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Baking up a new pet for the holidays!

Site Update


Ooh, something sure smells good!
Which one of you has been baking up a storm?! It smells like either cookies, cake, or some kind of sweet bread, and you should probably share with everyone. Or just me.


Hey, it looks like there's a trail of Kitty Flour leading right to... Chaos' Gourmet Cooking!

With the power of a Slashbot, Coffee, Fly and Rinny (#1115) have literally cooked us up a brand new pet! They have been waiting very patiently for this genus to be released, and we finally got the recipe down pat for this trio!

Without further ado, we are excited bring to you...


... the delicious Koaf!
(Click the image above to download the PSD.)

The Koaf is classified as a Rare genus and it has its very own set of custom makers!


There are four Koaf Pans to choose from--Metal, Bronze, Blue and Gold, all of which allow the corresponding edit limits you're used to. But how you obtain these items is half the fun!

Koaf Pans can be cooked up via the Chaos Gourmet Cooking feature, but there are a few extra special requirements that I'd like to go over with you! If you've tried to bake before, you should know that following the recipe perfectly is important--otherwise things can turn out a little interesting.

*Note* If you're not familiar with Gourmet Cooking, take care to click on the Let Me Pick a Recipe button. If you choose the standard Gourmet Cooking button, it will throw you into a random gourmet recipe, and you might get stuck if it's a difficult one.

Koaf Pan Cooking

- Each pan requires your pet to be at a certain cooking level before you can bake it! Metal is level 50, Bronze is level 100, Blue is level 200 and Gold is level 300.

- All pan recipes require a standard set of six ingredients, plus some colorful toppings. The six ingredients you will need for every pan are:


A Kitty Tray, Meowr Sugar, Paw Butter, Koaf Egg Carton, Kitty Flour, and Spice Bottle.

- The additional colorful toppings you need come in the form of Icing and Whisker Sprinkles. There are nine Purrfect Icing items and ten Whisker Sprinkle items of varying rarities. Metal Koaf Pans require the least amount of toppings and the lowest rarity items, with the Bronze and Blue requiring different toppings of higher rarities. For the Gold Koaf Pan, you will need every topping!


Above is Purrfect White Icing, Multi Whisker Sprinkles, and Purrfect Black Icing.

- All of the ingredients/equipment are set as standard food items or cooking tools, so you'll find them in normal game play and will probably even cook some up!

- Again, Koaf Pans are creatable via Gourmet Cooking, and we suggest choosing the Let Me Pick a Recipe option so you can elect to make one (if your pet has a high enough level).

*Disclaimer* You will see these items come up in regular cooking recipes, but you will also receive them from cooking. We know it'll be a bit difficult to come by these items at first (as it always is when we add new food items to the system), but things should even out after the items have time to work their way in. Don't forget to visit Zave's Food, use your Grocery Bag if you have one, etc., to help out with collecting food items. :3


One item that you won't run into during baking is the Curious Milk Jug.
This will function as a random potion for the Koaf--but we need some colorations first, don't we? :3
*Click here to go to the submission thread!*


We also have a shiny new Cat Cookie Cutter, which is not in the Koaf recipes, but you will see it come up in standard cooking in honor of the Koaf!

Now, get your aprons ready, and please thank Coffee, Fly and Rinny for making this adorable creature part of Aywas! <3


- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Sat Dec 7, 2013 5:39pm

Comments: 88

singingbadgerLLovesU (#30385)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 8:44pm

It's truly adorable and I plan to bake a whole TEENSY problem I'm seeing - I cook with 12 pets, ranging from level 60-odd up to over 2000. I just ran the lot, received 10 Koaf items (minimal duplications, at least)...and had to run through TWENTY-FIVE Amorphous Ingredients to cover the Koaf items demanded by the "regular" recipes. Is there any way to persuade Chaos NOT to call for Koaf items for standard fare - or at least, not quite so many? All twelve needed at least one - several needed FOUR or more, lol.

odin (#997)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 8:45pm

omg I want this pet.<3

Crispy (#2012)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 9:07pm


m e r u メル (#43508)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 9:27pm

Awe. Some. o3o

Bulbabooty (#50626)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 9:30pm

Well if only it wouldn't take forever to raise a pet to the right level, then scrape up the money for all of the items, I'd go for it. But just to make one would be so time-consuming and would run my BP wallet so dry that I'm not going to bother...

KatieHeppelle (#54322)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 9:39pm

omg i want one of these guys so bad! it reminds me of my chubby cat that died and how much she loved munching on bread weirdly >.< now im in tears

(chibi; see profile) (#124)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 9:49pm

Aaaaa these are the cutest items (and custom!) ever. I need to hoard all the keety things. =^^=

Toshi - ToT - (#40809)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 10:45pm

Lovely! I can wait to get all the necessary items to make my own Koaf!!! <3

Toshi - ToT - (#40809)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 10:46pm

Oops, I forgot to say "thank you" to the creators, so here is that now: Thank you very much for making this cute new pet!!!

NightWolf714 (#26967)

Posted on: Sat Dec 7, 2013 11:28pm

Awww, it's cute! <3