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Fancy Gold Coins & Save Point!

Site Update


You may now purchase Fancy Gold Coins for BP from the Explore Shop. Multi-item purchasing has been enabled for this item only, and note that you can purchase up to 25 at a time.

(Note that we are looking into expanding multi-item purchasing in the future, but need to address our overall shop system first. :3 We'll see how this goes and hope you like the capability!)


The Save Point item has also been activated!
You can use this item on any pet you own (not necessarily your active pet, as it prompts you to enter in a pet ID). Using this item on a pet you own will prevent you from being able to use morphing potions on it, and Rogue's zapping feature will not be accessible when the pet is active.


Are you sure you want to use Save Point on Ploof N' Foof the Male Custom Melo (#149999)?
Eri: Yes I am! Let's do this!
Ploof: *sweats despite being a statue*

Ploof N' Foof the Male Custom Melo (#149999) has successfully been locked.
Eri: Hooray! It worked!
Ploof: *sigh of relief*
Eri: Now let's test this out and see if anything bad happens to you. 8D
Ploof: ....

Yes, Ploof is a custom pet of ours that I did indeed test the Save Point out on, and he made it through everything safely. :3


The Seasonal Shop remains open through September 25th at 11:59 p.m.

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:02pm

Comments: 54

DarkBlade Moonstar (#61678)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:24pm

You can SOMETIMES get BP quickly in the Rainforest, I'm told, though that advice does nothing for newer users still struggling through bridge quests.

ChaosAzeroth (#43055)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:31pm

Arctic. I get more there than the rainforest and pretty sure it's open to all.

Marjo (#5741)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:36pm

DarkBlade (#61678) Well, if they'd make it so you can make BP quickly right of the bat, then BP would devalue even faster than it does right now. It has to require /some/ effort, after all =) And the BP-making in the rainforest is pretty consistent, it's not like sometimes it's profitable and sometimes it's not (trust me, I spend a lot of time in there =p). If you're struggling with the quests, especially if you're new here, I suggest you go look around the giveaway forums. People often offer free help to newer users, for example by giving them a high level adventure pet (if you need one of those, let me know and I'll toss one or two your way). I went from the bridge to the rainforest in just a few days, so I'm sure you'll be able to reach it pretty soon as well =)

Justice Bunny (#51476)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:32pm

Zel & Derek & Darsh (#43): DarkBlade has someone helping her (me and a couple of my friends), but some of the point that she was making is that your advice is only realistically helpful for people who have unlocked the higher explore areas. I get it: you thought you were making a fair price based on forum prices (which I personally find an odd choice since the shop search feature would make more sense to me) and you personally feel that the price is fair. I do understand that; however, I also think it kind of stinks. Even with the premium discount, 9k per ONE gold coin is absurd.

I actually thought I was doing fairly well with my 602 coins that I made in Verdant Vsle until the shop opened and I realized that it is not nearly enough for the things I want to purchase. Heck, this is the first event besides Moshe's which was actually pretty heavily biased toward people actually being able to purchase all of the things they wanted (which was awesome) where I was actually excited at the amount of seasonal shop currency I had managed to collect, so the overall cost of items was a big let down. I didn't let the disappointment keep me down for long, because Eri and Dew said that coins would be available to purchase for BP. I have put off buying anything waiting to find out how much they were going to cost and when I saw the price? I closed the tab to avoid yelling at someone since yelling does no good.

Here's my problem with the solution and even the advice that you offered: you assume that someone has the time and resources available to unlock 6 explore areas (DB is almost finished with the Bridge but VV took precedence) in the time left to purchase items from the explore shop. Even in my desperation to open all the areas when I joined a year ago, it took me a lot more than a week to get that far, and my love does not have near the obsession with completing all the things that I do. You also assume that the rainforest works the same for everyone. While it is completely possible to make a lot of coins there, it doesn't always work for me. The Enchanted Forest and a couple of others actually prove to be more lucrative for me.

When all is said and done, I do understand that it was your event and your decision. The fact that I think you made a decision unfairly (because while making the coins available for less MIGHT devalue the market on the forum, there is absolutely ZERO guarantee that the forum market will be maintained. The people who were purchasing the coins at higher rates were likely impatient to finish things or had the amount of BP or GP on hand to make those purchases which is swell for them, but that is not true for everyone) makes no real difference; however, this time I do feel it important to make the points I have made.

I will do what I can to make enough BP for both of us to be able to purchase what we want and for me to be able to buy the September pets in the BP shop before they go away in between all of the real life activities I need to be doing. If I don't manage to get everything I want, I'll kvetch about it to DB or someone else and I'll move on with my life because, as the old song goes, you can't always get what you want; I'll also be wondering why someone who went to a lot of effort to make an event for everyone to enjoy decided that the forum market was more important than people being able to get the really awesome items from the event.

I know this is long, but I sometimes find myself becoming really frustrated with the "I can do it, so everyone else should be able to" mentality that seems to pervade a lot of the comments on posts when people offer frustration or complaint at being unable to get what they worked at trying to achieve. It is GREAT that people are able to do the things they can do; I do not begrudge them that fact at all. What I do find incredibly frustrating is comments like "work a little harder and you can do it, too" or "well, if I can do it, then why can't you" or the underlying lack of empathy. Sometimes people make comments about something not because they necessarily want a change, but because they want their voices to be heard and they want to feel like someone cares. Maybe keep that in mind before just hopping to the type of rationale you used today and think about how not everyone achieves things at the same rate and how there is better community building in understanding and empathy than in "just try harder" type responses.

Dar & Zel (#43)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:39pm

Justice Bunny (#51476) - Now, I'm unsure why you're unloading on me in regards to DarkBlade's post as I never said a word to them, but I suppose that's beside the point.

At the time, shop search prices were -higher- than the forum prices, so I based the coin prices on the lower one to try to make things easier.

I understand that you feel the price is high, but as I'd said earlier, there are reasons for it. And I am absolutely certain that if the prices had been lower, the forum and shop search values for coins would have plummeted. A plummet in prices would have made everything in the shop nigh on worthless. Already, you can get the Tamer's Companions(a 50% editable custom maker)for 2GP. I can only imagine how more devalued they would have been if the coins were significantly cheaper.

Rainforest DOES work the same for everyone. The chances of getting BP are exactly the same across the board. It is entirely luck based as to which events show up. And, as others have said, the Arctic is also an area with high BP yield(and I believe it's open for everyone without having to master other areas).

I personally believe I made the most fair decision that I could. Yes, the coins are spendy. But it would have been more unfair to price them much lower because that would have completely taken any value out of nearly everything related to the event.

I don't appreciate the personal jabs at my person in some of these paragraphs. My decision was not about saying that forum value was more important that people's enjoyment of the event(and frankly, I'm a little offended at the implication). The decision was about maintaining some semblance of value. Already, everything is pretty gosh danged cheap and easily attainable. I apologize that I may have differing views on this, I understand that it's frustrating.

It's not a lack of empathy, at least, that's not how I have ever intended my comments. It's encouragement to keep trying. Aywas events are based on rewarding people who are able to put in the time and effort to really work the events. I know this can be extremely frustrating if you have limited time(I only had about one and a half days to explore for -my own- event), but it's the fairest way to do it. The benefits/rewards for an event scale to the amount of effort a person can put in to the event. I tried making my event a little easier, giving ways to get free items(the story and quests and museum collections), as well as giving a method to get coins if you can't spend a lot of time exploring during the event. I did the best I could within the aywas framework while still attempting to maintain some form of value to the shop items. I apologize if my decision do not suit what you might have done had you been given control, but I do stand by the decisions that I made.

I do ask, however, that if you have anything else to say to me, to please take it to PMs. I see no point in publicly airing negativity after something is over and done with, and there's no changes I could make without being excessively unfair to everyone else.

DarkBlade Moonstar (#61678)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:44pm

Chaos Azeroth, Arctic isn't open to everyone. My Locations page shows I can access the Bridge. Arctic looks to be one level after Rainforest, if it goes left to right.

Marjo, you got it in a few DAYS? o.O Even with a better explore pet, that much time didn't even get me out of the Bridge.

Marjo (#5741)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:47pm

Justice Bunny (#51476) GP prices are in general more stable than BP prices, and since you couldn't sell the coins for GP through the shops (since, well, you can't price things for 1/50 GP), it makes perfect sense to me that things were based on the forums. As I said, the coins cost /exactly/ the amount I had expected them to cost, so to me they don't seem to be priced outrageously high. If events were meant to be made so everyone could buy "everything they want", then it would be pointless to have them. You might just as well give everything out for free. And then everyone would get bored with the site very, very quickly.

To me, the fun of the event comes from putting in some work and being rewarded afterwards. In this case: adventuring a lot and being able to buy awesome items afterwards. Some of the items in there /should/ be pricey! A custom maker with 2 unique linearts, a save point (which is worth 5 GP, no matter how you look at it), ... Those are things that, imho, should be pricey because they're awesome and valuable.

I respect your opinion, and I'm not trying to say you're wrong and I'm right, let's be clear on that. But I find it a pity that Darsh went through all this trouble to give us an event, and several people can only complain about how they can't get everything they want (which, again, is onlyt normal). I don't recall Darsh claiming that you can "unlock 6 explore areas in the time left to purchase items from the explore shop". They never said that, they just were kind enough to point out a way to make BP fast. You also say that they "assume that the rainforest works the same for everyone". That's not an assumption, it's a fact - why on earth would it work differently for different players? The only reason why it would "work differently" for you, is that it's slower because you have a slower laptop/browser/internet connection/whatever, and the site (or Darsh) can hardly be blamed for that.

I don't intend to start an argument here, or to offend anyone, but I needed to get this of my chest. Posts like these tend to tick me off, because some people seem to feel that certain users on this site have some kind of unfair advantage over them, which they don't. They honestly, truly don't. And I feel incredibly bad for Darsh, because they spent a lot of time and money to create an awesome event for us, and asked for absolutely /nothing/ in return. You speak of a lack of empathy, but have you ever stopped to consider that perhaps they're not being unempatic (is that a word? =p), but rather are trying to help them by giving pointers about how they can still get the things they want, or how they can prepare for the next event? Personally, I'd rather have someone tell me "this is how I did it, there's no reason why you can't do it", than having them just say "aww, I feel sorry for you". Because while that last response might sound more like they care, I can learn absolutely nothing from it, and in the future I'd just find myself in the same situation over and over again.

Well, that's my opinion, at least - everyone can have their own. =)

On a happier note, Zel & Derek & Darsh (#43) I don't think I said this directly to you already, so I'll do it now: thank you so much for making this event happen and providing so many great goodies for us (my Teos thank you for the save point in particular). I really enjoyed this event, especially because there were some elements we'd never seen in an event before, like the story part. I hope there will be more event like these in the future <3

DarkBlade Moonstar (#61678)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:49pm

>.> Okay, so when I went to the Arctic it said I hadn't unlocked that area yet, which since I'm still on the Bridge makes sense, but I figured what the heck, two people have said they think it's open to everyone so I tried again and clicked through anyway and it works.

DarkBlade Moonstar (#61678)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:51pm

However, clicking on the Rainforest doesn't do anything except get me a red text alert that I can't go in there.

Marjo (#5741)

Posted on: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:57pm

Ah, it seems I was ninja'd by Darsh himself ^^'

DarkBlade (#61678) Absolutely! And I'm a broke person who can't buy GP and couldn't art her way out of a cardboard box, so no help from that angle =p The only "advantage" I had, was my Invisible Item Seer (IIS). It might be worth to look into buying one, so you can see what the merchants are trying to sell you - that might help for the item quests (and between you and me, you'll be SO happy to have one when the halloween and holiday events are here *wink*). And when you get a quest about taking x steps or seeing y pets/monsters, just watch a movie or an episode of a tv show in a different tab, and adventure in another. You'd be surprised at how fast those quests go by then ;) And make sure your pet isn't carrying a clover stone or broken mirror, I made that mistake a few times =p