDs are available, and some coins even require the pet to have a working PSD. Furthermore, if you ever sell the pet, it not having its PSD could significantly decrease its worth.

Personally, I'd strongly suggest you to contact the original owners of your Fauxes asap and ask them to send you the PSDs.

Sunny (#41814)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:47pm

Oh, goodness gracious, so it is right there ... I must have not seen it! *blames her glasses* lol

Sparkler (#71366)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:50pm

Kat [Semi Hiatus] (#80) - It's just for the Black Friday Fauxes, normal Faux PSDs are probably going to last quite a while. I wouldn't worry about them ^-^

Sparkler (#71366)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:51pm

Or I think, someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

slothful (#64472)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:13pm

is there anyway to get mayday 2015 psds still? I bought one from someone and they never downloaded the psd apparently and I'm kinda freaking out as I paid a lot. I just didn't think someone wouldn't download it ;-; The KB article is basically like "welp. you're six months too late" and I'm all DDD: I'm just wondering if they are fetchable as the site had them at some point.. so...

slothful (#64472)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:14pm

Marjo (#5741) forgot to ping. above comment as my question ; w;

Spectre (#72083)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:15pm

Marjo (#5741) I have no idea who the creators are. I bought them with a faux net from the website.

Marjo (#5741)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:26pm

Kat [Semi Hiatus] (#80) Coryn (#71366) Please don't tell people they'll be there forever D= I don't believe we ever cleared the Faux Box's page so far, but that doesn't mean it will never happen. The same goes for the Snoodle Box. I even suspect it might be necessary at some point, but please don't quote me on that x3

Tequila Mockingbird (#64472) Those were wiped prior to the Black Friday 2015 sale starting, as explained in the KB article. So no, you can no longer get them through the site, although you can still try contacting the original artist.

Spectre (#72083) If you used the Faux Net yourself, then you can fetch them from the claimed pets page for the Faux Box. Using an item to buy a custom from the site is generally referred to as "claiming", and not "buying", by the way ;) ("buying" usually refers to purchasing a pet from another user).

slothful (#64472)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:17pm

Marjo (#5741)

Oh.. Kinda bogus as there was never really a warning regarding MayDay 2015 psds (I looked at the october/november news posts and saw nothing (maybe i missed it, but if so it wasn't in a newposts like this at the very least), nor does the person who sold me the teo remember any warning regarding this. But I guess what is done is done. I don't really understand though why they weren't added to site hardrive just in case. I just am having a hard time wrapping my head around the site having the psds and then completely ditching them. as for as long as i knew, people could submit psds to the site. so it just makes sense to me that the site should store psds they have even if not prompted by the first owner. its not like anyone but the owner of a gen one is allowed to request gen one psds in the fetch thread anyways.. this would help protect people from mishaps like mine. just a thought. while in my case, there was no purposeful lack of psd, but idk ... i feel like i fell in an accidental trap. i generally know not to assume a psd is in existence.. but i never really thought someone wouldn't download it. and there was no warning to let the previous owner know that they were going (nor was there a warning at all that they'd be wiped for good). it just happened sorta happened and /now/ we know (though maybe it said in the KB article but as you mentioned it here, there probably have been enough questions to show many don't think to look for it). And this solution of sorts is just a tiny thing that would potentially be very helpful. So I just kinda figured it would be worth a shot mentioning it. /shrug

Spectre (#72083)

Posted on: Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:58pm

Marjo (#5741) thanks! I downloaded the psds and put them into a file on my computer. That way, if I ever want to breed them I can.